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The P5: What Would You Change?


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
.....I wonder how long it's going to be before an Elio owner gets sued for someone tripping over the wheels.
EM can't fix stupid! "Life" does, however, as many of the "type" of people that would think of "suing" have already stepped in front of a bus, or into a fountain or.....I am pretty sure texting will be involved. :cell:


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
Do you really need all the complication of pull rod suspension on a 75 mph car? The pull rod diameter on the P5 appears to have been increased along with the addition of the large brackets on top of the A-arms so I doubt there is much if any advantage over the coilovers. However the pull rod system adds 4 to 6 pivot points to wear out. Also the pull rods angle puts additional stress on the upper A-arm mounts which could cause the camber to wander around. Systems that work on race cars may not be so hot on a daily driver.​
I have heard the pull rod suspension was used so the coilover shocks could be moved inside the body instead of mounted diagonally, thus decreasing the wind resistance and increasing the mpg. The 84 mpg is very important to Elio Motors. I would prefer staying with 81 mpg and keeping the diagonal coilover shocks, because they look so cool.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
EM can't fix stupid! "Life" does, however, as many of the "type" of people that would think of "suing" have already stepped in front of a bus, or into a fountain or.....I am pretty sure texting will be involved. :cell:

My personal experience with a driver on a cell phone...
While she was under the influence of three percodans...
And while she was dealing with a unrestrained shitzu.

The officer let her drive away after she admitted to taking the three percodans.
No Charges. No Investigation. Her insurance co. offered salvage @ 60% KBB or court.

In MHO, I might have gotten screwed on this one.

I was surprised that I didn't get sued for legally being there waiting for the light to turn green.
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Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
Did the officer list the dog, the drugs and the phone? If he did, off to court in an instant, no question.
If he didn't, do you really think she'll stick to the same story? I doubt it.
But since she hit you from behind, that automatically makes it her fault. I'd still do court; but talk to a lawyer before you go in and find out how best to present your side of the story.
Have you gotten any bids on what it would take to fix the bike? Take those along.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Did the officer list the dog, the drugs and the phone? If he did, off to court in an instant, no question.
If he didn't, do you really think she'll stick to the same story? I doubt it.
But since she hit you from behind, that automatically makes it her fault. I'd still do court; but talk to a lawyer before you go in and find out how best to present your side of the story.
Have you gotten any bids on what it would take to fix the bike? Take those along.
Thanks, but the officer didn't list crap. According to him it was "non-reportable".
Non-reportable here means he lists the names, time, directions, positions and impact areas.

Injury or damage over $500 here makes it reportable.
Evidently he couldn't see the $2011 worth of damage staring him in the face.
This was all of two Octobers ago. There's a procedure you have to follow to even get an offer.
I had to get an estimate from a qualified shop before they could determine it was "totaled".

We're talking about putting a few hundred at risk to (maybe) get a few hundred more.
If you looked into the PA laws regarding how they're allowed to come up with value, you'd be sick.
So, no. Outrage and bravado aside, there's just no incentive to risk lawyer fees and court costs.
If (and chances are "when") I'd have come out of the courthouse logging a minus...
It would have really made the bad experience that much worse.

I couldn't even get near a beater in that model for what they gave me.
I'm the best scrounger I know. I was barely able to put the parts together for that.
I've yet to pay the $500 "reconstructed" inspection and processing to get it back on the road.
I had already bought the parts before I cashed the check and had it fixed in mere days after.

This is a good example of why I've had two bikes.
Since the impact, I've been riding the avitar.
I just got back from running errands.

On a related note, my bill for last month's natural gas heat was $27.
That was $11 for the fuel and $16 for the monthly customer charge.

The important thing to me is that she didn't look like that for very long.
I'll post a current picture of my baby when I get more time.
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Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks, but the officer didn't list crap. According to him it was "non-reportable".
Non-reportable here means he lists the names, time, directions, positions and impact areas.

Injury or damage over $500 here makes it reportable.
Evidently he couldn't see the $2011 worth of damage staring him in the face.
This was all of two Octobers ago. There's a procedure you have to follow to even get an offer.
I had to get an estimate from a qualified shop before they could determine it was "totaled".

We're talking about putting a few hundred at risk to (maybe) get a few hundred more.
If you looked into the PA laws regarding how they're allowed to come up with value, you'd be sick.
So, no. Outrage and bravado aside, there's just no incentive to risk lawyer fees and court costs.
If (and chances are "when") I'd have come out of the courthouse logging a minus...
It would have really made the bad experience that much worse.

I couldn't even get near a beater in that model for what they gave me.
I'm the best scrounger I know. I was barely able to put the parts together for that.
I've yet to pay the $500 "reconstructed" inspection and processing to get it back on the road.
I had already bought the parts before I cashed the check and had it fixed in mere days after.

This is a good example of why I've had two bikes.
Since the impact, I've been riding the avitar.
I just got back from running errands.

On a related note, my bill for last month's natural gas heat was $27.
That was $11 for the fuel and $16 for the monthly customer charge.

The important thing to me is that she didn't look like that for very long.
I'll post a current picture of my baby when I get more time.

Too bad you didn't have a body cam. Having her "statements" recorded could have really helped. It is quite possible the officer actually KNEW her! From your description of events, It seems like he did a good job of covering over some important facts.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
Thanks, but the officer didn't list crap. According to him it was "non-reportable".
Non-reportable here means he lists the names, time, directions, positions and impact areas.

Injury or damage over $500 here makes it reportable.
Evidently he couldn't see the $2011 worth of damage staring him in the face.
This was all of two Octobers ago. There's a procedure you have to follow to even get an offer.
I had to get an estimate from a qualified shop before they could determine it was "totaled".

We're talking about putting a few hundred at risk to (maybe) get a few hundred more.
If you looked into the PA laws regarding how they're allowed to come up with value, you'd be sick.
So, no. Outrage and bravado aside, there's just no incentive to risk lawyer fees and court costs.
If (and chances are "when") I'd have come out of the courthouse logging a minus...
It would have really made the bad experience that much worse.

I couldn't even get near a beater in that model for what they gave me.
I'm the best scrounger I know. I was barely able to put the parts together for that.
I've yet to pay the $500 "reconstructed" inspection and processing to get it back on the road.
I had already bought the parts before I cashed the check and had it fixed in mere days after.

This is a good example of why I've had two bikes.
Since the impact, I've been riding the avitar.
I just got back from running errands.

On a related note, my bill for last month's natural gas heat was $27.
That was $11 for the fuel and $16 for the monthly customer charge.

The important thing to me is that she didn't look like that for very long.
I'll post a current picture of my baby when I get more time.
Sounds like it's time for you to relocate; in WA state and OR talking/texting while you're driving is against the law and they are upping the fine to $1,500 on 1-1-16, dog unrestrained is another ticket (but not one they can pull you over for, it's an "add on" fine) and driving under the influence of drugs is a big time no-no. Here they would have impounded her car and hauled her off. The cop playing judge and jury and appraiser does happen, but if you would have had a helmet camera he would first ask you to turn it off, but you don't have to. They also passed a law that you don't have to have 2 estimates, you can take it anywhere you want for an estimate and they have to accept it. Sorry about your local law enforcement but it sounds like people on bike get a raw deal.


Elio Fan
Nov 13, 2015
Reaction score
United States
So I know this thread is about what you would change, however I think it would be cool to turn the only door into a lambo opening style. That way you never have to worry if you're going to bump someones car and tighter spots isn't a concern. haha Just food for thought.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
So I know this thread is about what you would change, however I think it would be cool to turn the only door into a lambo opening style. That way you never have to worry if you're going to bump someones car and tighter spots isn't a concern. haha Just food for thought.
I like it, and only having to get one hinge kit would help on the cost. :thumb:
Gullwing could be very cool on it. :cool-new:
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