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Total Out The Door Price?


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
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Sutherlin, OR
I am also not worried. I know I will have to pay extra for cruise, auto trans, openable back windows and trailer hitch. But Elio has said they will be reasonably and individually priced. I don't have state sales tax to deal with but will have to pay license and title fees so none of that is a surprise. I'm still undecided whether to travel to Shreveport and pick up or have delivered here. I will worry about that as production date nears. In the meantime I am simply enjoying this exciting adventure and journey to Elio production and ownership. :-) Z
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Well, we are prepared to pay for auto transmission, but that's about it. We need to mind our budget and stay on track. Yes, we will save on gas money, specially my Husband who has to drive over 50 miles one way to work. But, in NE Ohio the Elio will only be a 3 and a half season vehicle. And for us we will have the added motorcycle insurance to pay because we won't be doing without our old vehicles. I got a ball park quote of $266. per year, full coverage for ME and the same for the Husband. My Daughter will pay a little higher because of her age and where she lives. Not a whole lot of money, but still needs to be included in the family budget. Like Z, I am still debating whether get them all delivered or not. I am hope they might cut us a break on three. Specially if we hold out and have them delivered together. Time will tell. Night All. WHO IS GOING TO MICHIGAN SATURDAY???????????????????


Elio Fan
Aug 7, 2014
Reaction score
Everyone, I'm a fan don't get me wrong, but I've been down the road with dealers and really hope this experience is different. For me this is an additional car that I will use for my daily commuting. I still have another car payment which is why spending $10k+ for me is too much for an "additional" car. Now if this was going to be my only car payment, not a problem. I'm still "all in" I am just hoping that the Elio price and car buying experience sets new standards for the industry. It only takes one automaker to start producing cars at an affordable price and the rest will have to create a competitive option. Right now NO ONE has a new car under $10k, and if a decent Elio delivered is over $10k, I'll be disappointed, that's all I'm saying.


Elio Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2014
Reaction score
My options would be automatic transmission, leather seats, rear view camera. No cruise control, navigation. I'm thinking that will add up to $1000? $10k is my cap. Went "All-in" last week, got my t-shirt, waiting for #.

Also, I'm hoping they go with the credit card deal, where everytime you fill up, they deduct the car payment...
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