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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
Over 180 per day. Massive press push seems may be the big difference in the past week. The last big bump was also around a decent amount of press during the NYC, SW CT, and Boston, MA area showings.

View attachment 2207

What interests me about this chart is that it shows a really linear growth in total reservations; hardly any curve to it at all. The daily reservations swing a lot, but they average out to what may be a fairly stable process. You get a spike and decline, spike and decline, but it's all coming out in the wash.

I'd hope that as we get closer to production or one of the real milestone events -- major grant, major funding, running engine, mileage targets met, pre-production prototypes built -- we'll start to see some overall acceleration in the reservation rate, putting a little upward curve into the total reservations chart.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
...So at 250 Autocycles a day, my Elio #2225 will be built/born about 8-9 days into production, So if I am guessing that right also, I should get notice in or about April - July of 2015... it is going to be hot time driving home, hope they find a good A/C unit... I have a long drive back to Oregon...

To keep people realistic about the delivery schedule I do have to clarify a bit that Elio Motors will not start producing 250 Elios per shift on the very first day. I believe Paul Elio oversimplifies the plant start up process to make it easier to quickly explain in interviews and such.

The fact of the matter is that it will take them some period of time to ramp up to the expected line speed as this is a new vehicle rolling down a new assembly line with all new workers so they will encounter some kinks in the process which need to be ironed out. Elio Motors has directly addressed how long it will take for new vehicles to be manufactured in a blog entry dated April 11:
Q. I have an All In reservation for ($100, $500, $1000 etc.), when can I get my Elio?
  • The reservation system is set up to allow for vehicles to be delivered in the following order: $1,000 All In, $500 All In, $250 All In, $100 All In then on to the $1000 Want In, $500 Want In, $250 Want In and finally the $100 Want In group. The date and time your transaction was completed locks in your spot, which includes moving up to a higher level with and upgrade of your All In reservation. It is difficult to forecast when a certain level will get their Elio. The only one that we can “guesstimate” right now is the $1000 All in group because they know their spot in line. If you were to make a $1000 All In reservation today we are estimating that you would receive a vehicle 5-7 weeks after production starts next year.
We happen to have a member, Zarquon, who made his reservation on the evening of April 11 and his number is 3686. The fact that Elio Motors estimates he would receive his vehicle 5-7 weeks after production begins up gives some good insight into how production will begin very slowly and ramp up from there.
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Elio Addict
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
To keep people realistic about the delivery schedule I do have to clarify a bit that Elio Motors will not start producing 250 Elios per shift on the very first day. I believe Paul Elio oversimplifies the plant start up process to make it easier to quickly explain in interviews and such.

The fact of the matter is that it will take them some period of time to ramp up to the expected line speed as this is a new vehicle rolling down a new assembly line with all new workers so they will encounter some kinks in the process which need to be ironed out. Elio Motors has directly addressed how long it will take for new vehicles to be manufactured in a blog entry dated April 11:

We happen to have a member, Zarquon, who made his reservation on the evening of April 11 and his number is 3686. The fact that Elio Motors estimates he would receive his vehicle 5-7 weeks after production begins up gives some good insight into how production will begin very slowly and ramp up from there.
Hopefully they get all those kinks ironed out before they get to vehicle 3185
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Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Hopefully they get all those kinks ironed out before they get to vehicle 3185

I would hope so but the good thing is that by starting out slowly all the production vehicles should be built to a high standard. :)

I have also heard that it is likely there will be a small pre-production batch that will roll out of the plant before production officially begins. This batch will be built on the line but at a very slow pace as it is meant to test and calibrate all the equipment involved in the assembly process while at the same time giving the employees and engineers some time to go over the procedures at each assembly station before the line starts up with vehicles stacked one behind the other. My guess is that these final pre-production vehicles will like end up in Elio Motors promotional fleet to be used for test drives and such.

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver
When will the store locations be up and running? I'm near Dallas tx and can't wait to go order my elio.

Hi Cheri, welcome to the forum from Kansas. The store locations will not be up and running until, an educated guesstimate of, Sept 2016.

So from your point of view, if toward the end of 2016 is ok, you can wait for the stores. The next action you can take, to get an Elio sooner, is to place a reservation. Go to www.eliomotors.com, snoop around the website, in the FAQ there will be some info on what reservation gets you what place in line. You won't choose options or color, just "I want an Elio". They have refundable and non-refundable deposits.

A non-refundable reservation by Sept 1 gets you 50% bump from Elio Motors towards the purchase price. A $1000 non-refundable reservation gets you a number in line, as well as $500 bonus towards purchase, and a guess is you'd get yours, if you make the reservation today, in a Feb-Apr 2016 timeframe.
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Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Here are my charts with the 8/17 release numbers.

Elio Numbers 2014 08 17.JPG
Elio Numbers 2014 08 17.JPG

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver
Here are my charts with the 8/17 release numbers.

View attachment 2215 View attachment 2215

Ty, as always, thanks for your efforts to put these together. The numbers are a bit hard to read. When I zoom in, the font gets blurry. When I click on the lower right image, it does display in a different page, but is still small and slightly blurry. Is there a way to post them individually, or some other way where the numbers are bigger? Thanks in advance!


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Here they are again. I thought that the thumbnails could be zoomed better but this Forum won't allow me to upload the Excel files. I made the fonts bigger and I hope that helps.

Elio Numbers 2014 08 17 larger 2.JPG
Elio Numbers 2014 08 17 larger 2.JPG
Elio Numbers 2014 08 17 larger.JPG
Elio Numbers 2014 08 17 larger.JPG
Ty, as always, thanks for your efforts to put these together. The numbers are a bit hard to read. When I zoom in, the font gets blurry. When I click on the lower right image, it does display in a different page, but is still small and slightly blurry. Is there a way to post them individually, or some other way where the numbers are bigger? Thanks in advance!


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
Hi Z,

When I e-mailed Elio Team and asked them about there timeline, because I had to start saving up for the trip to the plant to see my Elio being built/born and I wanted a time table to plan on...

Elio Team sent me back a note that stated that I would have about two months or less to pick out my color and options before my Elio would be built/born... and the after market shops will be near to the plant so you can drive it off the plant lot, and into a shop to have the rest of your other options added that day, hopefully ... ( trailer hitch & extra led lighting for my fenders, Sour Apple stripes added to my Marshmallow body )

Paul Elio stated in one of his many video's that : All people who placed money down on a Elio will get their Elio's, before fleet sales are made...

With Elio's coming off the line at 250 a day to start, and then when they hire the rest of the crews, they will go to 500 a day in January 2016... I am also guessing that is when they will start doing their fleet sales Elio's.. ( this is not fact yet, just putting the parts together myself, from all the video's I have watched )

The small after market shops could be over loaded, but I am guessing that only a very small percentage of Elio owners will pick up their Elio's at the plant..

So at 250 Autocycles a day, my Elio #2225 will be built/born about 8-9 days into production, So if I am guessing that right also, I should get notice in or about April - July of 2015... it is going to be hot time driving home, hope they find a good A/C unit... I have a long drive back to Oregon...

Proud to Be... an Elio owner #2225 Keep the faith... Elio Lives...
To bad our numbers are going to be so far apart. We could make the trip in tandem. LOL :-) Z
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