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Not Ready To Pull The Trigger Just Yet...


Elio Addict
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Long Island
[QUOTE="satx, post: 76248, member: 5261"

btw, if the ATVM loan is the make-or-break issue but DoE refuses because DoE and White House don't want to risk another Repug/Fox/right-wing hate-media fabricated "picking-winners-and-losers" sh!t storm like Fiskers, then you should thank the Repugs for losing your $1000.[/QUOTE]

This WhiteHouse will not back any Internal Combustion project regardless of how efficient they are . It's electric all the way for the Climate Change Crowd .


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
This WhiteHouse will not back any Internal Combustion project regardless of how efficient they are . It's electric all the way for the Climate Change Crowd .

while they certainly do push electric, I don't know that I agree .... they need some wins and are politically astute enough find themselves able to support a jobs development, American made, tax generating, carbon tax plus, industry .... time will tell


Elio Addict
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Long Island
When I first read about the Elio , I was thinking "All-In" . It was almost like an Impulse purchase . Low price , unique looks and compelling story.
As time passed , the practical side of my brain kicked in . Why pony up to be amongst the 1st ? If this vehicle has legs and ever gets into production , I can buy one or two at my leisure . I'm sure most of you are aware that there is another Elio group . They seem to be the Ying to this group's Yang .
Skepticism abounds and there are many reasonable folks who doubt this adventure will come to fruition .
I remain cautiously hopeful that there will be an Elio in my driveway . But even recent history teaches us that Hope is not a good strategy .


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
When I first read about the Elio , I was thinking "All-In" . It was almost like an Impulse purchase . Low price , unique looks and compelling story.
As time passed , the practical side of my brain kicked in . Why pony up to be amongst the 1st ? If this vehicle has legs and ever gets into production , I can buy one or two at my leisure . I'm sure most of you are aware that there is another Elio group . They seem to be the Ying to this group's Yang .
Skepticism abounds and there are many reasonable folks who doubt this adventure will come to fruition .
I remain cautiously hopeful that there will be an Elio in my driveway . But even recent history teaches us that Hope is not a good strategy .

your positive inclinations followed by more rational afterthought is well understood .... been there .... sometimes go back there .... I firmly believe that in most things, what is right for the folks involved is paramount and, to put it rather bluntly, opinions/pressure to the contrary from others is totally unacceptable .... I'm a member of another Elio forum, probably the one you mention .... I read over there but seldom say anything .... FOR ME reality usually resides somewhere between the committed true believers and the pessimistic skeptics .... I do tend to read the views of both but seldom find that real world truth resides elsewhere .... one shouldn't invest in any project in which they are uncomfortable .... I think you are doing the right thing by watching and listening in an effort to come to peace with whatever decisions you determine are best for you


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
When I first read about the Elio , I was thinking "All-In" . It was almost like an Impulse purchase . Low price , unique looks and compelling story.
As time passed , the practical side of my brain kicked in . Why pony up to be amongst the 1st ? If this vehicle has legs and ever gets into production , I can buy one or two at my leisure . I'm sure most of you are aware that there is another Elio group . They seem to be the Ying to this group's Yang .
Skepticism abounds and there are many reasonable folks who doubt this adventure will come to fruition .
I remain cautiously hopeful that there will be an Elio in my driveway . But even recent history teaches us that Hope is not a good strategy .

You would likely be surprised how many of us actually do visit over there even if we do not participate. I think that, like yourself and JEBar, there are many of us who enjoy reading both sides of this debate as it does give us a more complete perspective on which to base our opinions.

One thing that makes our lives interesting is the fact that each individual has a unique take on life and as such we may view the same information in completely different ways. There is nothing wrong with being skeptical about this project, and indeed many of us that support this project will readily agree their is a level of risk involved here, however we do indeed all measure risk if different ways and make whatever decisions we feel is best for our individual lives.

I am sure even EM learns from the skeptics at times. Sometimes playing devils advocate with plans does lead to new insights which can be beneficial. The problems skeptic can cause also force EM into being a bit careful with how and when information is released which can be annoying at times for EM's supporters however is also likely a good thing in the long run as it keeps EM honest in their information releases.
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