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I Shall Call It "total Enviormental Impact!"


Elio Addict
Jun 4, 2014
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I'd like to hear those who say "EV IS THE FUTURE" to say "I will vote for the taxes to strengthen our electricity grid."
Taxes?!?! Why should taxes be spent subsidizing a product they charge money for? If there needs to be investment in the power grid then the companies that are charging money for electricity can pay for it! That's like using taxes to fix a toll road! If the price of electricity goes up, then THAT is the actual cost of electricity. Why charge the tax payers to pretend electricity is cheaper than it really is? If electricity goes up to it's REAL cost that would encourage conservation and proliferation of home solar and wind equipment. Kind of a win in the grander scheme of things. And large businesses know how to do math too. Suddenly the break-even point for alternatives gets shifted way into the profitable side. And EV's wouldn't be running on subsidized fuel any more, or they would be charging on alternate power sources, fine either way. So, NO to taxes subsidizing electricity prices, let it cost what it REALLY costs.


Elio Addict
Jun 4, 2014
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Wind and Sun DO make a dent, and can easily account for 25% of the electricity.
And that's just today....

As for the rest of the argument... I don't understand your point.
I'm with you on a lot of points, but there are a LOT of unsettled debates on some things that I'm not sure we can get enough unbiased information to ever get to the real facts. Lithium for one is an unsettled issue becuase despite the fact that it's everywhere and means to get and refine it might improve, there are a LOT of cars on the planet and getting to be more all the time. To replace thwm all with EV's you're talking a LOT LOT LOT of lithium. Are we even sure there is that much on the planet? Much less can we get at it all without ripping the Earth apart? I don't pretend to know, but there's that lack of unbiased information again.
I don't remember who suggested capacitors, but uhhh..... NO. The best capacitors we have are dependent on rare earth elements and couldn't even come close. All the capacitors presently on the planet could drive a Nissan Leaf about a block or two. Barring some HUGE eureka discovery, no way!
There have been some interesting discussions about various compressed air and steam technologies that might add up to something.
I think the future of heavy transport is going to be on a vastly improved rail system, be it fossil or electric. Much more efficient than diesel trucks.
We clearly can't make enough ethanol to power all the transportation needs, but SOME of the cars, especially really efficient ones, could be run on it, especially if some new production meathods start to pan out.
And the future just might involve a few more bicycles than we'


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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No one seems to have taken issue with the fact that all those electrons for all those EV's have to come from somehwere. Totally right, Ekh. We could make the future happen today - EV vehicles for all - and they'd still burn fossil fuels, just indirectly. As long as my dog craps on my neighbors lawn, it's not crap, right?

Buying my wife a bigger bra won't make her rack bigger, and filling my car with a 300 lbs of battery won't save on fossil fuels either. EV vehicles are the future in the same way that flying cars were supposed to be the answer to relieving traffic congestion. Smitty901 I think raised the point that the electric transmission grid is heavily subsidized. I'd like to hear those who say "EV IS THE FUTURE" to say "I will vote for the taxes to strengthen our electricity grid."
At least it's our fossil fuel. Not EVs for everybody...............only about 7% of the total car sales which may take some pressure off oil imports to help keep gas prices stabile for our Elio's. It's a plus for those of us that prefer gas sippers or can't afford EVs.

I guess your USA dog crap is better than importing foreign dog crap to dump on your neighbors lawn. There will be many more EVs in our future and will probably charge wirelessly as they travel over the solar grids that will be built into the highways of the future.

Also, I believe most EVs are charged overnight when power grid demand is low.......so the power companies may increase profits without having to build new infrastructure. Those profits will be used to maintain the existing grid and prices for electricity will decrease. A win win. Go EvElio!


Elio Addict
Jun 4, 2014
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...have been accustomed to seeing.
In short, I don't think the future of transportation is going to turn out to be just ONE concept. The ICE powered by abundant petrolium has been the obvious choice for a long time now, but there will come a day when the ever increasing price of crude oil forces us to make other choices. Probably we'll keep the pattern of choosing the cheapest one, but there may not be enough of any one choice to go around, and we will likely have a day when a typical parking lot will contain solar charged electrics and superheated steam vehicles and ethanol burners and CNG trucks and even the occasional classic elio, still running on a now very expensive gasoline.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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I'm with you on a lot of points, but there are a LOT of unsettled debates on some things that I'm not sure we can get enough unbiased information to ever get to the real facts. Lithium for one is an unsettled issue becuase despite the fact that it's everywhere and means to get and refine it might improve, there are a LOT of cars on the planet and getting to be more all the time. To replace thwm all with EV's you're talking a LOT LOT LOT of lithium. Are we even sure there is that much on the planet? Much less can we get at it all without ripping the Earth apart? I don't pretend to know, but there's that lack of unbiased information again.
I don't remember who suggested capacitors, but uhhh..... NO. The best capacitors we have are dependent on rare earth elements and couldn't even come close. All the capacitors presently on the planet could drive a Nissan Leaf about a block or two. Barring some HUGE eureka discovery, no way!
There have been some interesting discussions about various compressed air and steam technologies that might add up to something.
I think the future of heavy transport is going to be on a vastly improved rail system, be it fossil or electric. Much more efficient than diesel trucks.
We clearly can't make enough ethanol to power all the transportation needs, but SOME of the cars, especially really efficient ones, could be run on it, especially if some new production meathods start to pan out.
And the future just might involve a few more bicycles than we'
Electric bikes? LOL


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
No one seems to have taken issue with the fact that all those electrons for all those EV's have to come from somehwere. Totally right, Ekh. We could make the future happen today - EV vehicles for all - and they'd still burn fossil fuels, just indirectly. As long as my dog craps on my neighbors lawn, it's not crap, right?

Buying my wife a bigger bra won't make her rack bigger, and filling my car with a 300 lbs of battery won't save on fossil fuels either. EV vehicles are the future in the same way that flying cars were supposed to be the answer to relieving traffic congestion. Smitty901 I think raised the point that the electric transmission grid is heavily subsidized. I'd like to hear those who say "EV IS THE FUTURE" to say "I will vote for the taxes to strengthen our electricity grid."

Wasn't too long ago socks were the only solution.
Without the advances in plastics and other technologies, your purchase of a larger bra would have been
"unfulfilled" (perfect pun if I do say so myself)

With the advanced sciences, plastics, product development, safe surgeries , those dreams can now become a reality!
Initially limited to the rich and famous, breast implants are now in reach of the middle class.

Teslas initially were for the rich and famous, and he's now building a new plant to build a "reasonably" priced car, and with the continued growth and advances in technology the future holds the promise of a $6800.00 EV Tesla-Elio

The future might also hold the promise, if you and your wife so desire, a 300 lb."rack", and lightweight batteries.
(please note- your analogy was too funny for me to overlook and in no way intended to be disrespectful. I apologize if you are offended.


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
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Memphis TN
Spalding: "I wanna hotdog, and a hamburger, and a cheeseburger."
Judge Smales: "You'll get nothing and like it!"


Yes, China has a monopoly on many rare earth metals. I wasn't even going to go there unless I had to. You'll get nothing, and like it. :)

Are you sure your last name is not Spumanti? I know you seem to be full of CO2. I'm just ad-libbing just like Bill Murray did in Caddy Shack. LOL
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