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Friday Blog Is Out


Elio Addict
Mar 3, 2017
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I wonder if Jerome is doing one of those things where he's not going to get a haircut until Elio Motors gets the $100M. His hair is the longest I've ever seen.
If that is Jerome, it must be an old picture. I believe the last time he was in New York the fender fell off. Not sure where he works now.
What? Explain please....
I think extreme optimism.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
LOL... This looks like XKCD!


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Hey, I saw this:

... And I thought it was funny. This little vehicle is the "Eli Zero"... Eli 0... EliO... Elio.
How odd it that? Almost the same name as Elio and their first model makes their name and model look the same. How confusing could that get?


Elio Aficionado
Feb 26, 2016
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North Central, Illinois
I will say this about last Fridays blog. At least its got new-ish information. Ok, we don't know when the photo's were taken but honestly, just hearing and seeing the E1c out on the road and that they are looking for inverters blah blah blah...is nice to hear. I feel for the person who has been writing these blogs as its mostly regurgitated propaganda that just about everybody is not interested in hearing at this point, yet it must be done every week. This week, it seemed a little fresher than normal.

Yes, by that picture, its in NYC in the finance district on Brodway just short walk from the exchange. This is hopeful to me.

Now see, this is all im looking for. A simple update thats up to date. This whole SEC silence cow pucky is a ridiculous excuse for almost complete silence. Yes, you cannot say certain things, but you are not completely gagged. I know more about they next "new thing" phones, TV's, laptops, smart home gadget, and cars coming out than I do about the Elio and those are publicly traded companies as well. Some information leaked, some not. At the same time, Im sure the blog person is not getting paid much if at all so hats off for doing the yo-mans work for peanuts.

I wish whomever is in NYC the best of luck with the investor meetings. I know how crazy stressful they can be.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
I will say this about last Fridays blog. At least its got new-ish information. Ok, we don't know when the photo's were taken but honestly, just hearing and seeing the E1c out on the road and that they are looking for inverters blah blah blah...is nice to hear. I feel for the person who has been writing these blogs as its mostly regurgitated propaganda that just about everybody is not interested in hearing at this point, yet it must be done every week. This week, it seemed a little fresher than normal.

Yes, by that picture, its in NYC in the finance district on Broadway just short walk from the exchange. This is hopeful to me.

Now see, this is all im looking for. A simple update that's up to date. This whole SEC silence cow pucky is a ridiculous excuse for almost complete silence. Yes, you cannot say certain things, but you are not completely gagged. I know more about they next "new thing" phones, TV's, laptops, smart home gadget, and cars coming out than I do about the Elio and those are publicly traded companies as well. Some information leaked, some not. At the same time, I'm sure the blog person is not getting paid much if at all so hats off for doing the yo-mans work for peanuts.

I wish whomever is in NYC the best of luck with the investor meetings. I know how crazy stressful they can be.

I wouldn't be surprised if the person sending out the blogs had a bunch of them done ahead of time and Paul is releasing them and maybe tweaking them a little here and there. Most likely, Paul is either working on getting funding or biding his time. Time doesn't really hurt him too much as long as the loans stay out there and lets be honest, if Iyer wants to "cash in the loans", he could. But the question isn't "Why hasn't he?", it's "Why would he?" I mean, if Iyer were to cash in his loans, all that would happen is Elio would go bankrupt and Iyer would have nothing. If he waits, Elio could become solvent with some other investor and, heaven forbid, some actual production. THEN, he would actually get paid for the loans. If I were Paul Elio, I'd be prepared to release good news as low-key as I could while, at the same time, buying back as much stock as I could. I mean, 1,000 shares could go from $2,500 to $75,000 almost overnight, right?

Anyway, I believe that Paul isn't in the clear but has a plan that could make this work. Perhaps he knows he can get it funded at too great of a personal cost but if he doesn't find alternate funding soon, he'll cave in and accept the loss of controlling shares to get it done.

... and for anybody who cares, todays' bit of trivia:

A yeoman is an enlisted person within the United States Navy that performs administrative and clerical work. They deal with protocol, naval instructions, enlisted evaluations, commissioned officer fitness reports, naval messages, visitors, telephone calls and mail (both conventional and electronic).
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