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Random Thoughts...


Elio Addict
May 19, 2015
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Sounds to me like Louisiana likes to kick you when you're down!

If Louisiana wants to consider Elio a manufacturer before they even make one car in the state, then what did Michigan do when Elio built their prototypes there? Is Elio a licensed manufacturer in Michigan?

So Elio got $2.5 mil in financing a while back. Why haven't we heard anything about what they're doing with the money? I would have thought that at least they would use part of it to build those test vehicles.

A few weeks ago Paul said they would start production in 70 weeks. If they haven't even built and tested those 25 cars how can they proceed to production?

The Trump administration constantly harps about wanting to bring manufacturing and jobs back to America, and yet Elio can't get any help from the government. If I were in charge at Elio I would take an operating prototype to Washington and have someone drive it around all day.... every day. They would stop for a while every hour or so at some busy location with lots of people and have a question and answer session. Seems to me this would get some attention, possibly from those in power. Who knows, maybe one of the major tv networks news might do a feature on it. For sure it couldn't hurt.


Elio Addict
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Springfield NE
Sounds to me like Louisiana likes to kick you when you're down!

If Louisiana wants to consider Elio a manufacturer before they even make one car in the state, then what did Michigan do when Elio built their prototypes there? Is Elio a licensed manufacturer in Michigan?

So Elio got $2.5 mil in financing a while back. Why haven't we heard anything about what they're doing with the money? I would have thought that at least they would use part of it to build those test vehicles.

A few weeks ago Paul said they would start production in 70 weeks. If they haven't even built and tested those 25 cars how can they proceed to production?

The Trump administration constantly harps about wanting to bring manufacturing and jobs back to America, and yet Elio can't get any help from the government. If I were in charge at Elio I would take an operating prototype to Washington and have someone drive it around all day.... every day. They would stop for a while every hour or so at some busy location with lots of people and have a question and answer session. Seems to me this would get some attention, possibly from those in power. Who knows, maybe one of the major tv networks news might do a feature on it. For sure it couldn't hurt.

I think there are several things that Elio could do to boost interest and sales. The Elio seems to appeal to a demographic that includes people who need economical transportation. AARP has millions of members who could benefit from the Elio. Get one to their offices and explain that seniors who need reliable transportation are only 8K or so away from a new "car". And this car would cost 1/2 as much to fuel as anything they are driving now. Also Elio has spent a lot of money taking their 3 wheeler to big fancy car shows. I bet not 2% of the people who go to a major car show are looking for a vehicle like an Elio. It is a tribute to Elio's appeal that they manage to draw crowds anyway. Why not go to a place where people are looking for exactly what you are trying to sell.
Mother Earth magazine puts on "fairs" several times through the year and almost all of the people that attend are potentially in the market for an environmentally friendly and inexpensive car. A lot of the people on this forum are ex or current motorcycle riders (like me). Has Elio gone to Sturgis? No it has not. Sturgis draws a number of solvent, adventurous, middle aged motorcycle riders every year. All of them are a finite number of years away from the point at which they no longer can ride a motorcycle. At that point they would still have some time to enjoy some of the same feeling of freedom as they get on their bike at the wheel of an Elio. Not to mention the fact that they are of an age where driving a bike in the rain or on a 100F day no longer has any appeal. Lets think outside the box a little. When GM or Ford has a new car to present to the world they go to the Detroit Auto show. That does not mean that Elio would be best served by doing the same thing. It is too late to recoup the money spent in the past but these venues would be so cheap to attend that they could still play a role in Elios success. Think about it.
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Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
I think there are several things that Elio could do to boost interest and sales. The Elio seems to appeal to a demographic that includes people who need economical transportation. AARP has millions of members who could benefit from the Elio. Get one to their offices and explain that seniors who need reliable transportation are only 8K or so away from a new "car". And this car would cost 1/2 as much to fuel as anything they are driving now. Also Elio has spent a lot of money taking their 3 wheeler to big fancy car shows. I bet not 2% of the people who go to a major car show are looking for a vehicle like an Elio. It is a tribute to Elio's appeal that they manage to draw crowds anyway. Why not go to a place where people are looking for exactly what you are trying to sell.
Mother Earth magazine puts on "fairs" several times through the year and almost all of the people that attend are potentially in the market for an environmentally friendly and inexpensive car. A lot of the people on this forum are ex or current motorcycle riders (like me). Has Elio gone to Sturgis? No it has not. Sturgis draws a number of solvent, adventurous, middle aged motorcycle riders every year. All of them are a finite number of years away from the point at which they no longer can ride a motorcycle. At that point they would still have some time to enjoy some of the same feeling of freedom as they get on their bike at the wheel of an Elio. Not to mention the fact that they are of an age where driving a bike in the rain or on a 100F day no longer has any appeal. Lets think outside the box a little. When GM or Ford has a new car to present to the world they go to the Detroit Auto show. That does not mean that Elio would be best served by doing the same thing. It is too late to recoup the money spent in the past but these venues would be so cheap to attend that they could still play a role in Elios success. Think about it.
Does Elio visiting Bike Week in Daytona count?

Elio Bike Week.jpg


Elio Enthusiast
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score
If Louisiana wants to consider Elio a manufacturer before they even make one car in the state, then what did Michigan do when Elio built their prototypes there? Is Elio a licensed manufacturer in Michigan?

Ammendment 10
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Elio Addict
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Springfield NE
Does Elio visiting Bike Week in Daytona count?

View attachment 22663

Even a blind hog gets an acorn once in a while. I was kind of hoping for a more general change in the direction of their efforts. It would be interesting to see a graph of the reservations around that time and see if there was a spike that could be attributed to the Dayton visit.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Even a blind hog gets an acorn once in a while. I was kind of hoping for a more general change in the direction of their efforts. It would be interesting to see a graph of the reservations around that time and see if there was a spike that could be attributed to the Dayton visit.
I think their issue right now is that they don't really benefit from more reservations.


Elio Addict
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Springfield NE
I think their issue right now is that they don't really benefit from more reservations.

a couple more 1k all ins a day would keep the lights on. There might be someone with deep pockets at one of these events. I am sure that not every venture capital guy has sat in an Elio and heard the sales pitch. As of today the media portion of the Elio web site was headed by the statement of the importance of momentum and then when you clicked on the media cited the most recent one was from Oct 2016! If they could cite a one column article on the back page of the Rapid City SD newspaper from August of 2018 that would be worth their time and money. I realize that they are concentrating on raising money but if that is all they do and all that they do is behind the scenes then it looks like they are dead in the water. Some of the people who are screaming scam and bailing might stick around and shut up if they could see some (any) progress.


Elio Addict
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Jelly Stone Park, CA
Sounds to me like Louisiana likes to kick you when you're down!

If Louisiana wants to consider Elio a manufacturer before they even make one car in the state, then what did Michigan do when Elio built their prototypes there? Is Elio a licensed manufacturer in Michigan?

So Elio got $2.5 mil in financing a while back. Why haven't we heard anything about what they're doing with the money? I would have thought that at least they would use part of it to build those test vehicles.

A few weeks ago Paul said they would start production in 70 weeks. If they haven't even built and tested those 25 cars how can they proceed to production?

The Trump administration constantly harps about wanting to bring manufacturing and jobs back to America, and yet Elio can't get any help from the government. If I were in charge at Elio I would take an operating prototype to Washington and have someone drive it around all day.... every day. They would stop for a while every hour or so at some busy location with lots of people and have a question and answer session. Seems to me this would get some attention, possibly from those in power. Who knows, maybe one of the major tv networks news might do a feature on it. For sure it couldn't hurt.

The ELIO test vehicles would be as close to a production vehicle as possible, with steel body panels, and all the other smaller changes that have been made.
If it were me, I would look at just making some F type vehicles, F for Fun, to let loose on the road so more people could see it, and internal parts like the engine could get some miles traveled.
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Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
It's been 4 weeks since Paul gave that press conference and told us about 76 weeks plus a few extra when production starts. 76 weeks from today is black Friday 2019 (11/21/19). So, does 4 weeks constitute the few extra on top of the 76 or not?
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