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Jokes! ( Not Necessarily Work Safe )


Elio Addict
May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Across the river from Minnysota
A retired lawyer and retired farmer were seated side by side on a cruise ship. The lawyer explained that a fire had burn out his offices. He had taken the insurance money and retired. The farmer explained that a two-year drought had bankrupted him so he took the federal insurance money and retired. After a few moments, the lawyer asked, “How do you start a drought?”
Plant corn. Works for me.

This is regional though. In other areas it attracts flood waters.
To get rain, I have to cut hay.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
That's the word!

A man goes to the doctor's and says, “I would I like to get castrated".
The doctor tries to convince him but the man won't listen.
All he keeps on saying is, "I want to get castrated! I want to get castrated! I want to get castrated!”

The doctor says; "your life will be changed after this operation. Do you still want to go ahead?"

Man: “yes!"

After a few hours the man is walking in the hospital with a stick in his hand and legs apart he meets another man walking the same way.

First man: “so even you got the operation done?"

second man: "yeah after 37 years of my life I felt that it would be much better to get circumcised", first man: "Shit. That’s the word!"


Elio Addict
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Mesa, Washington
That's the word!

A man goes to the doctor's and says, “I would I like to get castrated".
The doctor tries to convince him but the man won't listen.
All he keeps on saying is, "I want to get castrated! I want to get castrated! I want to get castrated!”

The doctor says; "your life will be changed after this operation. Do you still want to go ahead?"

Man: “yes!"

After a few hours the man is walking in the hospital with a stick in his hand and legs apart he meets another man walking the same way.

First man: “so even you got the operation done?"

second man: "yeah after 37 years of my life I felt that it would be much better to get circumcised", first man: "Shit. That’s the word!"
A man goes to his doctor and asks to be castrated, doctor asks why? man says he and his wife have 6 kids and that's enough, doctor says OK it's your call, after the procedure the man is laying in bed in the recovery room and there's a guy in the bed next to him, he asks what are you in for? the guy responds I got a vasectomy, man says That's the word!
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