Elio Addict
Yes to a good camera...night vision, maybe?
I did have a "pilot" friend that told me about a "strange sighting" back in the mid 80's. Out for a ride on his Goldwing with a group. Upstate NY, "pitchblack" night, and pulled over waiting, while someone in the group had bike trouble. He said, at first he thought he was looking at "landing lights" until the light did a 90 degree turn and accelerated super fast and was gone. Several in his group saw it, too.
Honestly, pilots are about the best witnesses "to something not right" that you can find. I've seen a couple of shows years back about WWII pilots reporting them (from both sides). Everyone thought that the other side had some 'high tech' stuff they didn't know about...Foo Fighters was the reference (also a favorite band of mine). I seriously have no idea what they are, but I do consider myself fairly up on what's flying...love aircraft, study aircraft, dug them as far back as I can remember. I can actually tell you what fighter jet is taking off at an air show just by the sound of it's engines (especially McDonnell Douglas/Boeing jets since I hear them daily). I live fairly close to an airport, and work right next to Lambert Field (St. Louis international airport). Expert? Probably not by some standards. But I know what I know, and these things don't fit into what's logically, legally, or possibly flying. Really doesn't matter if I do get a good camera set-up. Someone will say I Photoshopped it, or faked it somehow. But I promise you (and my cousin's husband can attest), something totally wrong with the way it looks and moves. Didn't see a thing in the first 47 years of my life that made me think that UFO's were anything more than an active imagination...I have been converted.