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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
.....I had not only never encountered the word 'cosplay' before but couldn't even guess its meaning. Anyone else having a senior moment (don't understand the word?)?

That one would have got me, too. I learned a few years ago to never let my kids think that I don't know everything! :p I just google it. And my kids give me the ultimate show of respect by rolling their eyes as they walk away. :rolleyes: o_O


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
It has been said that our group on this form represent a very small portion of the reservationists and I believe that is true.

However we are probably indicative of how the rest of the reservationists feel. We should not be ignored.

Nobody should be ignored however the reality is that we are often the exception and not the rule among reservation holders. The problem is ironically that we actually know too much as compared to others. The fact that we gather so much information on this subject from a wide variety of sources in order to gain a better understanding of EM is great however we need to realize that with all this extra information we gain the ability to draw conclusions and see patterns in behavior which most other reservations holders simply can not as they do not have this information unless they actively look for it. All this information is also a doubled edged sword which can, and frequently does, lead us in the wrong direction as we can not vet a lot of information so we invariably assimilate erroneous and/or preliminary information which may end up changing however it all invariably skews our conclusions and may lead us to see patterns and issues which do not really exist.

This likely sounds strange to many reading about it however this phenomenon is not unique to Elio Motors followers and I have witnessed this happen in a number of close communities. No matter what the topic is group members tend to believe themselves to be more important, and/or more representative, than they actually are however the fact that they are so heavily involved in the topic is actually what makes them exceptions as close followers of any topic will invariably end up with a different point of view on the topic than casual followers or those who do not follow at all.


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Nobody should be ignored however the reality is that we are often the exception and not the rule among reservation holders. The problem is ironically that we actually know too much as compared to others. The fact that we gather so much information on this subject from a wide variety of sources in order to gain a better understanding of EM is great however we need to realize that with all this extra information we gain the ability to draw conclusions and see patterns in behavior which most other reservations holders simply can not as they do not have this information unless they actively look for it. All this information is also a doubled edged sword which can, and frequently does, lead us in the wrong direction as we can not vet a lot of information so we invariably assimilate erroneous and/or preliminary information which may end up changing however it all invariably skews our conclusions and may lead us to see patterns and issues which do not really exist.

This likely sounds strange to many reading about it however this phenomenon is not unique to Elio Motors followers and I have witnessed this happen in a number of close communities. No matter what the topic is group members tend to believe themselves to be more important, and/or more representative, than they actually are however the fact that they are so heavily involved in the topic is actually what makes them exceptions as close followers of any topic will invariably end up with a different point of view on the topic than casual followers or those who do not follow at all.
This is so true! I am sure there is certain information that just doesn't need to be shared. This makes me think of the sign on the wall at many mechanics garages. you know, the sign that says..." Labor rate: $90/hr. If you help: $180/hr"
The folks on the BOD at EM are all skilled and experienced at what they do. Yes there is still risk, but interference by us will only distract them from the task at hand.
I wonder how many of us would be willing to except the same kind of scrutiny in our lives? What if our landlord or mortgage holders insisted on calling us every few days, to see if we were "on track" to make next months payment? Maybe we should give them an expense report every month. And they should tell us how to budget our money. After all, they do own the property, right?

Cache Man

Elio Addict
Jan 3, 2015
Reaction score
Cache County Utah
This is so true! I am sure there is certain information that just doesn't need to be shared. This makes me think of the sign on the wall at many mechanics garages. you know, the sign that says..." Labor rate: $90/hr. If you help: $180/hr"
The folks on the BOD at EM are all skilled and experienced at what they do. Yes there is still risk, but interference by us will only distract them from the task at hand.
I wonder how many of us would be willing to except the same kind of scrutiny in our lives? What if our landlord or mortgage holders insisted on calling us every few days, to see if we were "on track" to make next months payment? Maybe we should give them an expense report every month. And they should tell us how to budget our money. After all, they do own the property, right?
You nailed it on the head!! I agree and have said this also. It definitely will not encourage with all the slanderous and demeaning comments. Let us encourage because it sure looks like Paul Elio and team is on track and pressing forward!


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
This is so true! I am sure there is certain information that just doesn't need to be shared. This makes me think of the sign on the wall at many mechanics garages. you know, the sign that says..." Labor rate: $90/hr. If you help: $180/hr"
The folks on the BOD at EM are all skilled and experienced at what they do. Yes there is still risk, but interference by us will only distract them from the task at hand.
I wonder how many of us would be willing to except the same kind of scrutiny in our lives? What if our landlord or mortgage holders insisted on calling us every few days, to see if we were "on track" to make next months payment? Maybe we should give them an expense report every month. And they should tell us how to budget our money. After all, they do own the property, right?
If I ask you for financial support by sending cash I open myself up to well deserved scrutiny. I may appreciate your comments and opinions along the way. Your scrutiny may keept me motivated to get the job done.

Cache Man

Elio Addict
Jan 3, 2015
Reaction score
Cache County Utah
If I ask you for financial support by sending cash I open myself up to well deserved scrutiny. I may appreciate your comments and opinions along the way. Your scrutiny may keept me motivated to get the job done.
In the Elio contract it states nothing about us being a shareholder or have a stake in the company. It doesn't even say we get a car. What we did is buy into a dream, that I feel has more probability then not. This by itself shows we do not have a deserved scrutiny right. Scrutiny can help motivate or destroy the person and/or motivation. Positive encouragement always encourages. I prefer positive encouragement.
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John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Lewiston, Maine
If I ask you for financial support by sending cash I open myself up to well deserved scrutiny. I may appreciate your comments and opinions along the way. Your scrutiny may keept me motivated to get the job done.
Are you suggesting Elio isn't under a microscope all the way from reservation holders to DOE?


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
In the Elio contract it states nothing about us being a shareholder or have a stake in the company. It doesn't even say we get a car. What we did is buy into a dream, that I feel has more probability then not. This by itself shows we do not have a deserved scrutiny right. Scrutiny can help motivate or destroy the person and/or motivation. Positive encouragement always encourages. I prefer positive encouragement.

Positive encouragement is worthless when not deserved . That one of the major problems we have today. Companies that do well are road rough shot over by managers that set goals then see to it they are met.
ELIO invited us into his dream. Dreaming will never get it built only pretty pictures on the internet. And sales of shirts.
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