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Global Auto Makers Investing More Than 90 Billion For Electric Car Production...


Elio Addict
Jul 5, 2014
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Chapman, Kansas
There shouldn't be any government involvement. You are so use to the government giving you things you expect it now. If farmers can't make it work then they should do something else. If Elio can't make this work then it shouldn't happen.

Using other peoples money is wrong. This is why the government has grown so big and costs us so much.

There are other reasons why this is so wrong but the basic premise is if you don't earn it you shouldn't get for free.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
How dare them gubmint revenooers subsuhdize food production with my money! Them farmers should just go out of business if they can't pay them there bills on their own!
We even have a bicentennial farm here locally and trust me, the money that guy gets to just keep farming and not sell the land, is ridiculous.

It's like with my investment properties. I replaced all of the windows, HVAC units and water heaters in 2017 and I got a massive tax credit (more than buying a Tesla). If you are half smart about your taxes, things like that might not seem like much but can add up. If they are there, why not utilize them? For 2018, it's insulation and siding. Tax credits galore.

Rob Croson

Elio Addict
Apr 28, 2015
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Isn't that kinda how Capitalism is supposed to work?
In general terms, yes. In certain specific situations, when it is deemed in the people's best interests, the geovernment steps in and subsidizes things. It's how the government tries to steer things: tax credits and subsidies.

But that's really a discussion for another place and time.

As far as cars goes, it is in the public's best interest to try and reduce pollution, and conserve energy. Which was the point of the tax incentives for EVs. Give people tax breaks to buy them, to raise demand, and get the auto manufacturers to develop the technology and make more. It has, so far as it goes, worked. The key is whether or not people still buy them when the tax breaks go away. We'll find out about that in the next year or two.


Elio Addict
Aug 21, 2015
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Arcimoto has laid out their factory and plans on selling to customers next year. Two-person vehicle, laid out much like Elio. Fully electric with up to 120 mile range. 80 mph. That's further and faster than 99% of vehicle trips require. $12 k. (link)
Respectfully, the Arcimoto vehicle cannot be compared to the Elio in any way, shape, or form. The only "common ground" that the two vehicles have is a tandem style driver/passenger setup. But even that doesn't match up because of the design of how each person sits, how close each are to each other, and how their legs sit are completely different.

I'm not saying that the Arcimoto vehicle isn't an interesting vehicle, but it would be more fair to compare it to an electric golf cart rather than the Elio.
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