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Report On P4 In Columbus With New, Hard Information

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
I don't know exactly how large Bob is, but he's definitely up there … at least 6'2" and 275. He's an accountant, and he wants to be all-in for $100 (cheapskate).

I shoot Nikon!
Encourage him to begin at $100. Soon he will be as excited as the rest of us and will want to upgrade his reservation to secure his production number.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
I appreciate all the opinions. Nothing wrong with being a visionary. Nothing wrong with being a doubting Thomas. Nothing wrong with still holding on to the belief the world is flat. We need all to keep us human from spinning the world out of control.

Appreciate our differences. It sure makes life easier.
I agree and we need to keep the forum civil. We do not have to agree but must respect their right to their opinions. Learn to attack the issue, not the person.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I appreciate all the opinions. Nothing wrong with being a visionary. Nothing wrong with being a doubting Thomas. Nothing wrong with still holding on to the belief the world is flat. We need all to keep us human from spinning the world out of control.

Appreciate our differences. It sure makes life easier.
If one holds the belief that the world is flat.......can it spin out of control? I agree that we should listen to all sides, debate respectfully, and the personal attacks moderated so the forum doesn't spin out of control. I assume we all share one common belief..............the Elio.


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
If one holds the belief that the world is flat.......can it spin out of control? I agree that we should listen to all sides, debate respectfully, and the personal attacks moderated so the forum doesn't spin out of control. I assume we all share one common belief..............the Elio.
Sure it can. Ever seen an old LP go sailing only to wind up edge on and blammo.


Elio Addict
Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
I appreciate all the opinions. Nothing wrong with being a visionary. Nothing wrong with being a doubting Thomas. Nothing wrong with still holding on to the belief the world is flat. We need all to keep us human from spinning the world out of control.

Appreciate our differences. It sure makes life easier.
What!??? The world isn't flat??!! ;-)


Elio Aficionado
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Nice to get good hard facts rather than the ridiculous speculations that seem to predominate hereabouts.
This short paragraph has rendered moot and obsolete I'd say, oh, about 23,567 postings and probably
all of the postings of the worst dozen or so offenders.
Very well done, fellas.


Elio Addict
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Nice to get good hard facts rather than the ridiculous speculations that seem to predominate hereabouts.
This short paragraph has rendered moot and obsolete I'd say, oh, about 23,567 postings and probably
all of the postings of the worst dozen or so offenders.
Very well done, fellas.

SOME facts and some personal assurances presented convincingly enough for Mr. Ekh, you mean.

1. "Paul (and Mr. Vassallo) are very confident that production will begin in September, 2015."

Could have said it this way instead:

1a. "Things are going fine and dandy. We'll be up and running real soon."

I am glad that Ekh went and asked them himself. BUT, how can we independently verify statement 1 and kill the ambiguous 1a?

Will someone PLEASE go and spy on the Shreveport factory? Pretty please??

Sidenote: I've been noticing that no matter how agreeable some posters are, if they/us/we/I disagree with the forum's hivemind, some vicious jerk alway feels the need to cut them down a week or two later. So brave! I've been on forums since 2003 and am a current moderator on one since 2008-ish. I've noticed that my forum is particularly civil, and I am not used to the mean-spirit, cultish screeching found here and in some other forums I've read lately. Here is humorous link to some forum personality type definitions: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1071556-List-all-the-forum-personality-types/page2
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