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Delay To 2017 And Beyond

bowers baldwin

Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
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I would never do that! That's where the dog goes, duhhh.:p


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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True. Well said. I'm still thinking they'll have it done early while acting like they aren't and then surprise! See, we CAN make a deadline... everything is going smooth here. Hey, look, there's E-01 ready to be run into a wall or something. Hey, there's E-02 ready for real world mileage tests... Hi there, E-03, ready for some acoustic test

Fit and finish is not important in crash testing. It IS important as an evolutionary step and to make sure the Elio is right for production of course.

Rather that assume the P5 has been started, take it from Elio:
http://www.eliomotors.com/elio-momentum-v6-2015-milestones/ This one says they "launched the build" for the P5 June

Then here, they say "Earlier this week, we announced to the media that we started work on our fifth generation prototype, the P5." This was June 10th.

I saw activity at the plant with my own two eyes. I've been trusting them for 45 years now... except for that Penn and Teller show...
Paul himself said it would take less time to build the P5 than the P4 which took 20 weeks.

From their press release on 08 June:
June 8, 2015
SOURCE: PR Newswire
Elio Motors today announced it has begun work on its fifth generation prototype vehicle following a successful supplier summit meeting here last week. The P5 will include Elio Motors’ recently unveiled 0.9 liter, 3-cylinder engine prototype and a manual transmission.
Elio Motors is targeting a launch date mid 2016 for a vehicle that will get up to 84 MPG and is expected to retail for $6,800. The P5 is being developed using funds raised in a recent 506 (c) offering. The 506 (c) offering is made possible by the Jobs Act of 2012, and allows accredited investors to buy in to Elio Motors.


Looking back at your post. I agree with you that Elio needs to hit their target for the P5. I think it's important. There has been too much "Elio misses another deadline" type of press. I used the "IF the P5 were finished tomorrow" line merely because I needed to have a starting point. I guess I should have said "Whenever they finish the P5, it shouldn't take them more than 2 months to finish the entire E series." or something along those lines. I did not intend anyone to take the date I put there are a rumor or guess. If I were to guess, I'd say that Elio will have the P5 ready in time for their Summit and that's only a couple weeks away. I'll most likely be wrong but from the CAD drawings they've provided and the Tech Talk and Momentum which talked about the changes, it doesn't seem like they are changing much about the frame or the equipment that bolts to it. The existing jig (they should still have that ready) would only need minor tweaks. The body panels look like they changed. Well, the nose did at least and the back a bit so those will require new molds and I haven't done any of that kind of work.

I didn't mean to insinuate that you were starting rumors but it was the first time I heard "By Thanksgiving" and it threw me off. I've been keeping pretty close tabs on Elio because while I know what went on INSIDE the Shreveport Assembly building, I'm curious to the process that brings the vehicle to that point of assembly.

I think you've nailed the reason Elio hasn't given a build time for the P5. They don't want to be wrong again.
All is good! I appreciate your insight. I speculate, you speculate, we all speculate. EM even speculates, but uses marketing strategy to guage it.

EM has given a build time for the P5 at 20 weeks or less. It's a few weeks out and I feel this is one pre-production schedule they can't afford to miss.

Stephen Workman

Elio Addict
Mar 22, 2014
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Would anyone like to hear an "official" Elio response?
Here it is:


The Elio Customer Experience Team (Elio Motors)

Aug 4, 13:35

Hey Coss,

As far as the thing Jerome supposedly said about production (which he didn't - it was a miscommunication of some sort obviously).

Here is the answer: "Nothing has changed. The targeted production start date is still in mid-2016. This was a miscommunication between Jerome and a great fan of Elio, but it was a simple miscommunication. Jerome didn't say that production was delayed until anything but 2016". These things take on a life of their own, but please do not take rumors and make them into something bigger than they are. We communicate anything that happens with Elio Motors clearly and in a timely fashion and will continue to do that so you know what is really happening when we do.

Thanks again Garry.

Make sure to check out our blog at www.eliomotors.com/blog

Thank you,
The Elio Team
Thank you -for getting to the bottom of this in a very timely manner! I, and many others here appreciate it!

Deborah McAteer

Elio Fan
Oct 11, 2014
Reaction score
Marshall, Texas
I talked to one of the VPs at Elio today. There was some kind of miscommunication between Jerome and Tony. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Elio Motors is STILL targeting 2016 for production start. As Paul Elio stated in the Reddit AMA, a timeline with responsibilities will be forthcoming from the supplier summit being held later this month.
#18 and #6853


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
Would anyone like to hear an "official" Elio response?
Here it is:


The Elio Customer Experience Team (Elio Motors)

Aug 4, 13:35

Hey Coss,

As far as the thing Jerome supposedly said about production (which he didn't - it was a miscommunication of some sort obviously).

Here is the answer: "Nothing has changed. The targeted production start date is still in mid-2016. This was a miscommunication between Jerome and a great fan of Elio, but it was a simple miscommunication. Jerome didn't say that production was delayed until anything but 2016". These things take on a life of their own, but please do not take rumors and make them into something bigger than they are. We communicate anything that happens with Elio Motors clearly and in a timely fashion and will continue to do that so you know what is really happening when we do.

Thanks again Garry.

Make sure to check out our blog at www.eliomotors.com/blog

Thank you,
The Elio Team

Thank you very much for disposing of this issue in such a timely manner.


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
I talked to one of the VPs at Elio today. There was some kind of miscommunication between Jerome and Tony. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Elio Motors is STILL targeting 2016 for production start. As Paul Elio stated in the Reddit AMA, a timeline with responsibilities will be forthcoming from the supplier summit being held later this month.
#18 and #6853

Welcome Deborah, from E. Tennessee.
And thanks for the clarification.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
I know this has been kicked around too,there are/were deadlines that had to be met by Elio Motors to the Owner of the property, and local government officials ?? with penalties??
hey-XI:LIV time to dream of those "Magic cookies" when I get to Seattle next week!!
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