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New Elio Commercial


Elio Addict
Feb 27, 2016
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Some people take politics very seriously. That is why it is not allowed to be discussed on this forum. Riots, assaults, refusal of service is taking place this year because the children are in charge. For two grown men to play paper rock scissors on what appears to be a government office steps is childish demeaning and disrespectful. The music is not something people can relate too other than silly.
I agree the children are in charge. Rock/paper/scissors seems to fit right in. To me, the choice we're getting seems disrespectful.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
To be fair, we probably aren't the intended audience for the commercials there. The crowd that surfs the Onion for satire news probably skews young and sarcastic. Elio is trying to reach a wider, more diverse set of the population. The only reason most of us even know about the commercials is because if either this site or the Elio news letter which means we already know about the Elio. Has anyone on this site come across either of those commercials out in the wild? Google news bit , Elio blog, and Facebook don't count here. I'm just seeing if people here have gone to where the spots reside.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2015
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Mount Vernon, WA
...Has anyone on this site come across either of those commercials out in the wild? Google news bit , Elio blog, and Facebook don't count here. I'm just seeing if people here have gone to where the spots reside.

I'm pretty sure that Facebook is where these spots are supposed to reside :)


Elio Addict
Jun 23, 2015
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Warrenton, MO
This is in bad taste and hurts Elio Motors. A commercial for the Elio should be positive and upbeat, not "whatever" this is.

Elio Motors should never again use the advertising company that made this commercial. They have shown they don't have the intuition on what makes a good commercial.

I had to watch this (whatever) three times to understand what it was about. Grateful that some Elio owners helped me understand it. I should be trashed now. It is divisive and detracts from the mission.


Elio Addict
Jun 23, 2015
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Warrenton, MO
To be fair, we probably aren't the intended audience for the commercials there. The crowd that surfs the Onion for satire news probably skews young and sarcastic. Elio is trying to reach a wider, more diverse set of the population. The only reason most of us even know about the commercials is because if either this site or the Elio news letter which means we already know about the Elio. Has anyone on this site come across either of those commercials out in the wild? Google news bit , Elio blog, and Facebook don't count here. I'm just seeing if people here have gone to where the spots reside.

I have no obligation to be fair to stupidity. I am too old. I don't even understand PC. Adults are supposed to play paper, scissors, stone to make a decision?


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2015
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
I have no obligation to be fair to stupidity. I am too old. I don't even understand PC. Adults are supposed to play paper, scissors, stone to make a decision?

It is the sort of humor that appeals to millenials like myself. And to many of us, it seems like those two perfectly represent politics these days.

But I understand what you mean, it isn't exactly sending a positive message.

Rob Croson

Elio Addict
Apr 28, 2015
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It's a message targeted to a specific audience. If you're not the target audience, it probably won't appeal to you.

It's the same with any advertisement. A commercial with stats-laden sports humor written for ESPN probably won't go over very well on Cartoon Network. A commercial written for hardcore science fiction fans for SyFy probably won't be received too well on the Food network.

Same with this ad. It was targeted for a younger generation, in cooperation with a web site that specializes in satirical humor and parody. Show it in some other venue, and it may very well flop. As it did here, where the typical audience is much older, and with a quite different social/political outlook. Chances are, if you're reading this post then you're not the target audience for that ad. Just shake your head, mutter "kids these days, what's the world coming to?" under your breath, and move on.


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
In the commercial, no one says anything unique about the Elio vehicle. They could have photo shopped the picture of any vehicle in front of the building and added the printed words in the sky for that vehicle, and this "commercial" would be just as applicable. Nothing has anything to do with the vehicle.

In the opposite direction, I remember several years ago, a commercial for Ford where a pleasant woman opens the back of an SUV and it is full of pleasant puppies. This is the same tactics in the opposite direction.

Commercials apparently are full of things people like and the merits of the product are nothing.

Someone on this website said (paraphrasing): A million dollar idea with ten cents of advertising will fail. A ten cent idea with a million dollars of advertising will succeed.

Sales people hate me. I want to know technical facts about a product and I expect the sales person to know them. Like I said, sales people hate me.
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