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General Reservation Questions And Comments

Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
I like to know if the "Order #" and "Reservation #" are same or not.
I placed the deposit of $1000 for the Gotta-Have-It on Jan 14 and I received an email with the Order# 100002533 on Jan 15th.
I finally received the T-Shirt and a Sticker two days ago without any Reservation number.
Are they going to send me the Reservation Number later ?

Can't be. The reservation numbers are now about 7,600. See my previous post about.


Elio Addict
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
It is a lot of money to put down..........I had some wiggle room and was able to do it. I believe it will be built, but anything can happen. It gets built I only have to come up with $5300.00.........I gave up playing the lottery $16.00 a week ($832.00 a year). Both are a gamble.

matt rebmann

Elio Fan
Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
Can't be. The reservation numbers are now about 7,600. See my previous post about.

This pisses me off that Elio does not answer emails and did not provide a production number by the end of January as promised. They had the 1000. Out of my account in a hurry. How can they produce an auto if they can take care of emails?g


Elio Addict
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Does anyone really know how this really works?
Say, I'm number 1842 on the list and live in Portland, OR.
Their only 2 of us with near numbers.
10 guys in Dallas are waiting with numbers 2000-3000
Are they really going to deliver to Portland? 2 cars before 10 cars to Dallas?
I just can't understand how this can make everyone happy.
The customers that are All IN for $1000. as opposed to $100.
Can they deliver one at a time? I don't think so. It's not cost effective.
Can someone enlighten me.
Any answers?


Staff member
Nov 18, 2013
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I don't think they will be shipping them themselves so they will probably have a delivery service, and that service probably goes everywhere all the time so quantity shouldn't be an issue.


Elio Addict
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
I don't think they will be shipping them themselves so they will probably have a delivery service, and that service probably goes everywhere all the time so quantity shouldn't be an issue.
That sounds reasonable, thanks again..


Elio Aficionado
Feb 4, 2014
Reaction score
I get a big kick out of folks that would rather have them spend money on answering emails than pushing out their new rig as quick as they can...
Give me a break,,, and be happy there is something new and innovative to talk about and be a part of...
I saw somebody ask what they can do to help,,,, I suggest stay out of the way, don't waste those creative peoples time, (answering stupid questions) ...
And, for heavens sake, don't make stupid suggestions like roll up windows,,,, cause what????? cause your toyota pickup has them???? laugh you clean to tokyo....


Elio Aficionado
Feb 4, 2014
Reaction score
Does anyone really know how this really works?
Say, I'm number 1842 on the list and live in Portland, OR.
Their only 2 of us with near numbers.
10 guys in Dallas are waiting with numbers 2000-3000
Are they really going to deliver to Portland? 2 cars before 10 cars to Dallas?
I just can't understand how this can make everyone happy.
The customers that are All IN for $1000. as opposed to $100.
Can they deliver one at a time? I don't think so. It's not cost effective.
Can someone enlighten me.
Any answers?
I am newbie, and all I have to go on is what I have read in all sources I have researched.. Learned a considerable amount tonight reading this forum..
Here is my scenario...
there are some 9006 people signed up,, in several categories,,, but in 2 sub sections, all in,, or want in... I do believe I recall the want ins don't get a delivery number.. and wont until they upgrade to the top subsection of ALL IN,,,,, or, all the all in contracts are filled.... so,, now there are 4 categories of ALL IN's.......... 100 buckers,,, 250 buckers, 500 buckers, and granders.... I did a 500 bucker on 29 Jan. and get a number of 3937... I see some granders on here talking about a Jan 15 splash date having a number in 2500's or so.... I believe that tells the number of granders... as of 29 Jan. there was 3937 ALL INNERS..... with numbers... The granders as of this date,,,, have a good idea where they will receive a rig,,, if you have No. 100, you will probably be the 100th to 150th person to get a delivery, depending on how many cars are built prior to DELIVERY DAY 1, for crash tests, collectors, etc...
On the date I splashed, there was some 8100 reservations made... If 2700 of those were granders,, and 3937 was a late 500 bucker,,,, there was about 4000, 250 bucker all inners, down to 100 bucker wanters.... the 500 buckers and balance of ALL INers can can upgrade, so those numbers can change in accordance to 'if and when' they upgrade..... Maybe I should do a 100 bucker all in tonight to see where the all in line goes to want in. hehehehe... NOT ----- tonight anyways.... If I upgraded tonight on my 500 bucker all in, I could see how many granders were in up to tonight..

So,, I hope that is digestable.

As far as delivery?????? I think you guys better read that part again... they (I don't think) are going to ship your car to you... I think they will offer delivery for a fee,, and the delivery numbers will be the serial availability after you have been notified of the date to be available,, and after you have completed your option desires and payment obligation...... you can pick it up the day after you seal the deal,,,, or they will send to a pickup lot for transport by first available hauler..... to your neck of the woods as BIG AL would say..

I want to know,,,, where is the spare??



Elio Aficionado
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Cordova, South Carolina
Many new reservationists have a misunderstanding about the reservation numbers. The receipt number you received when you sent in your deposit is not THE reservation number. Reservation numbers are only given to those in the "All In" category who have invested $1000 initially or after an upgrade. To my understanding, those all-ins who upgrade are put in the reservation number line when they upgrade to the $1000 tier behind those who have already sent their $1000, thereby "bumping" those who have not yet upgraded to the top tier. The new top tier investors' numbers are issued close to the end of each month, or slightly beyond (as is the case this month due to the sheer number of reservations). So, if you have not upgraded, you go further and further down the delivery list unless you lock in by upgrading to the $1000 tier, or Elio closes the first year reservations upon receiving the number of reservations they have set as the projected first year production. (This number has probably not yet been decided.) At the time they stop taking reservations for the first year production, the reservation list is frozen and numbers are issued for the remainder of reservations below the top tier $1000 level, beginning with the"All In" folks in the order of the tiers delineated on the official website(in the FAQs).
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