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Elio Motors Complaints On Fb


Elio Addict
Hey Lilly, Sorry you seem to be targeted by this...person. Someone used the term "sub-literate", I'm thinking, English is his second language. I wonder if he is trying to bully you into giving up some personal information.. ...phishing maybe?
I would definitely follow advice and contact FB about the threats. They may even be able to "retrieve" that "deleted x-ray" ...don't know, but maybe. Good luck :)

Read it again, and he kind of comes off likes he's drunk off his a$$. o_O If he is, hopefully he sobers up, apologizes and leaves you alone.


Elio Addict
There is some strange goings on on FB and Elio. Someone else posted a warning and screenshot of someone named Kathy Vincent. She is going around and posting Anti-Elio things on people pages. The screen shot showed the guys review a a local restaurant and she came in and posted on the review that Elio is a scam and how to file with the government to get your refund back. Like she was stalking him. So yea, it's getting weird.

John Painter

Elio Addict
I'd think, until money changed hands would it be criminal, but then again I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on television
There is some strange goings on on FB and Elio. Someone else posted a warning and screenshot of someone named Kathy Vincent. She is going around and posting Anti-Elio things on people pages. The screen shot showed the guys review a a local restaurant and she came in and posted on the review that Elio is a scam and how to file with the government to get your refund back. Like she was stalking him. So yea, it's getting weird.
Yes I've tried to have a conversation with Kathy Vincent, she is quite angry and a bit grandiose in my opinion. She never articulated to me a negative personal experience with Elio, but did write that she was acting on behalf of 100's of senior citizens, and disabled veterans, and 1000's of others who had been taken advantage of by Elio. She had posted prolifically on Elio's You Tube page after the last video, about how and why people should do charge backs on their credit cards for their reservations, that Elio Motors is a scam, etc, etc. At one point she was claiming a number of people, including myself worked for Elio (if only I had access to the P3...), I think I was able to satisfy her I did not since she stopped saying that. I did let her know I thought the way she was promoting herself and concerns about Elio were disingenuous and in the end would probably be more problematic for her than Elio.


Elio Addict
There is some strange goings on on FB and Elio. Someone else posted a warning and screenshot of someone named Kathy Vincent. She is going around and posting Anti-Elio things on people pages. The screen shot showed the guys review a a local restaurant and she came in and posted on the review that Elio is a scam and how to file with the government to get your refund back. Like she was stalking him. So yea, it's getting weird.

That's exactly what ended up on my review...

Chris F

Elio Addict
Could be. Still a felony in my book. But I have no compassion, nor hope for any mercy for people that pull this kind of crap...either way.:mad:

Not a lawyer [But I did watch Judge Judy when I got home], but would it be libel, or fraud?

That would be common law fraud and possibly wire fraud. Wire fraud is a federal felony and much more serious than common law fraud.

Chris F

Elio Addict
I need to apologize for the post I made and quickly deleted. I needed to make a change to try to protect myself and family. Yes, I was threatened on the facebook page. Yes, people can find your voting record easily. Just ask any union rep or or other political campaign manager. The following post didn't seem threatening at the time, but over night it hit me, YES THIS IS A REAL THREAT;

!! You know what "Lilly", your not even a women, you people really are deceitful aren't you!! How about some REAL ID or are you a voter??

(Now peoples, please look at those lovely legs and tell me I'm not a woman, lol ((inside joke))) That was followed with more)

?? I sent an email to the Mayor, I'll get back to you on that!!! (and)
. Lets talk after I get my reply from the Mayor !!!!!! (and)
Where is Lilly???? (and)
That and just get off this page and do a search and there are a LOT of people with my concerns. Btw Jim, few don't "like" people who will actually stand their ground until they stand in triumph. hen it is over, see who stands!!
?? Just checed you out, YOUR a ELIO schill Lilly!!!!!! (and) . Call it what you will, but I think it is time the AG's started looking into it!! (and)
John xxxxxx, just checked you out, Your another Elio shill, your all over them. (and)
. I'll be filing a complaint with state and feds now!! Btw, I copied all of this!!! (well, so did I. But I did it too late to include the lovely picture xray of his pecker. YEAH, Bummer ............... and he goes on)

Far from being a bully, just NOT stupid as you want. Hey so really, give me a name. Btw, I know you didn't "delete" this, but your cohorts jumped fast to bury it!! You'll be seeing me around (and) !! Get real, you have been had!! (and)
Hey, If it hasn't started, it will and it is going to get real bumpy. I suggest you guys bail while you can!!

(In deed, he send me a personal invite on to the elio haters forum the very next morning. Which I am already a member of. It was as if he got off beating his chest because most of the conversation was copied and pasted there. Oh, there's more. He going to file a complaint with the state and feds too. All that isn't too troublesome personally but asking if I even vote was a threat I now take seriously. And the job hunters thing shows how nasty these people can get.) These people aren't just trolls, they're BULLIES, and now proven dangerous. John, Jim and I were polite and light hearted. This guy was looking to piss us off. I did call him a bully.
Just call me Lilly. Thanks.

Looks like harassment to me. Since it's in writing and defamatory, it's probably libel also. The post is a little hard to read since the spelling and grammar are so terrible.


Elio Addict
There would appear to be a case for libel - were there any point to the postings. Thus far they just seem to be non-specific rants and accusations. That's getting close to a libelous situation, and if it were doing any significant damage to the EM brand, should receive attention from the EM legal department. Right now, ignoring the posts and not giving them any credibility would seem to be the best approach.

From the looks of his/her FB posts, "Kathy Vincent" is a rather disturbed individual. It doesn't look like bullying so much as a horribly twisted mindset bordering on monomania. These FB pages don't offer any kind of evidence for their claims, only accusations and threats. Can you imagine what it would be like to have THAT kind of process running around in your mind? Somehow he/she gets a perverted pleasure going off on people she doesn't know for purposes she doesn't even understand. "Kathy Vincent" must be a truly miserable person deep down - and more deserving of our pity than anger. :(