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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
So, if the "P" series stands for "prototype" and the "E" series stands for "engineering", what will the production series be? are there other series like sales?( "S" series" ),

Naw....... Lets steal a page from Bugatti's book.
We can call it the "Type 5 Elio" and code name it "Hermes".


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
Number of current reservations: 45,154 as of Aug 31, 2015 = 192 /7 days = 27.4/day.
Is there, and I'm sure for some, a reason to keep an accurate # of reservations at this time??, considering the goal had, as I recall been 60k
which doesn't really represent much of anything considering. A $100.00 + all the other "wants" want in, is really no money in the game. We, as I have and others here, ordered more than 1. I'm 1k all, $100 all, $100.00 want. (on the outside chance that the first few months when "someone" MUST have,I'd try to sell it for above sticker,and apply the $ towards my 2nd). I think the only true measurement would be the all-ins and since we only know the 1ks everything else falls into the abyss of speculation.
Hey for a giggle, remember the petition that required about 50-90k to get it before the presidents review? people were counting daily signers- and we know where that went!
Big money is big because they are smart enough to realize how the list is generated. AND,it's been awhile the incentives were mentioned.
The first batch of 1k alls, should it come to pass, will be in the fortunate position of buying a "loss leader"


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
Is there, and I'm sure for some, a reason to keep an accurate # of reservations at this time??, considering the goal had, as I recall been 60k
which doesn't really represent much of anything considering. A $100.00 + all the other "wants" want in, is really no money in the game. We, as I have and others here, ordered more than 1. I'm 1k all, $100 all, $100.00 want. (on the outside chance that the first few months when "someone" MUST have, I'd try to sell it for above sticker, and apply the $ towards my 2nd). I think the only true measurement would be the all-ins and since we only know the 1ks everything else falls into the abyss of speculation.
Hey for a giggle, remember the petition that required about 50-90k to get it before the presidents review? people were counting daily signers- and we know where that went!
Big money is big because they are smart enough to realize how the list is generated. AND, it's been awhile the incentives were mentioned.
The first batch of 1k alls, should it come to pass, will be in the fortunate position of buying a "loss leader"

In theory having your 1k all-in deliver's them at under 20days into full production, although production is a slower rate at the beginning, so let's say for arguments sake 6weeks of production. I should think, nearer to production the total reservations made will be closer to that 240k goal. And until it's cut-off, 50%+ of everyone will UP their level to 1k-All in. So there definitely is some advantage to having a 1K All-In, right now.

As far as selling your #1 in the beginning, I don't know. It might be best to have a collector vin# at under the first day's production, say 100? I don't know what you could get for it (a day1 Elio sounds cool, lock it away), or any All-In Elio built in the first quarter of production. Better sell it fast though, and drive it zero miles.

To tell the truth, I've considered it myself. It only costs a couple bucks to try that on EBay, so why not! The good question is, who else is going to try this? If you are the only guy, great!, the price will be higher. If 200 do it, maybe it's best to have that collector VIN.

Do you remember how some person had stored away a dozen early VW bugs for, what 25years? Office floor space is worth $10sqft yearly, or about maybe $2 for unconditioned warehouse space. So that's maybe $2500 + 32,500 = $35k each VW. Did they get their investment back? I see a fully restored one for $32k on line. A 100% original should price higher. The actual Herbie sold for $169K. Hmmmm.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
I now live in a town of (spoiled) kids making big bucks. My beemer here is selling for 5k (easily) for what I could have in S Florida.
I can barely make the rent, let alone store an E, and in 25 yrs I'll be 97 and they won't let me out on a day pass if I'm not dead, on the upside my place in Florida which was 5 miles from the ocean will be waterfront property!!
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