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The P5: What Would You Change?


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
The P5 drivers seat belt is currently on the left. I was told that the plan is still to move it to the right side however they also have alternative mounting ideas for the left side as there may be some regulatory issues with putting the seat belt on the right side. Just more things to be worked out during the E-series development program.

I was told that NHTSA approved LED lights are still more expensive than traditional lighting options. If that were to change then these may be included as standard. There very well could be LED lighting options available including options for fender lighting.

We do have to keep in mind that OEM's must adhere to the NHTSA FMVSS goverment standards for everything they sell in a new vehicle. Many aftermarket products may not meet those standards.
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Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2015
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA
As far as increasing visibility (and for super-coolness) I plan to pinstripe my Elio with some of THIS STUFF.

Here is an actual picture of the stuff reflecting in low-light conditions. Note that it is REFLECTIVE, and does not emit light on it's own.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
G1 was it just because it was easier that they made the trim on the interior as if it had a door?
When I first saw the trailing edge of the right front window interior trim, that was the first thing that came to mind (that it actually had a right side door)

Also, has EM mentioned / asked for input from outsiders at all?
Like if we had ideas send them to: "Design Changed we'd like to see @ goawayand leaveusalone.com ?" :becky:


Elio Fan
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I would certainly like lights / signal lights on the front tire fenders, as just thinking about it now without any lights has me very nervous. People won't see those, and will be more than willing to hit them.

They also have me concerned in regards to if you are parked in a parking lot, backed into the space. When a car on either side of you backs out of their parking space, they may swipe into the fenders, they probably won't be seeing them and will think they have more room than they actually do. However this problem goes away if you just never back into a parking space, as then the cars on both sides of you really will have extra space when they back out.

Anyway, having fender lights I'd like to see made as a standard addition to the base model, seems like a safety issue at night without them. I am glad many others seem to agree. Hopefully EM will also agree and take it to heart :).

I don't know exactly where the cup folders even are, however hopefully they are convenient to access when in production.

That's my main two things I'd like addressed for the base model before we can purchase. Everything else, hoping the 'hundreds of customizations' takes care of that, I'm all for customizing and look forward to see what they have available when we get to design our cars. I'll most likely want heated mirrors, leather seat, heated seat, whatever sort of interior trim upgrades there may be (hopefully something that makes the overall interior look less plasticy), some exterior panel upgrades maybe, a more traditional radio with a usb and/or SD card feature, different cluster panel options, cruise control, tow hitch of sorts, maybe a heated steering wheel... much that can be done.
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