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Paul Elio Compared To Henry Ford & Ferdinand Porsche


Elio Addict
Aug 22, 2014
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Mesa, Washington
When, not if, Paul Elio puts this into production I have to believe he is going to be compared to Henry Ford and Ferdinand Porsche. Henry Ford put America on wheels. Until then you had to be rich to afford a 'horseless carriage'. Henry developed the model T and the assembly line and made the automobile affordable for the common man.
Ferdinand Porsche at the urging of Adolf Hitler developed the 'peoples car' aka the Volkswagen beetle. Both cars had a lot in common, they were affordable, simple, easy to work on and hugely popular.
I have shared the information I have on this car/motorcycle with a number of my friends/co-workers and the response is always the same. First 'I've never heard of it' and second ' I want one'
34,000 people have signed up to buy one, the majority have never seen one in person. Does that tell you something. If only Preston Tucker had this kind of support.
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Yogi Leigh

Elio Aficionado
Sep 8, 2014
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When, not if, Paul Elio puts this into production I have to believe he is going to be compared to Henry Ford and Ferdinand Porsche. Henry Ford put America on wheels. Until then you had to be rich to afford a 'horseless carriage'. Henry developed the model T and the assembly line and made the automobile affordable for the common man.
Ferdinand Porsche at the urging of Adolf Hitler developed the 'peoples car' aka the Volkswagen beetle. Both cars had a lot in common, they were affordable, simple, easy to work on and hugely popular.
I have shared the information I have on this car/motorcycle with a number of my friends/co-workers and the response is always the same. First 'I've never heard of it' and second ' I want one'
34,000 people have signed up to buy one, the majority have never seen one in person. Does that tell you something. If only Preston Tucker had this kind of support.

I like the way you think, and agree with you. Elio Motors seem to be doing a lot of things right, and appeal to the average Joe. It makes sense for people and the economy.......and they're cute too.


Elio Addict
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
When, not if, Paul Elio puts this into production I have to believe he is going to be compared to Henry Ford and Ferdinand Porsche. Henry Ford put America on wheels. Until then you had to be rich to afford a 'horseless carriage'. Henry developed the model T and the assembly line and made the automobile affordable for the common man.
Ferdinand Porsche at the urging of Adolf Hitler developed the 'peoples car' aka the Volkswagen beetle. Both cars had a lot in common, they were affordable, simple, easy to work on and hugely popular.
I have shared the information I have on this car/motorcycle with a number of my friends/co-workers and the response is always the same. First 'I've never heard of it' and second ' I want one'
34,000 people have signed up to buy one, the majority have never seen one in person. Does that tell you something. If only Preston Tucker had this kind of support.



Elio Addict
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
I like the way you think, and agree with you. Elio Motors seem to be doing a lot of things right, and appeal to the average Joe. It makes sense for people and the economy.......and they're cute too.
View attachment 2769
I don't know about others, but every time I see a picture of that front end and grill opening, it looks like it's running for it's life.:eek: JMP

Johnny Acree

Elio Addict
May 12, 2014
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I was just thinking, Mr. Elio is a lot like Mr. Ford. They both look at Mfg. from a efficiency point of view. With a goal of building a car people can afford, not to make more money. There are hundreds of stories about Mr. Ford squeezing every thing. Yes some stories are not exactly true, but they do say something about the man.

Mike W

Elio Addict
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
When, not if, Paul Elio puts this into production I have to believe he is going to be compared to Henry Ford and Ferdinand Porsche. Henry Ford put America on wheels. Until then you had to be rich to afford a 'horseless carriage'. Henry developed the model T and the assembly line and made the automobile affordable for the common man.
Ferdinand Porsche at the urging of Adolf Hitler developed the 'peoples car' aka the Volkswagen beetle. Both cars had a lot in common, they were affordable, simple, easy to work on and hugely popular.
I have shared the information I have on this car/motorcycle with a number of my friends/co-workers and the response is always the same. First 'I've never heard of it' and second ' I want one'
34,000 people have signed up to buy one, the majority have never seen one in person. Does that tell you something. If only Preston Tucker had this kind of support.
Preston T is the polar opposite of Paul E, in many ways. Of course they are somewhat similar too. Preston created a car that was revolutionary, ahead of it's time. He was willing to take on the big boys of the auto industry, but he lacked in the planning phase of creating his car. Paul's car is revolutionary in its own way (design, high mileage), just not as far out as Tucker's (see the below article). Paul is avoiding direct competition by introducing a car that is niche but will create enough interest and actually fulfills a need in the market. As far as planning goes, that seems to be a bone of contention here. It seems some think Paul plans too much and is too cautious, Get it moving! seems to be the battle cry. Me? I'd rather he take his time, establish important landmark goals and achiev them before moving on. Wags have commented on some entertainers took 5 years of work to be an overnight success. It sounds like Paul Elio is planning the same route! I know Wikipedia is suspect from time to time but generally speaking, accurate enough, in that light check out Preston Tucker there- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preston_Tucker . Then get down on your knees and thank whatever Deity that you've hitched your wagon to EM!
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