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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
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I agree with BuckeyeJake, the autocycle classification addresses the idea that a regular driver's license is good enough to drive an autocycle. The push to reclassify handles the license issue in lots of states, where the helmet issue was only in a few states.

For example, in my state of KS, a law was passed this year, adding the autocycle to the definition of vehicle types, and the law states that a normal driver's license is enough. KS didn't have a helmet law problem before this new law.

There were only 5 states originally where a helmet law was a problem, and a couple of them have been resolved. There were lots and lots of states where a normal driver's license wouldn't be enough to drive the Elio, since it would be a motorcycle in those states.

NO if some other states say ELIO is a car and you can drive it with out a motorcycle license you may get away with it in that state but come into Wisconsin you are going to get a big fine and the vehicle towed away. Unless the Feds change a 3 wheeler to an Auto it stays a motorcycle.
The helmet issue is a State only issue, state can require one or not and made any laws they wish. They can not impose their laws on another State.
License reciprocity between states is based on what defines the vehicles by the FEDs. Just like FL can not say what is and is not a truck and impose that on the other States.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Check again the push to reclassify it was to deal with helmet issues for the most part. The FEDS still say it is a Motorcycle.
It was pushed to deal with both MC drivers licensing and helmet requirement issues. It's a motorcycle with an autocycle classification in my state with a MC driver's licensing exemption and no helmet requirement. Both issues were addressed in passing the new legislation.

I think that was typical in most states taking the early initiative to make the legislative changes.


Elio Addict
May 1, 2014
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Check again the push to reclassify it was to deal with helmet issues for the most part. The FEDS still say it is a Motorcycle.

You might want to check all your facts out. Not all states require a motorcycle operators license. Nebraska just passed the law not requiring the endorsement or helmet, and others are still working on the same.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
You might want to check all your facts out. Not all states require a motorcycle operators license. Nebraska just passed the law not requiring the endorsement or helmet, and others are still working on the same.

Alabama is the only state that does not require one yet. They are working on it. They was a mistake in the legislation. And with out it, with an Alabama license you can Not operate one in Wisconsin. The only work around you have is to pay and get a M added in Alabama, it is an option but not required in their state.
Many people have been working on repealing Helmet laws in every state that has them. We had a 100% helmet law in Wisconsin but got it repealed long before ELIO.
While I support wearing one I am against laws requiring it. LE has better things to do with their time.

Some states do not classify small 49cc and some less than 5 bhp as motorcycle they call them motordriven bikes. Not all States require a license

My facts are correct. What to have fun ride into FL with Alabama plates FL makes a lot of money off those fines. I have ridden in every state I know what laws apply to motorcycles pretty well.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Helmet issue is the one PE is worried about. That is the one that will do the most damage to sales.
If I recall EM's map there were only five states with mandatory helmet laws. Most of the concern was about the wriitten/riding test required for the MC endorsement. Many potential Elio owners would be able to pass the wriitten and or classroom testing, but unable to meet the ride requirement for that MC endorsement. Also, the added cost of the MC endorsement was an issue, at least with me.


Elio Addict
May 1, 2014
Reaction score
You might want to check all your facts out. Not all states require a motorcycle operators license. Nebraska just passed the law not requiring the endorsement or helmet, and others are still working on the same.

After re-reading this I need to clear up my statement by saying that neither a helmet or a motorcycle endorsement is required in an auto cycle but still is for a motorcycle in Nebraska


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
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If I recall EM's map there were only five states with mandatory helmet laws. Most of the concern was about the wriitten/riding test required for the MC endorsement. Many potential Elio owners would be able to pass the wriitten and or classroom testing, but unable to meet the ride requirement for that MC endorsement. Also, the added cost of the MC endorsement was an issue, at least with me.
Now you are on the right track. Any state can say no helmet requirements and that is that in their state. Any state if they wish say no motorcycle endorsement required in their state if the y choose , Their authority over an endorsement ends at their state line.
Most states that do not require a helmet require those under 18 to wear one this could also be an issue. However in most states with no helmet law if a 17 year old was driving an elio unlikely to be stopped.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
After re-reading this I need to clear up my statement by saying that neither a helmet or a motorcycle endorsement is required in an auto cycle but still is for a motorcycle in Nebraska
But if you leave Nebraska in your ELIO someday without it ticket no defense. They can do what ever they want with in their state.
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