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Elio Erks Me To No End

Chris Los

Elio Fan
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
So if you don't believe in this project or have lost faith in this project why are you here on this website? Is it your desire to make everyone else follow your path? Why?

Do you need acknowledgement of your beliefs? OK, I acknowledge your belief. No additional comments are needed. Go out and enjoy your life. Why are you wasting your time on a project you feel has no value?
As a person who has contributed negative tinder to this thread I apologize.

I think where I have gotten it wrong is even considering this website a discussion board. It is not. This is a fansite. As such, negative thoughts that fall outside the prevailing group-think are not tolerated.

A true discussion board is not a mutual admiration society. It is a place to discuss different opinions without being attacked. There are 9-10 pages here in one day because most of the true believers here feel the need to parachute in to the rescue of this company anytime a poster isn’t putting out happy thoughts. If you are not 100 percent onboard then go away…A fansite is a place where you put up cartoons or pictures of animals or smiley faces and don’t put out opinions that will get you labelled as a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer. You would think I am talking to workers on the EM assembly line insteady of a bunch of mostly 50 year old men - like myself LOL.

I can assure you I don’t lose any sleep over this car deposit despite my view that it will likely never be built. I have donated to other causes just because they are good ideas and worth trying to do. This car is not an investment or anything other than a concept. I do hope there is money available besides the non-refundable deposits.

You and I only have a grand worth of skin in the game. Caddo Parish invested $7.5MM in this company based on promises that jobs were coming to an area that needs jobs. I am sure at this point they feel a fair bit of anxiety. When you go from not needing money to manufacture to needing the ATVM loan to get this done, obviously something has changed. I really hope the car gets built because it is a good idea and gas prices will go up again. And I want to support the American worker.

Message received again. Stupid me. Don’t get up. I will let myself out the door. So long.


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
As a person who has contributed negative tinder to this thread I apologize.

I think where I have gotten it wrong is even considering this website a discussion board. It is not. This is a fansite. As such, negative thoughts that fall outside the prevailing group-think are not tolerated.

A true discussion board is not a mutual admiration society. It is a place to discuss different opinions without being attacked. There are 9-10 pages here in one day because most of the true believers here feel the need to parachute in to the rescue of this company anytime a poster isn’t putting out happy thoughts. If you are not 100 percent onboard then go away…A fansite is a place where you put up cartoons or pictures of animals or smiley faces and don’t put out opinions that will get you labelled as a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer. You would think I am talking to workers on the EM assembly line insteady of a bunch of mostly 50 year old men - like myself LOL.

I can assure you I don’t lose any sleep over this car deposit despite my view that it will likely never be built. I have donated to other causes just because they are good ideas and worth trying to do. This car is not an investment or anything other than a concept. I do hope there is money available besides the non-refundable deposits.

You and I only have a grand worth of skin in the game. Caddo Parish invested $7.5MM in this company based on promises that jobs were coming to an area that needs jobs. I am sure at this point they feel a fair bit of anxiety. When you go from not needing money to manufacture to needing the ATVM loan to get this done, obviously something has changed. I really hope the car gets built because it is a good idea and gas prices will go up again. And I want to support the American worker.

Message received again. Stupid me. Don’t get up. I will let myself out the door. So long.
I have to disagree a bit with you here.
Yes it's a fan site but also a discussion board.
What I think raises people's blood pressure and forces them (us) to retaliate by singing Elio-praises, is when the same old arguments are brought up about how this venture is going to or has already failed.
We get it. We all have the same facts in front of us. No need to keep telling us that in your opinion, we have all thrown $1K out the window. The people that raise our ire are those that seem to have an end game of converting us into people who think like them and that have no more hope for the vehicle. Some people on here will not be satisfied until Elio and ElioOwners.com eventually closes up shop. Then they can smugly say "I told 'em so."
It's not necessarily that what they say is wrong, but they say it over and over again with the intention of converting us and of us finally saying, "ok. We're stupid."


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
MPG - 66mpg is the best claimed road test, and 81.4mpg is the best claimed computer simulation. No improvements for over a year.
price - $7100 a year and a half ago, $7200 a year ago, $7300 now (best projected price)
design - that one is pretty close.

Again, 50/70mpg would be great, just not what is being claimed.
Also, anything up to $8999 MSRP outfitted as claimed would still be a bargain.

Finance people look at the math. If the numbers don't look right, they don't invest.
These are all things that are happening. These are the numbers.
You say it can't mathematically happen.
What you are in effect saying is that mathematically, a car cannot be built that gets 84 MPG, costs $6800, etc. Is that what you're saying? That engineering / mathematics wise this is impossible?
I'd be careful making that broad of a statement.
It CAN be done, I'm sure...


Elio Fan
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
OK, since I started all this with this thread, I will give you my thoughts why I posted after such a long absence. First, I am not against this Elio project at all, just truly discouraged. Too many false promises for me, and all the bits and pieces I have been reading have somewhat caused a resentment to Elio for treating some customers they way they have. I read a rumor that they have shunned negative comments and blocked people on their Facebook page. I have heard and read gas mileage estimates based on somewhat fictional facts because their is no motor, etc. I have seen mathematically formulas as to why this car can never be profitable at the 6800 selling price. Perhaps this is why their are no major investors, come on Mr Warren Buffet, do your research and invest if it makes sense. Again there is way too much for me to read in here to get caught-up so some of my info may be spotty.

I resent the fact that it was such a deadline date, to get the 50% bonus way back a year or so ago, and now they are offering the same incentive to new people that want to roll the dice now. Granted, the early depositors have a quicker delivery date, but we had more risk at the beginning. not fair, I feel they just need more money to keep this project alive.

I truly am a realist, and put 3 deposits down when this car was first announced, because I thought it would be a good company car for a few of us.

I will continue to follow this forum because I love the passion we all share for something new.

Good luck to us all


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
I enjoy exchanging comments with folks who present thoughtful, fact based info .... I have little regard for comments for folks who are so totally committed to EM that they refuse to acknowledge even the possibility of that they can make a mistake ..... I have little regard for comments from folks who are so anti EM that they twist all info to try to try and fit their agenda .... I do find it interesting that within the last few days we have heard of attacks on Facebook and some other sites and at the same time have had a small number of folks who have joined and who have come in full attack mode


Elio Addict
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
Wylie, Texas (DFW)
Why isn't there a new date for the engine reveal by now? How hard can it be to get this scheduled?
This is the only thing that is bothering me. I feel (personally) that Elio has been very transparent about delays. I believe their explanation (funding, etc) and accept why they have had production delays. But this was such a big deal to present a running engine. If it was truley a scheduling issue, they have had ample time to reschedule.
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