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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
From the way it looks like on the Elio site, if someone today does a $1K all in reservation, they get ahead of a $500, $250, $100 all in, that did it back in 2013. It's around 22,200 people that have a 1K all in (according to the Elio website). I would assume that the only way the early adopters get a benefit, is when it comes down to when they went all in for their deposit level.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
While I agree with the premise of your concern, I respectfully don't think it holds merit. Here's why:

Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to 10,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?
Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to 20,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?
Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to 30,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?
Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to 40,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?
Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to 50,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?
Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to 60,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?
Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to 65,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?
Should the $100, $250, and $500 all-in reservations prior to xx,000 be prioritized over later $1000 all-in deposits?

Obviously everyone desires to be prioritized as an early adopter or hardcore believer or true supporter or what have you. But we are all in this together, and I believe there won't be any unique delineation or demarcation line drawn between pre-65,000 and post-65,000, on the premise that it hasn't been done yet. EM has held strong on the concept of $1000 before $500 before $250 before $100, and All-In's before Want-In's, all throughout this journey, as I understand it. I'm not personally opposed to drawing a line in the sand somewhere and providing preferential treatment to earlier adopters, even if that involves prioritizing 'lesser' dollar-figure all-in reservation holders ahead of me. But that precedent hasn't been set by EM yet. Cheers!
The difference is made up in the bonuses you've gotten along the way; early adopters did get a bigger bonus (over the 50%) remember?


Elio Addict
Sep 1, 2015
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I think the program strikes a good balance between rewarding early adopters while still giving people who are just finding out about the Elio a good incentive. And I say that only having a $100 all-in reservation. If it becomes important enough to me to get in line earlier, then I'll save up and bump my reservation to $1k.

wizard of ahs

Elio Addict
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Terre Haute, Indiana
More people in line = greater incentive to bump up to $1000 All In = more daily operating cash for Elio.

But personally, I don't mind sitting at the back of the line in my $100 All In. It will give me more time to save up the cash so I can buy it out-right when it gets produced.
And all the BUGS will be worked out by the rest of us BETA TESTERS :D


Elio Addict
Jun 3, 2016
Reaction score
Livonia, MI
Is there a tracker anywhere keeping tabs on how many people "Locked In", completing a binding agreement to purchase an Elio if and when the opportunity presents itself?

Most folks are aware that of the 65,xxx+ total reservations, about 22,2xx+ are of the All-In variety associated with a Spot-in-Line. But last June, when the Lock-In offer was created as a result of new ATVM loan applicant criteria being instituted by DOE, wasn't it clear that the number of lock-in's was more crucial to qualifying for the ATVM loan than ever surpassing 65,000 total? Has Elio publicly stated how many of the All-In's have Locked-In?


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
I went all in right away $1000. What that got me was a slot in line. That slot is #8019. The bonus thing was on again off again as I remember. Signed the commitment to purchase as soon as they came out with it. Did so with the full understanding it did nothing but lock in a price. They made that clear. Not to concerned about spot in line it yet.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
For the heck of it I looked it up. This started for me 08-23-2014 after reading about ELIO . I gave it some though and hit send, "Got to have it" $1000. I received my spot in line 09-10-2014. That spot was #8019. We had not hit 10K yet and we saw 10K as a magic number. At that time, I had hoped to see the Elio near production in a year. Then the engine thing, in the end they came up with one. A couple video clips some talk about estimated fuel mileage then not much more about it. There was all the talk about the building.
Still hope to get one. I would like two more . Presents for daughter and granddaughter. Anyone that knew me would have put money on me jumping in on one. Gone through 3 more Harleys waiting. Wife ask if it will get here before I wear the new one out. I told her the race is on.
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