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Elio Motors Launches Fleet Sales Division


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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I think governments at all levels should mandate that government workers traveling alone must use a vehicle like an Elio. Just think of the acquisition, maintenance, and fuel savings to the taxpayers --- people like you and me.
Both EM and some gov entities have admitted there have been fleet inquiries. It's very unlikely a gov agency will put down reservation money until a production line is in service. But make a price/delivery contract? They could do that I would think.


Elio Addict
Feb 19, 2014
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Government contracts would certainly give the Elio market a boost. Theoretically, the government's credit is solid and the contracts valid. Several thousand government contracted vehicles would demonstrate the government's commitment to its energy policy.
That makes so much sense that there's probably zero possibility that it will happen. :(


Elio Addict
Jan 31, 2014
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Wylie, Texas (DFW)
I think governments at all levels should mandate that government workers traveling alone must use a vehicle like an Elio. Just think of the acquisition, maintenance, and fuel savings to the taxpayers --- people like you and me.
That would be way too logical and resposible for government mentality!!!


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
I can't think of a single military use for the Elio, unfortunately... Even delivering a small part in the missile field takes 2 people and half the time, they have to take cold weather gear with them... no go for the Elio... When TDY, perhaps there is some place where a single driver is going somewhere and they don't need to carry any gear or parts... I just can't place it.

I think there is a place for the Elio like Z mentioned - but even doing blood draws across the county may require more gear than the Elio can carry. At 25" across the rear seat, you could put a pizza there. But, with the trunk being 14" wide, you'd be stuck with carrying medium sized pizzas... and not more than a 10" stack... and that's WITHOUT a warming bag.

Courier service (outside of bike courier distance)? for smaller items, sure.
Mail delivery? No... too small
Meter reading? Sure.
Flower delivery? Probably not... unless a shop sends one set at a time. Most of those places send out a bunch (lol) at a time.

How about this... people generally don't like public transportation very much... Even New York's subway isn't self supporting.
How about a park and ride... or park and rent. Would there be anyone willing to drive their existing SUV to a park-and-wait type of establishment, park there, sign out an Elio for the day, and drive on in to work?

In my daily commute, I spend only $12.00 on fuel. If I signed up for a monthly service where I could park my truck and drive an Elio in, could that save me money? Well, if the service included fuel and was $10.00 a day, sure.... but, that would only earn the proprieter $200 a month - fuel costs (lets say they limit you to 100 miles a day or something like that). Loan payment ($0 down, 7%) would be about $175... So, they'd only make $25 a month per car - overhead... So, nevermind about that but since I was typing while thinking it through, you are now stuck with it!

Could you imagine a regular car rental place renting out Elios? Probably not very many people traveling by themselves that could use an Elio unless there was a way to strap a suitcase on top... But, a rental place might be able to make some decent money... "Rent an Elio for $80 a day - free fuel!"

Okay, enough drivel... sorry about that to anyone reading this far along. I'll keep them more on topic from here on out.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
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Vail, AZ
Ty, I'm certain you have seen many State of New Mexico employees traveling solo on our interstate highways. Let' s also provide them for our Representatives and Senators when they are in session rsther than paying them mileage. The savings to New Mexico could be significant
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Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
Zelio makes a great point; there are a lot of municipal and county workers who travel solo . . . inspectors, home health workers and the like who don't carry a lot of gear, but literally "office" out of their company cars. Often, to give at least the appearance of environmental responsibility, many governmental offices are purchasing Prius' for their fleets. That's just plain NUTS. An Elio would haul everything most of these people need that are currently driving full-sized sedans or even pickup trucks . . . but a Prius? Come ON. You and I both know how they can save well over 15 grand per unit with an Elio - and still beat 'em on fuel costs.

You don't need a big car to use as an office. I worked out of my car for many years, on shooting locations for my clients. Now, my business required I carry a lot of equipment with me, but a little thinking and taking notes during my downtime on location helped me get really efficient. Over time as the size and weight of my camera rig, audio, lighting, and grip equipment shrank, what once required a large van could be fit into a mid-sized SUV. Not only would it take me, but an assistant or two in a pinch, offering comfort on the road and shelter on location. It was my office, my kitchen, and my bedroom . . . no, the bathroom was one of those little blue buildings in the background.


Technology also allowed me to stay in contact with my clients using the database on my laptop and phone, review my shooting script, shotlist, and my scene files, making notes and changes as needed. I could review my "dailies", print glossy photos - from frame captures or my trusty DSLR in desktop frames, a few of which I carried for client gifts. In short, when combined with phone, GPS, and Internet access, I could operate all my normal office functions while being my own travel agent, scheduling a week's travel ahead.

I normally carried a pillow and light blanket for sleeping on remote locations, plus water and food for a couple of days, too. Add a couple changes of clothes, safety gear, and I'm in business on the road. You don't need two cars, a van and a grip truck (as some shooters do), all you need is a little ingenuity.


I even could make sales calls, demoing my work on the vehicle's DVD player, or on my little portable unit in my prospect's office. What always amazed people was that except for my small cooler and grub box, blanket and pillow, all stowed out of sight under the cargo cover behind the second row seat. A Leatherman tool, plus a handful of specialty tools, fittings, connectors, spare wiring harnesses, lens cleaners, wipes, and camel's hair brushes comprised my toolbox. Binoculars (to avoid a long walk to check my client's progress) and a pair of FRS radios to keep in touch with my crew were stowed in the door pouches, along with water bottles and notepads in the console. There really wasn't anything else we needed - even if we got delayed for a day or two and couldn't leave the location we could eat, sleep, drink, and even conduct other business. If I could do that, I'll bet there are plenty of others who could too.

Even though the Elio has only one door and that trunk lid, I'll bet it could carry a lot of gear in fleet service. Just think about keeping the tools you need regularly and keeping them accessible. A laptop or tablet can be your desk and file cabinet, and with internet access, your library too. For county and municipal workers, unless you're a police officer, firefighter, or EMT who have to have a variety of large tools at hand, an Elio would be a worthy business partner. Most company vehicles - particularly for a sales force, or delivery fleet could cut overhead expenses dramatically. I see a great market for Elio in fleet sales.
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Elio Addict
Dec 1, 2013
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on the shores of Lake Erie
My son works for Enterprise Car Rental. He has passed on the information on the Elio. THere is some interest. Those in authority wish to see a final production vehicle that has been safety tested before a major commitment. Seems fair. Hope another rental car company isn't willing to take a chance and ask for exclusive rights. The bold are awarded the spoils of this success.
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