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Spare Parts - How And Where?


Elio Addict
Mar 6, 2014
Reaction score
How does Tesla handle it? Their plan seems to be working just fine without Tesla parts centers and body panel stores. As for the "Any shop can repair" minor accidents I still fear this as the most troublesome aspect of the Elio. Since the total body steel frame is also the bumper front and rear I foresee many non repairable Elios in short order from very minor fender benders. A Twisted 3 wheeler is not an option for the road nor will an insurance company grant it as safe. Especially since all of the body panels glued to the frame will now be compromised. I so look forward to the affordable car aspect of Elio I just hope it does not prove to be a disposable vehicle for this reason.

I think the non repairable aspect will come from the low cost you might just write it off each time especially in the beginning with low parts availability. All is see is parts cars and race car chassis.

Jeff Bowlsby

Elio Addict
Oct 30, 2014
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San Ramon CA
I bet EM distributes all parts, at least as one option, through P-boyz.

Almost any car part is available through online sources these days. EM could set-up a direct order website for anything needed and ship direct to the customer or body shop or whoever. Engines/large body panels, windshields, even new chassis could be trucked, the Elio is just not that big or complicated.

The body panels are a bit of a concern, in that they are 'plastic' - whatever that means, I am not sure yet. If of fiberglass-like technology, specialty body shops are needed unless the panel is more economically removed/replaced, which is probably more likely. But as pointed out, if a body panel is damaged, then the chassis or suspension may be bent also. Frame jigs like a Cellete bench would be needed at least for simple frame repairs, but the overall Elio vehicle cost will total anything other than the most minor of damages. I think we could easily see a whole cottage industry of used Elio parts sources and independent mechanics develop from parting out wrecks.

Mike W

Elio Addict
Sep 8, 2014
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Really? You think maybe Paul E didn't take that into consideration sometime before now? If he didn't I know someone in the Elio Motor braintrust did. Building the car, while important, would be a useless gesture without the parts being readily available to make repairs, whether the part is a head light or the aforementioned swing arm. The parts supply system has to be there or it would make the Elio as much a failure as if it were poorly built. Nope, they've got a plan and will be put into place at the proper time. Nothing out there yet cuz the car's not built yet.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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The use of my name , albeit slightly different spelling has not been authorized by me!!!
Z was referencing me as crazy so that is no doubt why she spelled it that way.......not to infringe upon your name.
LOL I spelled it differently on purpose so it would convey my intention and not step on your toes too hard. I guess I didn't succeed. Oh, well, at least I tried. :) Z
I knew you carefully thought out that spelling..........a successful and funny effort indeed.
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