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Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Nobody's going to flame you not only because it's a waste of time but also because it's a very legit concern. We all know it and all the previous "doubters" have since left the building and yet we're still here! So what does that tell you? Of course if money is no object and I have no concern about the environment, I'll use my time constructively by buying me a Veyron Bugatti no less!
Going back to your original post....just out of curiosity, if you can afford a Tesla, why even concern yourself with the Elio? I mean it's obvious that you have a taste for luxury so being seen in a Elio will lower your standards! By all means if it does happen, you will really be doing your employees a favor by buying them Elios but it's definitely not for you which beg the question, why the impatience??? ;)
If I remember correctly, TOBASH's name was very appropriate the last time he visited also. He seems more interested in hit and run bashing than anything else. :-) Z


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
TO BASH or NOT TO BASH.................see you in two months! Hopefully, the planned Aug/Sept builds are built and the new engines dropped in and ready for testing. If not BASHTO your hearts content.

I have to admit if I could afford a Tesla Model X, I would buy one in a heartbeat. It certainly would be a more comfortable, luxurious, and quiet ride..........but not as much fun as the Elio.
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Elio Addict
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Tobash does have a point. While the Elio has a reservation from me, I am keeping one for out the door until I see a finalized prototype with the engine and some crash test results. Personally I think elio is doing a disservice to get rid of the 50% discount when they have not even produced a final vehicle yet. I'd like to get an elio yes but I refuse to give any more money until I see the final result with some good crash tests ratings. We need results, not speculation and advertising


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
He may have a point only if the prototype builds haven't started in Aug/Sept and the engine isn't complete. That is the next step on the road to production. Every reason to believe it will happen according to schedule. I also feel it's ok to limit the early adopter program as it is incentive for the all in's.


Elio Addict
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
EM promised the pre-production prototypes (15-25, if I recall correctly?) in September 2014. Getting pretty late here.

What gives?

Hey EM: here's a business 101 clue: over-promising and under-delivering is the EXACT opposite of a successful formula.

Moderator Comment: Merged into existing P5 discussion thread. I actually liked the idea of this thread however the forum can't seem to keep things focused enough so it has to go into the larger thread.
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Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
EM promised the pre-production prototypes (15-25, if I recall correctly?) in September 2014. Getting pretty late here.

What gives?

Hey EM: here's a business 101 clue: over-promising and under-delivering is the EXACT opposite of a successful formula.

Actually that information is not correct as this is confusion between leaks that make there way out and EM's official position.

EM's official position has been that the first of the E series pre-production vehicles is due this fall with the full E series to follow after that first one. This first E series build is also commonly referred to as the P5 and I have taken to naming it the P5/E0 as the official Elio position is that there will be no P5. This is what EM has promised and the reality is that we are not even in the fall yet.

Any other information has come out via unofficial leaks. These leaks may have been incorrect or they could have been correct at the time the information was leaked however things do change.
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Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
Well, not quite accurate. As of late June, Elio was planning to produce ONE P-5, to be used in-house only, for the purpose of setting up take-offs for manufacturing. A fleet of 15-25 pre-production, NOT PROTOTYPE, cars would then be produced for testing purposes. I don't know where they are on the P-5 (but without an engine, not too far i suspect), and they definitely haven't built the E-types , or pre-production, machines.

Elio has said they have the money to build the 15 + pre-production models, but that money may be conditional on other money sources arriving that haven't happened YET. Such as the DOE loan guarantee, and "two additional resources" that Paul has publicly mentioned. The people I've spoken with have been excited, but are sworn to secrecy. I don't know, maybe they're getting orders for big-tired Elio dune buggies for the Australians to use crossing the Outback -- but a large fleet order, or overseas order, might well be one of the things still pending.

I agree with you that it does seem progress has slowed or stopped, especially getting the engine machined, assembled, and running (all the pieces are there, but pieces need to be machined -- and that may be happening as I write). But we really don't know what's actually going on -- it may be full-throttle, but we simply can't see it.

Patience is difficult for us all, but since we have no control, we may as well relax and wait for events to unfold.


Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
What ELIO actually said; "
Elio Motors states (back on 6, Sept , 2013) “25 prototypes are under construction in Detroit”...... and ..... "We will have 18 Prototypes in 3 -4 months."
... August 10, 2013 at 1:11pm”. (YES, those quotes are from 2013, NOT 2014) This NEVER HAPPENED, and still 'no word' that work on "E" Series vehicle #1 has even BEGUN!


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
What ELIO actually said; "
Elio Motors states (back on 6, Sept , 2013) “25 prototypes are under construction in Detroit”...... and ..... "We will have 18 Prototypes in 3 -4 months."
... August 10, 2013 at 1:11pm”. (YES, those quotes are from 2013, NOT 2014) This NEVER HAPPENED, and still 'no word' that work on "E" Series vehicle #1 has even BEGUN!
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