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Financing Elio Motors Development And Production


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
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Wow I'm amazed that this thread I started is still Alive!! :D
I'm still crossing my fingers that the Elio will actually make it into production.
IF it actually happens AND people like driving/owning it for it's unbelievable price, I think it will fundamentally change the auto industry.

Financing a dream is tricky, but not impossible.
The price is without a doubt unbelievable and the 84 mpg was topping on the cake and that's what lured the reservationists to put in their deposits including me that reserved for 2! Achievable? Well it's a dream, it's a gamble, look up in the horizon... it's a car...no, it's a motorcycle....it's SUPER ELIO!
It's definitely one small step for a man(PE), one giant leap for mankind kinda deal! Well I can handle only so much hypocrisy, so I'll say this, if the needed ATVM loan is approved, I'm not hung up on the $6,800+ tax, licenses and del. charges- anywhere close to that price is good enough for me and that goes to the mpg claim too! I'm not counting on the sale of the surplus equipment only because if there was interested parties, it should have been sold already! The big question is will the ATVM loan be approved? If approved, will it be enough to start and sustain production with a measly if any profit that EM will make to fulfill at least the 40,000 reservations? I don't really care, just get it done!;):D


Elio Addict
Sep 5, 2014
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SLC, Utah
I was curious about who was behind the NADA's legislation to stop direct to consumer vehicle sales and what seems to be a direct shot at free enterprise. What's even more interesting is the NADA funding sources that make the power to influence possible.

I don't know what's best for citizens in this battle. NADA has a huge brick and mortor investment in sales and servicing centers. They also provide jobs in those communities that impact those local economies.

Companies like Tesla Motors rent a small mall showroom space for customers to place an on-line order. There is no customer local dealer parts and servicing options. It will be very inconvenient for warranty, parts, and service for Elio Owner's after the sale in those markets that have no access to PepBoys or Elio Stores for that matter.
It's apprently complicated. I can't take a side on the issue without facts to support it, but I understand the issue of competition and a level playing field.
Tesla sales just got shot down in Utah today. They have a showroom built and ready to open!
I wonder what this means for Elio?


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Tesla sales just got shot down in Utah today. They have a showroom built and ready to open!
I wonder what this means for Elio?
Very interesting. It seems to be a trend that may be sweeping across the country fueled by NADA politics. It seems like a hypocritical, politically inspired poke at free enterprise.

It only impacted direct to consumer car sales initially, but States are now including all vehicles in their new legislation, so it will impact Elio Motors. I think EM has a plan, but needs a product before they pursue it.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
It must be a state by state process that currently in which some Tesla stores succeed. Tesla sells , at their current price structure, and as a EV, to a very limited market. With the acceptance and proliferation of the E, there will be no way to retain the monopolistic position by the dealers. You can't stop the advancement of technology.
A hundred years ago, there were laws limiting the speed of them new automobiles that scared horses.


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
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Junction, TX
It must be a state by state process that currently in which some Tesla stores succeed. Tesla sells , at their current price structure, and as a EV, to a very limited market. With the acceptance and proliferation of the E, there will be no way to retain the monopolistic position by the dealers. You can't stop the advancement of technology.
A hundred years ago, there were laws limiting the speed of them new automobiles that scared horses.

I always liked the law that required you to disassemble and camouflage your horseless carriage until the horse that you scared calmed down.
Last I heard it's still on the books in some state. (can't remember which)

Charlie G

Elio Addict
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
Parkville, MD
I always liked the law that required you to disassemble and camouflage your horseless carriage until the horse that you scared calmed down.
Last I heard it's still on the books in some state. (can't remember which)
Reportedly in Pennsylvania,
Any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue. Also, if you see a pack of horses coming towards you, you must immediately pull over and cover your car with a material that is similar to the landscape and wait for them to pass.​
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