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Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
Certainly not! Like Ekh says, the Elio is one small step that could make a difference larger than it seems like such a small company should be able to effect. Those that are buying it just cuz it's a cool toy, let's welcome them and then break the news that they are significantly helping the environment by cutting fuel usage and the raw materials needed to build a "regular" car. We're doing good without even trying!
I feel that I'm "doing good" even if this project never comes to fruitition , this will be my contribution to help in the future advancement of responsible transport


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
FWIW, we are energy-dependent, world-wide. But fossil fuels are killing the planet. So, gee, what to do? Even when solutions are obvious, you can't get the status quo to shift. The House has put together a committee with the specific job of debunking the climate change myth; meanwhile, we're in a mass extinction, facing floods, rising sea levels, droughts (especially in India / Pakistan, where they have nukes to fight over scant water supplies), a 25% drop off in marine animal life (all sorts, monitored in over 5,000 locations) in the past 20 years.

The oil companies knew about climate change and its consequences in 1976. They lied about their research for 20 years or more, and still like to spread bullshit like "clean coal" around.

I'm too old to keep fighting for sane behavior regarding our planet. But ... no one else seems willing to take it on. There are solutions, some technical, some behavioral. But where's the human energy to make needed changes happen?

The Elio is a useful bridge that can help on a significant, if minor, scale. One reason I love the thing. But as for the rest ... I'm depressed beyond measure.
Ekh, Life is Good! I have a drawer full of T Shirts that say it's so! Find a Life is Good Store near you and keep up the good fight to make those changes happen.
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