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Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fairfield County SC
I don't know the relationship between Elio Motors and the Owners Association, but I am surprised when reservation holders say they didn't even know this Forum existed. Somehow, I stumbled on it about the same time I made my reservation. Elio Motors has to respect the confidentiality of their customers so they can't provide customer information directly to the Association. But maybe they could provide a notification to reservation holders about the existence of the independent Owners Association and let customers decide whether to tune in. Since there really is no down side to joining (no dues, not mandatory meetings, etc.), I would think that a substantial percentage of reservation holders would also be signed up with the Association.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
I don't know the relationship between Elio Motors and the Owners Association, but I am surprised when reservation holders say they didn't even know this Forum existed. Somehow, I stumbled on it about the same time I made my reservation. Elio Motors has to respect the confidentiality of their customers so they can't provide customer information directly to the Association. But maybe they could provide a notification to reservation holders about the existence of the independent Owners Association and let customers decide whether to tune in. Since there really is no down side to joining (no dues, not mandatory meetings, etc.), I would think that a substantial percentage of reservation holders would also be signed up with the Association.
You mean we aren't supposed to meet here all day every day? I didn't know that. LOL Actually, I think the Owners Association is something else entirely, isn't it? I thought it was part of EM Facebook but I'm not sure. :-) Z
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
I have never texted and drove. It's hard enough to try to answer the phone so I pull over or I just don't answer. I've had my new phone for three weeks now and today I finally got on the internet with it. Managed to send one message to 'DARLA'. She was first on my contact list for some strange reason. I am always on facebook - farmville at home and promote this forum often. I seem to be in a contest with Mr. Sunday, who promotes his forum. Sorry Mr. Sunday, I love your art, but your forum can't hold a candle to this one. WA HAHAHA !!!
btw Has Darla made it here yet? I put her on my map already and Tim & Tom too.
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