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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?

Roberto Benitez

Elio Aficionado
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, Tx
There ate two distinct concepts that, I believe, should be treated independently: whether it is a scam, and whether it will succeed.

Personally, I believe Paul Elio has collected enough in reservations that he would have disappeared already if it were a scam. He has elicited a lot of publicity and has taken a lot of steps to prepare for production--uncharacteristic of a scam--unless every but of press has been fabricated(i find it unlikely).

Will it succeed? I do not know. I went all-in a while back--with an element of faith. Time will tell enough people will see that this is the vehicle and concept we have needed for a while.

Forking over money for a product that does not yet exist is not uncommon--investors do this every day. It baffles me to hear many objections--and claims--the Elio is a scam solely on the basis that they are taking reservations (and money) for a product that does not exist. Some of these risks pay off, while others do not.

I think that the Elio has enough momentum to have a good chance to at least start production.


Elio Addict
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
If you are doubtful then best to take the wait and see approach. The odds of this actually happening are in my view greater than the odds of it not, but until Elio has a fully-functioning production line no one can know. If you cannot afford to risk the deposit then there is no reason to do so.

What I am utterly confident of is the fact that if Elio Motors can get to the point of mass producing this vehicle they will sell them as fast as they can make them. For $12k I would've given this a serious look but for $6800 starting? The potential value proposition is simply startling.

After all, does it matter if you are #21,454 and risked nothing or #12,123 and risked a wad of your cash?


Elio Addict
Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
S.E. Texas (Gulf Coast)
As I did when I went all in for 1K, I'll quote James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose again...

"He either fears his fate too much
or his desserts are small
who dares not put it to the touch
to win or lose it all... Montrose's Toast"

I think it's a risk, but a mitigated one... Like some of the others here have said, its possible the venture will fail, but I don't think it will be any lack of effort by Paul Elio and his team... I don't think its some kind of pyramid or Ponzi scheme, and I believe that Paul Elio is an ethical man...
Now, having said that, let me add that we are each and everyone of us responsible for our own actions, and you must decide for yourself whether or not this is a sound investment... No criticism for anyone that chooses to wait, and by the same token let's have no crying if it turns out to be a bad investment... C'est la Vie! Eh...

Personally, I'm looking forward to shooting over to the plant early December 2015, and picking up my new ride!:)
As Forrest says..."and that's all I have to say about that"


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
The simple rule is the same as it should be for investing, gambling in a casino or loaning money to friends: don't part with more than you can afford to lose. I have two friends who were both burned by contractors on down payments on new construction homes; one for $17,000 and another for $23,000. Elio sppears much less risky, but by all means, do what you think is best for you and yours.
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