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New Elio Commercial


Elio Addict
Aug 29, 2014
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I think someone said earlier that the commercial was meant for Facebook only, and it wasn't for air play.
People on Facebook are far more superficial than most. If someone in the Elio organization thinks this is a good way to get the merits of the Elio out they are delusional. How about just stating the facts and showing their car, maybe playing a song from the 70 or 80s that their customer base can relate too.


Elio Addict
Feb 27, 2016
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People on Facebook are far more superficial than most. If someone in the Elio organization thinks this is a good way to get the merits of the Elio out they are delusional. How about just stating the facts and showing their car, maybe playing a song from the 70 or 80s that their customer base can relate too.
They'll have those too.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
Well, OPEC flooded the market in order to drive prices so low that fracking wasn't profitable. Shale wasn't "saving us" in that it didn't cause the supply that lead to the low prices, but fracking for American oil has drastically upset the status quo for the international oil supply. OPEC can no longer simply cut production to drive up prices, because then fracking becomes profitable again and American oil starts booming. Thus, OPEC is stuck with being the "Wal-mart" of the oil supply business, making money by undercutting everyone elses' supply chains.. We will continue to see sub-$3 per gallon gas into the foreseeable future.

ALL THAT ASIDE, the Elio is economical regardless of what oil costs. Because it is simply cheaper transportation than any other new car on the market. It is a new vehicle for the price of a used one. And to all the folks that are digging under the couch cushions for loose change for gas money, the Elio will be a lifesaver even in a $2/gallon world.
Not to mention we can all breathe easier... and the roads can relax a little knowing at least SOME huge vehicles will be staying home while the Elio does it's commute thing.

(I'm continuing to italicize the Elio sarcastically because I'm SOO not liking that name. "Hello. This is my the Elio." It SOO sounds like something Paul would do.)


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
Okay. I just re-watched the commercial. It doesn't bother me much. In fact, it made me kind of laugh when Blue says "Isn't there a statue of Reagan you should be making out with?" and Red replies "Yes". Maybe I'm on the cusp of being juvenile enough to get the humor.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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I think someone said earlier that the commercial was meant for Facebook only, and it wasn't for air play.
Yes, but you have to be careful with what you intend to be "only meant for Facebook".
Much of it has a tendency to reach the GP. They should have known better. You would think. :mad:


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
I called the Guinness Book of World records. They said they are going to send an investigator over immediately. They can't recall seeing such a broad brush ever being used before, and believe this may qualify for a world record.
With over 1 Billion people on facebook... nevermind.


Elio Fan
Apr 7, 2016
Reaction score
I like both advertisements. The satire was not making fun of the car. It was illustrating how childish politics (both red and blue) have become. "Cut-Low" contests (what we called exchanging insults back when I was an adolescent back in the early 70s) and the Rock, Paper, Scissors (or what order you want it), another childish game. I think the problem with satire, though, is that it typically is aimed at offending somebody. It usually doesn't bother me since I realize that no one can offend me without my permission (having been a high school sports official for many years, I have had a lot of practice with this).

I liked the other advertisement, too. I like watching to car. If the music were too great, it might detract from the car. For those who think "Yakety Sax" goes with about anything, check out this: http://mashable.com/2013/04/11/yakety-sax/#16cOkYJOC5qd

Isn't a point of advertisements is to get attention. We've got 12 pages of comments now on just 2 advertisements. I think they're working. Reminds me of the movie star who says, "I don't care what kind of publicity I get as long as they spell my name right."
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