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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
I have an order number, but I don't see a reservation number in the paperwork. Is there such a thing?

Reservation holders who choose or upgrade to the "Gotta Have It" option, $1000 non-refundable reservation, eventually receive a production number which tells them where they are in the production schedule. These are sent out, via email, in batches roughly every six to eight weeks.

When reading through the forum you may notice many members have their production number in their signature area.
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Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
I have an order number, but I don't see a reservation number in the paperwork. Is there such a thing?
William, If you have a non refundable $1,000 reservation you will get your production number with the next release which should be within the next 7-10 days. You order number is just a confirmation that you made a reservation which everyone gets. It is not your production number.


Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fairfield County SC
Reservation holders who choose or upgrade to the "Gotta Have It" option, $1000 non-refundable reservation, eventually receive a production number which tells them where they are in the production schedule. These are sent out, via email, in batches roughly every six to eight weeks.

When reading through the forum you may notice many members have their production number in their signature area.
I see. Then I assume that Elio will maintain a priority list based on order number for those without a production number, or at some point will convert the order number to a production number. Also, some way to maintain order on the verge of production as reservation holders begin attempting to leap-frog over each other and qualify for higher discounts through upgrades.


Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fairfield County SC
William, If you have a non refundable $1,000 reservation you will get your production number with the next release which should be within the next 7-10 days. You order number is just a confirmation that you made a reservation which everyone gets. It is not your production number.
Jim. I'm thinking about it. Are you saying that there is no system to prioritize those with $100 non-refundable reservations against the production schedule? I thought it was first come - first served, after the upgraded reservations.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
William, there is a priority system. First is all the non-refundable $1k, then the $500, then $100. After this it is the $1,000, $500, and $100 refundable reservations. And finally those who walk into the store and buy one. The beauty of the $1000 non-refundable is that you cannot be bumped out.


Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Fairfield County SC
Jim, what I'm trying to figure out is what priority a customer gets by sending in $100 nonrefundable in the early, more speculative days, versus someone who waits until just before production starts to send in his $100. The difference in wait time could be months or even a year. Bill

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
Bill, any time someone increases their non-refundable reservation they move further up the line until they reach $1000 where their reservation number is locked in and their place in line is secured. All non-refundable reservations, no matter the amount, are ahead of all of the refundable reservations so this puts you ahead of probably half the people. Hope this helps


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
OK, that is the answer I was looking for. Thanks
William, we have found that approximately 25% of ALL reservations are in the $1,000 all-in-one category and those people get a production number. Every reservation holder will get an Elio in the first year but because up until they stop taking reservations, someone could.come in and put $1,000 down in the all-in-one category. That person (lets say that he was the last person of all time to get a reservation in.. he just barely beat the buzzer) will be the last person in the $1,000 category (25%). He will be followed by the first person who put in a $500 all-in-one reservation, then all those $500 guys... then the $250 all-ins, then the $100 all-ins... $1,000, $500, $250, and then $100 I-Want-In people.

The only people who will not be possibly pushed down the line will be the $1,000 all-in-one people because no one can go in for more money. However, every one of the reservations are supposed to be filled the first year.

Here is an interesting possibility:
Let's say you decided to go all in for $500 and are thinking "That Tyguy said that 25% we're all in at $1,000 and that there weren't many $500 or $250 all ins. If they are building at a steady rate, 25% of a year is 3 months which should give Elio time to work out the bugs and I'll get mine the first day of the 4th month."

That's all fine and would work IF they stopped taking reservations suddenly without warning. However, in this freaky example, Elio announced that they could take no more reservations but they were going to give people 2 weeks to upgrade as they wished. Well, 30,000 people collectively thought "I'd rather get an additional $500 off verses $50 (or whatever is 50% of what they put down) so I'm going to upgrade to the $1,000 level right now. Unfortunately, you only had enough bingo winnings to make that $500 all in. Effectively, once everyone else went to $1,000, you just got bumped to the last Elio produced that first year (which would be 9 more months)

That would bite.
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