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Questions For Upcoming Tour Event Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
LOL, Guys, I didn't get home till after midnight and slept till 7:30 this morning. I'm on my first cup of coffee. Chores were never done last night. I see one chicken running around in the yard (bad chicken). Everybody out there must be feed and watered. I did take a few pictures ... mainly of me ! I will go back through this great thread and answer what I can after my double morning chores are done. Up beat & positive, but no major or even minor announcements. So sorry. (hint; loose lips sink ships ;-(


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
LOL, Guys, I didn't get home till after midnight and slept till 7:30 this morning. I'm on my first cup of coffee. Chores were never done last night. I see one chicken running around in the yard (bad chicken). Everybody out there must be feed and watered. I did take a few pictures ... mainly of me ! I will go back through this great thread and answer what I can after my double morning chores are done. Up beat & positive, but no major or even minor announcements. So sorry. (hint; loose lips sink ships ;-(
Silence speaks volumes!

Of course, we want to know everything but, as you can imagine, we can wait. (and wait and wait) Take care of you first but then, give us the nitty gritty of what you can!

... and thank you from them majority of us who couldn't come!

Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Some people will be attending the upcoming tour event scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, 2017, in Detroit.

This thread is to collect questions the attendees may wish to ask.

The chassis has been redesigned with an opening on the right side identical to the opening on the left side which holds the door. I would like to know what is planned to go into that opening on the right side.

Pictures would be greatly appreciated.

Anyone have other questions?

Hi Piston, Your the first, lol. Hi Everyone. Chores are done. Dave from Cleveland & I took off about 10:40. Stopped off to fill up after leaving the toll road outside of Toledo. We parked about two blocks from the appointed .... street corner, about 2:40. We were soon joined by three motorcycles and many people joining us. It was a like a demonstration gang forming. We had Folks in wheel chairs, young old every race creed and color. Or and we all were wearing our colors - T-shirts. I promoted ELIOWEAR.COM to anybody who asked about my BRIGHT Yellow, supposedly sour apple green ELIOWEAR.COM shirt. The crowd swelled to about 80 people meeting & greeting each other with Pride & Expectation, shaking hands and exchanging phone numbers ! Then the parade started, The Elio Parade ! They all had beautiful large pickup trucks, all city slicked out and one of them had a brand new un-marked white trailer hooked to it's ass. And they parked in the Paid Lot behind the building. The mob followed the parade and we had another meeting & Greeting back there.
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO

WELL, THE ELIO WOULDN'T START !!!! They had jumper cables in the trailer but no body to jump it. It was so funny. These guys are friggen VPs ! Not the finely tuned sales team. Final one of the pretty pick up truck got into the "Member's Only" parking lot and the boys got the elio started. About 25 - 30 people held our breaths while these NON professionals backed the elio out into the sun shine. The Sales Team had that down. and drove it around the corner to the .... appointed corner. I got an attitude about this corner People. Between TWO major hospitals with ambulance blaring every 8 to 12 minutes and rude people stopping their vehicles in the middle of the street gracing Our Pretty E-1C, blocking seven cars behind them full of angry people and the celebrating gang of people around it .
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Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Those rude people wouldn't of been so rude if the Elio Gang of Eight Top VP's brought flyers or cards with information WE could of given to them. OK, enough Geniuses Bashing. Defense now, I'm glad the Elio wouldn't start. It was also a little dusty. It hasn't been let out of it's box for months. Probably since NAIAS in January. So nobody has been hot rodding it or cruising with it. Now, I got to eat breakfast.
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Well, what did they do to the E1C, and the P5?
Will contentnal have to re work the abs system, due to the change to uni body?
Is their an automatic trans. Installed yet?

Johnny, I'm sorry. I lost my list and forgot to ask. I hope David will be able to report on this.
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Are they actively moving equipment at the factory or is that still in the planning stages?

No. No need to do that yet. I asked about the sale of excess equipment and was told sure some of it is gone and the rest is still for sale. But, everybody (VP's) are busy with fund raising and till it is done nothing else needs to be actively worked on.
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Tongue planted firmly in cheek here.
The VPs were moving it to hide it from the repo man.

Or vandals or people like me who is temped to steal it. The new trailer is secure and unassuming. It locks up tight and the tents fit nicely on over head rakes. All the display stuff is neatly in there. I doubt the VPs knew what was in there. I assume the sales team put it together, seeing they put it together a hundred of times. Maybe, that is why the VPs didn't bother to look for the flyers, lol.
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Can you make some video's of an E series doing obstacles, stopping, and maybe some freeway speed footage from inside ?

LOL, I didn't ask to test drive it. It didn't seem to be road worthy. No turn signals installed and the fancy windshield wiper isn't hooked up ... yet.
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