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Just Got Email Form Elio Asking For More Money To Move Up In Line


Elio Fan
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
I like the math that you guys are doing here. The 'extra' money that Elio is trying to raise is basically a drop in the bucket for what is needed to even get close to production. But 4,000,000.00 bucks is an awful lot for sustaining salaries and padded expense accounts.

I would have more respect for Elio had they come forward and earmarked what this money would be used for. Such as a escrow account only to use on development or prototype, or anything not related to paying salaries and silly travel to raise even more money.

And in an imperfect world, if everybody does the upgrade, we would of all spend way more money without moving up a single place in line!!!!

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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The timing makes it seem a little crass, but I understand that it's business.

Are we open to discussing the possibility that the engine depleted most of everything including petty cash?

Your choice. Just a thought.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
And in an imperfect world, if everybody does the upgrade, we would of all spend way more money without moving up a single place in line!!!!
Don't get me started about having to pay for the minimum wage increases by paying more for my goods and services :mad:
In the perfect world, we'd all get the same raise and it would cancel out any and all real effects of any of those raises.
Same basic theory.
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Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
I like the math that you guys are doing here. The 'extra' money that Elio is trying to raise is basically a drop in the bucket for what is needed to even get close to production. But 4,000,000.00 bucks is an awful lot for sustaining salaries and padded expense accounts.

I would have more respect for Elio had they come forward and earmarked what this money would be used for. Such as a escrow account only to use on development or prototype, or anything not related to paying salaries and silly travel to raise even more money.

And in an imperfect world, if everybody does the upgrade, we would of all spend way more money without moving up a single place in line!!!!
With Vassalos selling his house so he could travel with the team, it doesn't seem they are "padding" expenses very much. At least when I'm traveling, I get per diem, mileage, separation pay, etc... Plus, I get to keep my house. They really are traveling on a tight budget, driving everywhere instead of having one person haul the car while the others fly from place to place.

Like you said, the $4M isn't much in the grand scheme of things but if it keeps them operating till real funding happens, it could be a VERY important $4M!

Trivia... talking about small amounts of money. Once upon a time, there were 2 guys who started a pizza place... they had a VW Beetle that they shared. Well, one of those guys needed/wanted money now and decided he'd sell his share of the business for the other guy's share of the VW Beetle. Done. He got his Beetle and went his merry way. His business partner had intended to add a dot to his corporate sign every time he opened a new restaurant but decided to stop doing that after the first 3 were opened... THAT is why Dominos has only 3 dots in it's sign.

Now, IF this forum was "Future Dominos Owners" and we were trying to kick off that restaurant, how important did that $4M just become? It'd be worth half a VW Beetle, that's for sure.


Elio Addict
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
I like the math that you guys are doing here. The 'extra' money that Elio is trying to raise is basically a drop in the bucket for what is needed to even get close to production. But 4,000,000.00 bucks is an awful lot for sustaining salaries and padded expense accounts.

I would have more respect for Elio had they come forward and earmarked what this money would be used for. Such as a escrow account only to use on development or prototype, or anything not related to paying salaries and silly travel to raise even more money.

And in an imperfect world, if everybody does the upgrade, we would of all spend way more money without moving up a single place in line!!!!

I think it likeliest that the current campaign is meant to shoestring the operational budget along as long as possible in the hopes of keeping a dream alive.

Mr. Paul Elio:

If things don't work out, please sincerely consider releasing all drawings, parts lists, bills of materials, technical work instructions as public domain or Copyleft materials. The design appears superb in so many respects. It would be a detriment to have that waste or languish for another go-around.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
With Vassalos selling his house so he could travel with the team, it doesn't seem they are "padding" expenses very much. At least when I'm traveling, I get per diem, mileage, separation pay, etc... Plus, I get to keep my house. They really are traveling on a tight budget, driving everywhere instead of having one person haul the car while the others fly from place to place.

Like you said, the $4M isn't much in the grand scheme of things but if it keeps them operating till real funding happens, it could be a VERY important $4M!

Trivia... talking about small amounts of money. Once upon a time, there were 2 guys who started a pizza place... they had a VW Beetle that they shared. Well, one of those guys needed/wanted money now and decided he'd sell his share of the business for the other guy's share of the VW Beetle. Done. He got his Beetle and went his merry way. His business partner had intended to add a dot to his corporate sign every time he opened a new restaurant but decided to stop doing that after the first 3 were opened... THAT is why Dominos has only 3 dots in it's sign.

Now, IF this forum was "Future Dominos Owners" and we were trying to kick off that restaurant, how important did that $4M just become? It'd be worth half a VW Beetle, that's for sure.
We will have to see the value of the home Mr. V. buys when he is ready to settle down in a permanent location after the road tour. I bet he has some ready cash in the bank. I don't believe for a second that the Elio Management Team Member/Investors are struggling economically so that Elio can become a success. Do you know his current salary?


New Member
May 21, 2015
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Hello Paul,

Upgrade today from $100 to $500 All In and you could move up in the line as much as 21,000 spots!

Yep, simply adding the next upgrade to your existing $100 All In shoots you up the list ahead of the other $100 All In reservation holders as well as every $250 All In reservation holder.

So let's do it! Click the button below and move ahead of up to half of all reservation holders! The sooner you make your upgrade, the higher in line you will be!

Upgrade your reservation today, your funding support will:

  • Secure a higher place in line for a new Elio
  • Help bring back over 1,500 American manufacturing jobs as well as 18,000 supporting positions across the US
  • Make an impact on our environment
  • Help lessen our dependence on foreign oil
Make an upgrade and make a difference today.

The Elio Team


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I've already decided to kiss my $100 all in res goodbye. Not the most painful mistake I've ever made. It's been a few years now and the pessimism is settling in. If they ever get produced great! If not, oh well, next time I'll invest in a product that doesn't put the cart before the horse. I've wasted more on pie-in the-sky political campaigns so no super hard feelings here. I watched a tv show (Mysteries at the Museum?) the other night. They showcased a woman in the 70's who had a three wheeled car (two in front, one rear, sound familiar?) she was "trying" to get "produced" during the gas shortage that promised 60 mpg. Again sound familiar? Her "prototype" was literally held together with glue and was sitting on some Datsun frame with a Toyota motor in it...lesser parts from lesser vehicle(s). Made me think of the Elio prototype that had a Geo engine in it or whatever... I don't think Paul is a charlatan, but essentially crowd-funding a quarter billion dollars wasn't the most adept concept. He should have had at least half the necessary funding put together before he even started getting "reservations." Maybe he needs to go on Shark Tank. Mark Cuban's got deeeeeeeep pockets. Enough with words and weekly emails... people want to start seeing RESULTS. When the delay is longer and longer, the worm will turn and funding will become next to impossible.


New Member
May 21, 2015
Reaction score
We will have to see the value of the home Mr. V. buys when he is ready to settle down in a permanent location after the road tour. I bet he has some ready cash in the bank. I don't believe for a second that the Elio Management Team Member/Investors are struggling economically so that Elio can become a success. Do you know his current salary?

Agreed. Sure, Dominoes started small, but at least they had a PRODUCT to sell. So far Elio has sold a pipe dream to us. Rickb is right. NONE of these guys are starving and homeless, or even remotely financially hurting. Yep, it's official- at this point I'm the skeptic.
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