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Read Something In Maryland That Might Apply Elio Vehicles...or Maybe Not


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
They actually teach you that its a privilege in Drivers Ed, and remind you again if they take your license from you. Hate to say it, but they (the government) pretty much own us. :(
drive drunk, run lights, crash a lot -yep it is a privilege, that's why "they"( is us- Pogo?) take it away. Hey I've got another big brother gripe- speed limits, and traffic lights- "you'll have to pry these dead fingers off my steering wheel" - Ben Hur??

Cache Man

Elio Addict
Jan 3, 2015
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Cache County Utah
Cool registering out of state BUT if you were to have a serious accident (read big bucks) the insurance investigators will pick it up, and it'll be on you
If it is legally registered they cannot do a thing. I know many "Snowbird" that register their vehicles in the Dakotas. If you are out of state and get in an accident they don't care if it isn't in the state of registration.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
Cool registering out of state BUT if you were to have a serious accident (read big bucks) the insurance investigators will pick it up, and it'll be on you

if you are at fault, it doesn't matter where your vehicle is registered, you face considerable liability .... if you were not at fault, , it doesn't matter where your vehicle is registered, the other party faces considerable liability .... if your coverage is in a no-fault jurisdiction, your insurance company will pay in keeping with the terms of your contract ....


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
What Happens if You Get Caught Lying to Your Auto Insurance Company
girlsnosegrowing-300x211.pngWhile lying about your address on an auto insurance form isn’t a crime, it can have serious consequences if you are found out (and companies have ways of finding out). Insurance companies call this “material misrepresentation of the risk,” which is more commonly referred to asfraud. And if your insurer discovers the inconsistency, it has the right to cancel your policy and/or refuse to pay a claim if you are involved in an auto accident. Furthermore, if/when you start looking elsewhere for auto coverage, the “news” of your fraud will be made available to other insurers, and you’ll likely either be denied coverage or pay higher premiums.

The Truth Will Set You Free

So the takeaway from this story is clear: don’t lie about your address on your auto insurance application to get a cheaper quote. There are plenty of other ways to legally reduce the amount you pay for coverage using discounts, policy tweaks, and other methods. For more information on these options, contact Auto Insurance Specialists. They have a long track record of finding affordable auto insurance coverage for customers, without anyone having to tell a lie!


Elio Fan
Oct 5, 2015
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Elkridge, MD
Great reply :thumb: I read through the laws and statutes and I didn't see where there was anything to block titling an Elio.
I will admit that the first section posted could be misunderstood very easily as applying to the Elio, but there are a number of items in the section 13 descriptions that would say that there really should be nothing blocking the ability of getting a title.

Has there ever been any problems that you know of in Maryland of getting a Slingshot or a Can Am titled and licensed? I know there are 6 or 7 Polaris dealers there and I kind of doubt it.

I think knee jerk reactions about getting an Elio titled in Maryland are unwarranted; the best way to find out would be to call the Maryland DMV and talk to them about it. They are the people best qualified to answer question.

Hello All!

No, you can't legally register a Polaris Slingshot in Maryland with the Maryland MVA. It is not an approved vehicle at this time (Maryland and Hawaii are the LAST two hold outs). The Can Am is approved in Maryland.

When the time comes, an Elio will have to be submitted to the Maryland State Police inspection station in Glen Burnie for evaluation. If it passes inspection it will be approved for sale, if it fails, a list will be provided of items that need to be addressed - it is that simple.

If I had to guess, I would say the Elio will be approved. The Slingshot failed because despite it being totally open the exhaust exits BEFORE the passenger compartment and there are holes designed into the floors. The other sticking point was the type of material Polaris used for the Slingshot windshield. Elio has none of these issues. The caveat is this is open to the interpretations of the inspector of course.

Hope this helps!


Elio Addict
Jan 26, 2015
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York, PA
For all that fuss in MD over getting a title there is no inspection unless you buy or sell a vehicle.

Just annual emissions but your car can be a complete piece of crap as long as its not polluting.

I just remembered the chastizing I got from the muffler shop in PA when I rolled in with MD plates.
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