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Investor Opportunity: A Message From Paul Elio


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
Correct, I was just pointing out that 'One of the Faithful" came up with the 'suggestion' that this might be an attempt for Elio Motors to be "cashing out and running away" ...... and NOT a 'nay-sayer'! Seems like some 'doubts', may slowly be creeping in, ..... even if 'sub-consciously'.

Nope, no new doubts at all. If you go back and read through my writing relating to the chances of EM success I have always been optimistic in my views but realistic enough to understand that this is a start-up business and failure is an option.

I decided to save you the trouble of having to look it up and actually found a good example of this from exactly one year ago today. This was written only about two weeks after I joined this forum and only a few days after upgrading my reservation to $1K all-in. :cool:
I know I will ultimately enjoy whatever the final product is even if I may not agree with every minor detail but this is pretty much the same situation with just about everything in my life so I don't see any need to stress about it. I enjoy my time on here reading everyone's opinions as we are a diverse group and frequently have many different ways of viewing the same topic of discussion.

I also generally try not to stress about decisions I can't change. I just do proper due diligence then make a decision and deal with the consequences as best as I can. Before I jumped all in I fully understood that this project was going to be at least a year from completion and could be subject to many delays or even complete failure. I also knew that I was fortunate in that I would never even realize the money was gone so I would not miss it if I lost it.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I understand both sides of this futile debate. Prior to the reason cited for the last delay I had no doubt regarding production. Since that point, doubt has been creeping in and EM's announcements of late along with the funding strategy of providing me the opportunity to invest $15K in EM's future, it is still slowly creeping like the "Blob". I'm not worried or stressed just suddenly find myself doubtfully hopeful my Elio will be built. Any doubt I have will turn to certainty by late Summer 2015. For now it's still a bumpy but funride to the end of flying the road in my Elio.

Note for Paul Elio: Some time ago I said, "show me the money, not ask me for money!"

Past Fanatic

Elio Addict
Feb 13, 2015
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I was an 'Avid Supporter' of Elio Motors in the past, I traveled many hours to see the P3 and P4, Loved the 'idea' and have been following them since 2009. I have seen them go from a 'customer oriented' company.... to a struggling one that doesn't care about their 'paying supporters' and just needs more CASH, by whatever means available.... including 'deceiving' their potential investors. When a $1,000 supporter asks them questions about their ESCROW account and their 'progress' in setting up an 'Engine Manufacturing Facility' that will be able to produce 500 engines per 8 hour shift (one per minute)..... they BLOCK you, without any notification, or reason; so much for 'transparency'. What CASH they do generate via the 'Mall Tour', seems to be going into more 'marketing'; and NOT into producing a "E" Series Pre-Production prototype.... and a TESTING program.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Easthampton, MA
Top 1%? A million dollar net worth is really not that rare... a million bucks isn't what it used to be!
This isn't something I spend on day looking at, but from what I have read a million dollar net worth is still rare. The list Bliokart showed I read to mean that $5 million in assets was necessary, that would definitely be top1%.

A few different links here:



I have no idea if these are accurate, but that is what I could find.
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