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Why No Law Suit...............


Elio Fan
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
Dallas. Tx.
I met Paul at a trade show a couple years into this thing, and put a deposit down the next day.
I had always ridden motorcycles and it reminded me of a three wheeled bike I had seen once.
Being cheap though, I only put down $100 dollars, but I did buy into the crowd funding deal.
Like most on here, I guess I really wanted it all to work, and dreamed of driving my Elio someday! But, after a few years I lost faith, and quickly sold my remaining stock. I had already
sold half the stock the minute I got it, and even after bumping up my reservation to a whopping
$500, I had made money on the whole deal. (I'm not trying to brag)
I have not been on this site for several years, but it seems that some here have followed all that is transpiring. I keep waiting for a letter from some law firm, with a form to fill out for a class-action suit. Now, today I check back in, and see a post taking about people who bought the "refundable" reservations! ( I'm assuming that is what was meant by FUV, I'm not sure.)
Certainly there would be some kind of law suit for these people!
Is no one going to take a stand for 50,000 or so people who lost their money?

Grumpy Cat

Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Did you read the agreement you signed when you made your reservation? They have no duty to deliver a car and we have no right to sue them. They only agreed to giving a discount to purchase said vehicle if/when it becomes to fruition.


Elio Fan
Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
Dallas. Tx.
Did you read the agreement you signed when you made your reservation? They have no duty to deliver a car and we have no right to sue them. They only agreed to giving a discount to purchase said vehicle if/when it becomes to fruition.

I almost didn't open your reply because I knew it would be a cut/dig against' me. (Happy Cat)
I'll go away and leave you sarcastic souls to what ever end you deserve,
but I hope the people who put down the refundable deposits get their money back,
or send Paul Elio and everyone connected with this ripoff to jail.............Bye

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Did you read the agreement you signed when you made your reservation? They have no duty to deliver a car and we have no right to sue them. They only agreed to giving a discount to purchase said vehicle if/when it becomes to fruition.
Did YOU read Capes post? Apparently you need to read it again. He was talking about refundable reservations. As far as refundable reservations, your reply is not relevant. If the people who put down refundable reservations request a refund and do not receive it in a timely manner, they not only have every right to sue but the legal system also has every right, and even has an obligation, to levy a settlement in their favor.


Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
DC area
Although I’d personally love to see Paul and Hari’s ‘feet be held to the [class action] fire,’ not only is it unlikely but even if it happened it wouldn’t gain the aggrieved much: the darn lawyers get all the money and the Elio boys did too great a job squirreling it away.

The best we can do, going forward, is to constantly monitor what Paul Elio, Hari S. Iyer, Connie Gresham, and Joel Sheltrown are ‘up to.‘ When they pop their heads up seeking new investors and/or subscribers or ‘reservationists,’ we need to remind the unwary of their dubious histories, and allow the inexperienced to make a proper decision.

Capes might get some ‘traction’ by contacting that Phoenix (Paul’s home town) Investigative Reporter that got some ‘mileage’ earlier with EM failing to make obligated refunds.

AND, just for the record: All you that think by signing an agreement for a ‘spot in line’ results in absolutely sufficient ‘consideration’ to make a legally binding and enforceable contract have no idea what you’re talking about. It remains to be seen if ‘spots’ in no line, but for the Principals possible malfeasance and definite incompetence is sufficient consideration for the $100 to $1000 RESERVATIONS. Surrounding it all, there will always be questions of ‘where all our money went,’ and more importantly when did Hari and Co. know or reasonably could be expected to know when ‘the game’ is up?’ They took reservations for a very long time and, under one of their shells, enticed more suckers with that bogus 65,000 reservationist threshold they claimed they needed: That alone says it all about what they were scheming.

Here’s a basic ‘primer’ on the consideration element of a Contract:

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Elio Addict
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Morgantown, wv
From my understanding, they did keep the refundable money separate, and the ones who wanted it back, got it back. The ones who wanted the non-refundable back for the most part did not get it, but some on here said they moaned and groaned enuff till they got it.

Life is a risk, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If you did non-refundable, write it off as a loss, forget about it and move on. Who knows, maybe it will happen and you will be one of the first Elio's on the block.

If you did refundable, contact them and demand it back, if you want to lose your spot in line.

To me it's that simple. I did 100 non-refundable. Wear the shirt on some laundry days and the bumper sticker is still on my truck and looks in mint condition. (sadly, can't say same for shirt, thus laundry day only). To be honest, spend 100 many many many times for a lot less return. LOL (not going to go in detail on that)


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Did YOU read Capes post? Apparently you need to read it again. He was talking about refundable reservations. As far as refundable reservations, your reply is not relevant. If the people who put down refundable reservations request a refund and do not receive it in a timely manner, they not only have every right to sue but the legal system also has every right, and even has an obligation, to levy a settlement in their favor.
Are there reservationists that didn’t get their refundable reservation deposits refunded on request? I did without issue in a timely manner.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Are there reservationists that didn’t get their refundable reservation deposits refunded on request? I did without issue in a timely manner.
I'm not going to look them up, but we've had threads where numerous people have said they've sent outrageous amounts of emails and waited months with no refund, just excuses and promises. I recall one finally getting action after contacting the local TV news in Pheonix.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not going to look them up, but we've had threads where numerous people have said they've sent outrageous amounts of emails and waited months with no refund, just excuses and promises. I recall one finally getting action after contacting the local TV news in Pheonix.
I had no idea refundable reservation deposits hadn’t been refunded. That sheds a whole new light on the EM business model.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
I had no idea refundable reservation deposits hadn’t been refunded. That sheds a whole new light on the EM business model.
I'm not saying that any haven't at this point. But there were threads here where people said all they got were six months and more of "We're working on it". Like I said, one individual said they finally got a refund only after they had contacted the Phoenix TV station with their story. To their credit, a member of this forum was the person who suggested that course of action to them.
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