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Elio Fan
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
You're clearly not an engineer. Just think about how much weight and strengthening would be required up high to support the door, the spring / gas strut lift assist, etc? You can add a hundred pounds and increase your cost for something awkward if you want to, but geesh....it's a bad idea.[/QUOTE
Condacenting much??


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
People who live in cities.

See: "civilization, regular, i.e. most of us."

Parallel parking will be even safer in the Elio.
We will already be one foot farther from traffic.
And since we can actually park it diagonally (almost), with the back wheel "at the curb", putting the door an additional foot or more farther from traffic........So, now we are at least 2 feet farther from traffic. And the door, (fully open) will probably not be outside of your own parking space. :) :cool:

Jayne Shelby

Elio Addict
Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hollywood, MD
Sorry, man, but I have to disagree on the auto trans. I think it would suck the soul out of the vehicle. At least a 5-speed, maybe a 6. I saw in the "Personalization" section a blurb about a sun roof - think of it as a convertible with a roll cage.

I love driving a standard transmission vehicle but I am a disabled Veteran and can no long do the clutch thing. Since I am an Atheist I have no problem having a Elio with no soul. Automatic, cruise control and up-graded sound system is all I need to be happy.


Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fairfield County SC
Nothing new here, but I would vote for lighting on the left fender (or both fenders) so it isn't invisible to other drivers at night, Also, rear seat removable without too much work.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Nothing new here, but I would vote for lighting on the left fender (or both fenders) so it isn't invisible to other drivers at night, Also, rear seat removable without too much work.
simple fender lighting solution:


Elio Fan
Apr 17, 2014
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I'm really hoping that they have something at the Woodward Dream Cruise on the 16th.The cruise isn't that far from where they build the prototypes. A partially built P5 would be cool, a fully built P5 with a working IAV engine would be awsome. Hell, I would be happy with a photo layout of current build process on the P5.


Elio Aficionado
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Anyone who bought a Tesla needs some advice. Tesla Motors has just sold you approximately $35,000 worth
of batteries that are likely to be obsolete in about,oh, probably 6 months or so. That should make your car depreciate
really, really fast (like in an instant) and make it imposible to sell. You will then be theproud owner of an $80,000 plus
lemon. But the lemon laws won't help you one bit. You see, when you gamble on a technology as fragile as lithium batteries
you are making a fool's choice. I have no idea why you think Elio Motors is failing, or why you think there should be
some new big development every day. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I followed the development of the Tesla and
must report that it was far more disjointed and Tesla Motors provided bald faced lies throughout - claiming a 300 mile
highway driving range when the best it can do is a little over 200, telling everyone the price would be under $49,000
and failing to mention that that was for a model they ended up not even producing, failing to mention the exorbitantly
priced options list, which can easily price that car above what some pretty decent condos sell for. The Tesla is an energy hog
which cannot approach the environmental benefits of the Elio, which can reduce emissions on a per dollar basis easily 40
times greater than the Model S and reduce oil consumption of a per dollar basis easily 6 times greater. The unhappy fact is
that govt subsidies for needy Tesla owners like you are a total waste - every dollar should instead be diverted to those
buying a true friend of the environment, not a phony baloney Tesla electric. And I would STRONGLY advise you not to
allow your battery to completely discharge. Now try to take a long trip in that Model S and see why a 1914 Model T (top
speed 45 MPH) can get to your destination faster than you can (I've done the comuter simulation. You haven't) .
Happy motoring!!


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
Reaction score
No press releases of substance, no P5 sightings, no random unauthorized leaks, just a lot of fluff so far.

My first time back in a while too and for a guy and a company that claims to want to sell cars, I'm deafened by their silence.

I used my time constructively and bought a Tesla this week.

If the clowns at Elio get their act together, no one will be happier than me, as I will consider buying a few for employees. I just don't think it will ever happen.

Now watch the Elio Police to all get up in arms and flame me... but I ask in all sincerity, "don't you think all the delays and silence after this many years speaks loads in and of itself?"

I came to the forum today hoping to see news. None to be had. Just a bunch of people speculating by laying down deposits on a car that does not even seem to have finalized blueprints for a chassis or engine. Not even any crash testing data hiding out there. Just pics of a new engine block from June 2014.

See you in 2 more months.
Nobody's going to flame you not only because it's a waste of time but also because it's a very legit concern. We all know it and all the previous "doubters" have since left the building and yet we're still here! So what does that tell you? Of course if money is no object and I have no concern about the environment, I'll use my time constructively by buying me a Veyron Bugatti no less!
Going back to your original post....just out of curiosity, if you can afford a Tesla, why even concern yourself with the Elio? I mean it's obvious that you have a taste for luxury so being seen in a Elio will lower your standards! By all means if it does happen, you will really be doing your employees a favor by buying them Elios but it's definitely not for you which beg the question, why the impatience??? ;)
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