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50% Bonus To End At The End Of May ???


Elio Addict
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Does anyone know why EM chose to end the 50% bonus at the end of May?

Is it to generate some fast cash from current reservation holders that are not "all in" at the $1000 level? AND get folks that are sitting on the fence about making a reservation to go ahead and jump in while they can and take advantage of the incentive before it ends? I know both seem to be obvious answers!

EM has ended this offer before and brought it back. Will they do it again? Is this a ploy or tactic to get a spike of cash and an increase in reservations for the bragging rights for the government loan?

I new it had to end some time, but I was curious as to why they chose May, why not wait until they get closer to the actual production date?
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Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
Does anyone know why EM chose to end the 50% bonus at the end of May?

Is it to generate some fast cash from current reservation holders that are not "all in" at the $1000 level? AND get folks that are sitting on the fence about making a reservation to go ahead and jump in while they can and take advantage of the incentive before it ends? I know both seem to be obvious answers!

EM has ended this offer before and brought it back. Will they do it again? Is this a ploy or tactic to get a spike of cash and an increase in reservations for the bragging rights for the government loan?

I new it had to end some time, but I was curious as to why they chose May, why not wait until they get closer to the actual production date?
Yes, they did cancel it once before, but brought it back shortly after; during that suspension, they didn't offer a 25% bonus as they are doing this time.
So even though the 50% is gone, 25% still remains and there is no telling how long it will last.

Why did they do it now? Only the insiders know for sure; it could be because they offered the bonus for "early adopters" which is the topic of the news letter I just received.
Let's take a look at it:

Early Adopters: Setting Trends and Shaping the Future | Trending Topics
by The Elio Team

Being a trendsetter isn’t for everyone. Trendsetting involves finding new ideas and taking chances. For some, the prospect of a new idea, product, or technology can be daunting. This group would rather wait until the new item or idea has been reviewed and approved by trendsetters. Trendsetters, however, are eager to get their hands on the next big thing.

In his book Diffusion of Innovations, researcher Everett Rogers identified five different customer groups: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Innovators and early adopters only make up 16% of the identified groups. While the innovators and early adopters, also known as trendsetters, represent only a small segment of the population, there are several major advantages to being a trendsetter.

[Broken External Image]

The first, and perhaps most obvious advantage to being a trendsetter is the ability to utilize something new before everyone else. Having one of the first home computers was an obvious benefit, as was being one of the first to own a car when everyone else was dependent on horses. In the classic battle of “Keeping up with the Joneses,” early adopters always have the edge.

Another benefit to being an early adopter is the ability to directly communicate with companies and provide feedback. Many successful companies realize that a crucial key to success is consumer feedback. When a product is first introduced, early adopters are regularly encouraged to voice their opinions and are, therefore, involved in the development of an exciting new product. In this way, trendsetters and early adopters help perfect a product before it reaches the masses.

An often overlooked benefit to being an early adopter is the potential to be a driver of innovation. Anytime a revolutionary idea or product is introduced, many will be hesitant to adopt or even consider its application. Early adopters, however, are open to the idea that the status quo is not permanent and things can and should be improved. With this openness to new ideas, early adopters are crucial to the spread of new ideas and products.

Looking back through history, there are countless examples which show that new ideas take time to spread. As strange as it may seem today, the success of the automobile was not always seen as inevitable. In fact,

While, at times, they may go overlooked, trendsetters and early adopters are a crucial component in the driving of innovation. Trendsetters are able to stand out in the crowd, have an active role in the development of something revolutionary, and have a hand in shaping the future.

Is this the answer to your question, I can't say for sure. We've been told all along it could end at anytime and the anytime is the end of May.
They never said what their reasons for stopping it would be. If you got it, great, if you didn't; well, that's personal choice, we've all had plenty of time to pull funds together if you found it necessary.


Elio Addict
Feb 27, 2016
Reaction score
I believe that they are rapidly approaching the point of production or failure. The rents have been postponed about as long as possible and they have to get some real cash flow going to continue.

This is not necessarily a bad thing since it requires decisions by those indecisive. There is always something more you can do, but it's time to transfer those thoughts to the SECOND model and get the first one under production.

As for me, my desire to go all in for $1000 didn't match my ability to go all in with one month's notice. So I'll just wait.
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