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Where Do You Stand Now?


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
My prediction is mid 2016 IF the DOE loan goes through. If the DOE loan goes bust then at least I have a $1,000 T-Shirt. Based on what was said in previous posts about the DOE loan it may not even get approved until 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2015. This WILL be the reason given for the next delay announcement, and there WILL be one.

My point is this, just tell the truth. Everyone on this forum thinks their getting an Elio next year and their going to be disappointed. A majority of the posts I read are filled with expectations of sugarplums and Elio's by next Christmas. The grinch is going to steal that one. If everyone thinks their getting an Elio next year someone or something must have convinced them of that. Words like "likely", "should" and "expected" fall on def ears when "Production expected by 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2015" is plastered everywhere and highlighted in every news article I ever see. Even in the "Trunk" email I got today the second sentence reads "This is our first Friday of fall and all we can think about is taking our Elio for a fall spin next year! How awesome would that be?" What is that telling everyone????????? Just tell the truth. I want to see an offical Elio post that discusses all the possible delays and the potential results in terms of delays. Elio wont do that because they need the reservation numbers to keep growing. If they stop growing, potential investors will become nervous and may back out. Elio will make the next delay announcement in the 2nd quarter of 2015 and the new prediction will be 2nd quarter of 2016. If they do that then any new reservation holder will only think they have a year to wait and the numbers should continue to grow.

Just my opinion, but does anyone have $20 they want to lose?

I understand that everyone has their own opinion. We are all influenced by our past experiences. For some, those have been mostly positive. For others, Mostly negative. Fair enough. What probably bothers me the most tho, is a "double standard." You jump all over EM for making predictions, for not being able to "predict" all potential delays. He is not a god, nor does he claim to be.
You say "just tell the truth", Then twice in one post, Make a "prediction" but state it as fact:

1) "This WILL be the reason given for the next delay announcement, and there WILL be one."
2) " Elio will make the next delay announcement in the 2nd quarter of 2015 and the new prediction will be 2nd quarter of 2016.

My opinion: If you are right...so what. It takes a few more months. If you are wrong...You loose credibility. And that is worth a whole lot more that $20.

And that is just my opinion. ;) :)


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
I understand that everyone has their own opinion. We are all influenced by our past experiences. For some, those have been mostly positive. For others, Mostly negative. Fair enough. What probably bothers me the most tho, is a "double standard." You jump all over EM for making predictions, for not being able to "predict" all potential delays. He is not a god, nor does he claim to be.
You say "just tell the truth", Then twice in one post, Make a "prediction" but state it as fact:

1) "This WILL be the reason given for the next delay announcement, and there WILL be one."
2) " Elio will make the next delay announcement in the 2nd quarter of 2015 and the new prediction will be 2nd quarter of 2016.

My opinion: If you are right...so what. It takes a few more months. If you are wrong...You loose credibility. And that is worth a whole lot more that $20.

And that is just my opinion. ;) :)
I noticed you placed a like on my 3/7/14 post. I thought you might like to know that later on in the thread I upped that to 15 (yes I know it is only supposed to be 10) and then 20. I have yet to back down from those votes of confidence. :-) Z


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hmmm. . . . . , why do I feel as though I were in Australia, on an Ostrich Farm?

Why is that so many here, seem to have their heads in the sand. Doesn't ANYONE look or think about other possibilities or possible out comes? Is there only ONE answer to everything, and it has to be the one you are looking for, or it just doesn't exist?

Just curious folks. I've got my eyes closed tight, and all of my fingers and toes are crossed. . . . . . , but I AM a realist, and I DO live in the real world where EVEN death is real and can come at any moment.

I want this car MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. . . . MORE than anything I've wanted in my life lately. . . . . , but I remain vigilant to ALL possibilities and with the current track record, or lack there of. . . . . . Well, I think you can see it too.

You just don't want to accept it's possibility. :rolleyes:

I know you don't like to hear folks mentio. Anything "negative" on this forum. And NOR DO I.

So if Ya would, please, move over a little so I can bury my head alone side yours. :D
I am a "realist" too. Reality is, there are and will be unforeseeable delays. The "lie" would be for EM to say "we WILL build it," and later say "It's just too hard, we won't build it."
It's funny...do you really think ostriches "bury their heads?" :p

wayne kemp

Elio Addict
Aug 11, 2014
Reaction score
By someone thinking (positive or negative) of something that they have no control over thinks that helps them control or determine the outcome and it works let me know. I'll send you some items to think about for me.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Now that 99% of the engine is ready for assembly, who will be the first to come on and say:

"I think I will wait 5 years till I see how the engine performs till I jump in and buy one"o_O

based on the following post in another thread :

I was in Vegas the other day at the Shelby musieum and had a nice conversation with Paul Elio. I asked if the newly machined engine had that special spray coating applied to the cylinder walls? He replied he should have known that answer but they arn't sure if that will be used or just sleeving the walls or ?????. Time will tell what the decision will be. This engine won't have the 2 step valve system but will be on later prototypes.

it might be wise to hold off a while and see what shakes out .... it suggest all may not be well



Elio Enthusiast
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Yakima Washington
I have read hundreds of threads on dozens of Forum Titles and I am sitting here amused and a little perplexed. I reserved my Elio some months back (#5341) just because I loved the concept. The money was paid out for a hope and a dream. The hope is that it will return in the form of an Elio but what if it doesn't? I'm not rich so the money will be missed but that's water under the bridge. I tell my friends that I put down $1,000 on a dream. I have NEVER invested in something that may fail. Not because I am so keyed into things that will succeed but because I don't give my money away easily or recklessly (there is never enough of it to give away). I will either go down as a visionary among my friends or just have a good story to share in the years to come about how I was a part of a very exciting experiment. In either case I am happy with my decision and am enjoying the ride and laughing at so many of your posts. Life is good!
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