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Locked In


Elio Fan
Aug 6, 2016
Reaction score
I "locked in" three weeks ago and have yet to receive ANY response from EM.
I offend wonder who or where any of this info goes to.
There is still nothing at their Az. address. I guess I'll have to try to text their # to see what's up.
Good luck with that right?
I've seen similar comments about the long response time, or no response, from Elio. My experience has been just the opposite. I was "All In" for $250, bumped that up to $1,000, then "Locked In" on Day 1. I received a response after every event and received my production number (and Tee shirt) within about 3 weeks of making my $1,000 commitment. So far, everything's been as advertised for me.

Lynn D

Elio Addict
Jul 28, 2016
Reaction score
Foot Hills of Smokey Mountains
I just received this letter did you?


September 17, 2016

Hello Lynn,

Over the last several weeks you have learned about the recently announced set $7,300* base price for the Elio for “All In” non-refundable reservation holders, up to 65,000 total reservations. Since this announcement, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. In fact, we have more binding commitments to date than many major models sold over the same time period. This is a true testament to the demand for this much needed project. We are grateful to you, our fans, for your passion and commitment to Elio Motors.

As you know, we submitted an application to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program. Our application is currently under review by the DOE, and we continue to work with the DOE to address the requirements of the loan program. On August 12, we sent you an email containing certain statements regarding the ATVM loan program. As one of Elio Motors’ customers and/or investors, you may have questions regarding the status of our loan application in light of these statements. We would like you to know that the DOE has not given any indication whether our 65,000 target reservation number or our binding commitment offer will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the ATVM loan program. There are also many additional requirements which still need to be satisfied before the ATVM loan program can consider approving our loan application and potentially fund for our planned project.

To further clarify, we would like to address the following additional questions that you may have regarding your reservation in light of our binding commitment program.

  • If Elio Motors gets non-binding commitments, does that mean it will get the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan?
    There are multiple criteria that must be met and we continue to work diligently to achieve them. Additionally, we have been clear that this is our attempt to satisfy one of several ATVM written criteria. Elio Motors implemented the binding commitment process to help better define the level of commitment that you, our non-refundable reservation holders, have for purchasing the Elio upon production. At the same time, the goal of this special price lock program is to strengthen our position to further validate to the ATVM loan program and other stakeholders the extraordinary market acceptance for this product.
  • If Elio Motors reaches 65,000 total reservations, it there a guarantee that it will be awarded the ATVM loan?
    The 65,000 number relates to the total reservations in which our non-refundable reservation holders have the opportunity to set the base price of their Elio at $7,300, with the opportunity to save an additional $300 by signing a binding commitment.
  • Does my “All In” non-refundable reservation confirm that I am going to purchase the Elio once in production? So, why do I need to sign a binding commitment?
    The “All In” non-refundable reservation secures your place in line (or spot in line at the $1,000 reservation level), supports our continued development and heightens your commitment level over the refundable option, along with other benefits. With an “All In” reservation, both new and existing, also receive the reservation bonus (currently 25%), limited edition t-shirt and bumper sticker. The binding commitment is your agreement to purchase the Elio once in production.
  • My “All In” reservation is non-refundable, so does that lock in the $7,000 base vehicle price?
    Not automatically. In this process, your “All In” non-refundable reservation does two things for you: it sets the price of the vehicle at $7,300; and allows you the opportunity to receive an additional $300 in savings by locking in the base price of your Elio at $7,000 with the signed binding commitment.
Thank you for your continued support and passion.

The Elio Team

*MSRP for non-refundable reservations only and applies only until non-refundable and refundable reservations total 65,000. Total current reservations can be seen at: eliomotors.com. MSRP excludes destination/delivery charges, taxes, title, registration, and options/installation.

Certain statements in this email including, but not limited to, statements related to anticipated commencement of commercial production, targeted pricing and performance goals, and statements that otherwise relate to future periods are forward-looking statements. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, which are described in more detail in the Company’s periodic reports filed with the SEC, specifically the most recent reports which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made and based on information available to the Company on the date of this email. Elio Motors assumes no obligation to update the information in this email.

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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Quote from the above EM letter: "There are also MANY additional requirements which still need to be satisfied before the ATVM loan program can consider approving our loan application and potentially fund our planned project." MANY?


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
I got that email, yes.
To me it looked more like they're still getting questions about everything that has gone on; that I believe everyone here has been caught up on; but others outside of EO are still confused. I just filed it with all of the other EM emails.
Rickb; I wouldn't get too focused on one point; from some of these articles that have come out and interviews; the ATVM status is still in limbo, but some are starting to say that it's a done deal. They're trying to put out a smolder before it becomes a fire; so they "enhanced it" a little.
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