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Coronavirus Info

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Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
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DC area
I’m of the opinion that since Corona virus is also the mechanism of the common cold, and also that even on ‘good years’ our Flu shots are only about 30 percent effective, that getting this new Chinese strain of Corona virus is going to be a ‘right of passage’ or a ‘new norm’ much like Mumps and Measles were.

Sure no one knows if and how long immunity will last: no one knows anything about anything... I didn’t go out of my way courting getting infected, but I did purposely take lots of unnecessary public transportation and even now have only on my second mask! I’m not bragging, but figure it’s best to get it over with and trust my body and my understanding of statistics and put my ‘money where my mouth is’ regarding incorrect and politically tainted raw data.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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I’m of the opinion that since Corona virus is also the mechanism of the common cold, and also that even on ‘good years’ our Flu shots are only about 30 percent effective, that getting this new Chinese strain of Corona virus is going to be a ‘right of passage’ or a ‘new norm’ much like Mumps and Measles were.

Sure no one knows if and how long immunity will last: no one knows anything about anything... I didn’t go out of my way courting getting infected, but I did purposely take lots of unnecessary public transportation and even now have only on my second mask! I’m not bragging, but figure it’s best to get it over with and trust my body and my understanding of statistics and put my ‘money where my mouth is’ regarding incorrect raw data.
Last Sunday night I stepped on a rusty and soil covered nail. Monday I checked and found that my last Tdap was a four years and eight months ago. I called my doctor's office (who now only "see" patients via video conference). They got back to me with the message that my doctor wanted me to go to the emergency room and be examined because I might need another Tdap or a Td booster. I had cleaned, disinfected and bandaged the puncture wound immediately after it happened. No symptoms and no pain. I'm sure the overall co-pay from going to the emergency room would have been in the hundreds of dollars and I had already contacted Walmart about the availability and cost ($47) of their Tdap. The pharmacy technician said they were not giving immunizations, but that she would make an exception because of the "emergency". Done and done with N-95, goggles and gloves Tuesday morning. There are only about 30 reported deaths due to tetanus and "lockjaw" in the US each year. That's my point. Even though I was within my recommended 5-year Tdap window (it's actually supposed to be good for 10 years or more), I made sure I was not going to be one of those 30 statistics out of 365 million.
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Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
DC area
You had your tetanus shot less than 2 years ago? Your doctor said to get another booster? Not much confidence it appears. When making such decisions about MD’s I always reflect on this scenario: imagine you are a pregnant woman, seven to eight (maybe nine) months along.... every study and general medical opinion would say it is safe to go snow skiing (for instance). You decide to call your doctor and get his or her opinion. What do you think he or she will say? We know they’ll CYA and recommend not going. They might go if they were PG or their spouse was but they’ll recommend you don’t go. There is no upside for them and no loss if you miss out on a fun day on the slopes. It’s the easy answer.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
You had your tetanus shot less than 2 years ago? Your doctor said to get another booster? Not much confidence it appears. When making such decisions about MD’s I always reflect on this scenario: imagine you are a pregnant woman, seven to eight (maybe nine) months along.... every study and general medical opinion would say it is safe to go snow skiing (for instance). You decide to call your doctor and get his or her opinion. What do you think he or she will say? We know they’ll CYA and recommend not going. They might go if they were PG or their spouse was but they’ll recommend you don’t go. There is no upside for them and no loss if you miss out on a fun day on the slopes. It’s the easy answer.
Nope. My mistake. I meant to say four years and eight months. I corrected the O.P.

Samuel Gompers

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2019
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Dale, sorry to hear about your nail/foot interface. Did that in my pre-teen years, and it wasn't any fun. Well, I punctured my foot on a nail. Didn't do the rest of the routine.

You are still off by over 70% on your recovery statistics. No one will ever recover from Covid-19. Every one of them will die. Eventually.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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My first hair cut in 73 years while wearing a mask by a person wearing a mask. Great! The majority of residents are united and supportive to see a phased cautious reopening in my City. Good to be united with only a handful of divided politically motivated open now protestors.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Any of those ‘open now’ protesters hungry, now unemployed, economically driven, and math savvy?
Frankly, they may have been unemployed prior to COVID, not qualify for unemployment benefits, and just making noise. The greater percentage of our local furloughed employees or small business owners impacted by the COVID shutdown are struggling, but supportive of a smart strategically planned reopening so it doesn’t impact them again.
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Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
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It will be interesting to see if a business that re-opens and then has a bunch of customers get the virus, if they are then sued or loose all their customers due to fear and go out of business. While I agree in principle that the government doesn't have the legal right to require masks in public, I believe that under the circumstances it is wise to follow what the medical experts are recommending. I find it also a little funny that the congress had problems with certain religions requiring women to wear masks when in session, but now they are all doing it.


Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
DC area
Rickb, very creative and fanciful, you must live in a very unique part of the country! Lucky your neighbors avoided all that economic hardship!!


I can only attest to what I see here in the DC suburbs and occasionally in DC proper. I ride a bike almost everywhere, most everyday (sans icy conditions), bike commuted (12 miles total) most every workday ‘til retirement. When I’m not riding, I’m walking, I might start my car every three weeks just to run it a little....

I can tell the officious (a few have screamed at me while on my bike to wear a mask, (altho that has never been an ‘edict’)) and overzealous pedestrian a half a mile away. They are zig zagging around people casting evil hexes, and without exaggeration I see literally dozens jumping into moving traffic to ‘avoid’ other pedestrians. I have seen two accidents where only the drivers suffered damages avoiding the paranoids.

Herein lies an economic solution for the MSM to recoup some of their tremendous (self-caused) advertising revenue shortfalls: issue reflective vests with MSM advertisements! CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and the rest could surely get a good deal on some screen printed Chinese vests and who knows, they still might be able to even inflate the fatality numbers a bit more.
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