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What Is The Latest Start Production Date?

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Elio Addict
Aug 26, 2014
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Who is PM? Paul Elio? with a secret M in his name? If you were Paul Elio, would you give up control of your new company just because a few people are impatient about getting their car? I sure wouldn't. I would hold out until I had no choice. Is Paul taking chances by not accepting some kind of Angel donor? Perhaps. But more likely, he knows the risk he's taking and has judged it worth taking. It is not likely that Paul will let 8 years of his life amount to nothing. He will do everything he can to make this work. Think about it... If Elio really takes off, how much will it be worth? Now, imagine it's your car company... Now imagine you just lost 60% of it. Yeah, 60% of a car company might be worth waiting a little while for. Besides, why should he sell out right now anyway? He's still waiting on the body panel stampings. And his initials are PE, not PM.
There's a fine line here and the future of this company is treading on it. You can only lead people around with a carrot on a stick for so long before they start losing hope and bailing. Do you think people who have put down a deposit are going to be willing to wait another 8 or 10 years for production to begin? Of course not. I know that's an exaggerated example (I hope anyway), but you get what I'm saying...every time the production start date is pushed back, more people say to he** with it, it isn't going to happen....


Elio Addict
Oct 28, 2016
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New York
You are correct. Elio is looking to hit the homerun, which if it suceeds, that will have all the owners of an Elio very happy. That will certainly help the future orders and production do VERY well. But you bring up a very good point. If the current reservation holders start to give up hope, it will make it very difficult to get more orders. I speak very positive about the Elio to people I speak with. It is an exciting idea. Many people have looked into it further, but if when these people research the vehicle they find nothing but delays in the production projection, they will be less likely to put down a reservation. These people will not necessarily value the progress that is being made.

I believe the good news is setting the 65K reservations. They are certain to hit that number shortly after the LA auto show assuming the E1-c is there.

Lawrence G.

Elio Aficionado
Oct 30, 2014
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Pompano Beach, FL
I agree, nothing to push back, nothing done, Cado Parish ticked off, others sit in amazement of nothing being done. Not bothering with Elio Owners cause Elio is a no show. Money spent, money invested - all for not. Sad, nothing to follow.


Elio Addict
Oct 28, 2016
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New York
Lawrence, can you clarify?

Money spent - You put non-refundable money down on an Elio? If you get that e-mail saying it's your turn to order one, would you?

Money invested - You purchase stock at $12 which is now at $19? Why is that "all for not???"

Not sure of your timing, but progress is occurring, just not the production that we all want. As for Cado Parish - last week's "news" was just a staged political posturing. No real news. As it was pointed out, Elio is the only positive for Cado. 2/3rds of the factory is still available and no bites. Its even sounds like if someone wanted the who factory right now, they could boot out Elio.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Lawrence, can you clarify?

Money spent - You put non-refundable money down on an Elio? If you get that e-mail saying it's your turn to order one, would you?

Money invested - You purchase stock at $12 which is now at $19? Why is that "all for not???"

Not sure of your timing, but progress is occurring, just not the production that we all want. As for Cado Parish - last week's "news" was just a staged political posturing. No real news. As it was pointed out, Elio is the only positive for Cado. 2/3rds of the factory is still available and no bites. Its even sounds like if someone wanted the who factory right now, they could boot out Elio.
Keep in mind that as a result of the contracted EM lease, contracted manufacturing start dates, contracted 1500 promised auto manufacturing jobs, there was $7.5 Million of taxpayer money used to save the plant from demolition with hopes to grow the local economy with the creation of auto manufacturing jobs. You should read the Caddo Parrish Commission Meeting Minutes from years ago. It may give you a different perspective on why Caddo Parrish politicians are looking for answers............political posturing or not. My guess is their constituents that thought they would have secure employment and building Elio's by now may be putting some pressure on the local politicians for answers.

I was disappointed as a simple Elio reservationist, but would be outright angry had I been contract promised a job building Elios. It is what it is, but local Caddo Politicians were supportive of EM from the get go.........less one rather skeptical Commission Member who may not be named.
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Elio Addict
Oct 28, 2016
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New York
Can you provide a link to this $750M? I heard about the $7.6M and the one politician that was opposed, but $750M! I would have expected a lot more flack if that is actually the case. That's nuts for taxpayers to spend $500K/job for the 1500 jobs promised. Especially with no guarantees!


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Can you provide a link to this $750M? I heard about the $7.6M and the one politician that was opposed, but $750M! I would have expected a lot more flack if that is actually the case. That's nuts for taxpayers to spend $500K/job for the 1500 jobs promised. Especially with no guarantees!
Thanks for the correction. I added the missed decimal point, but $7.5 Million is a lot of taxpayer dollars invested for jobs. Caddo Parrish residents might think a written contract obligation to be a form of guarantee. Obviously, there has been one contract extension that I'm aware of......perhaps another along with added fines in the near future.
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Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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It's too bad that Paul couldn't have just bought the entire facility and everything in it outright back then for $7.5M.
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Elio Addict
Oct 28, 2016
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New York
Sadly, I live in NY. Spending $7.5M is nothing. It's not like it's the politician's own money. They spent over $40M for a ferry that lasted one here around here.

It's very rare that guarantees will be worked into stuff like that. I just watched all the videos from one of the stations in the area. Search Elio and it talks about starting production in May 2014 and 1500 jobs by 2015. Governments need to factor in what will happen if a big company that wants to set up shop goes under. Locally, a Walmart popped up. Several smaller businesses closed down. A significant percentage of the area crime based around that Walmart. We had to up the number of officiers. If that Walmart closes, the area will be hurting. GM clearly was huge in that area.

I'll stop there as I don't want this to be too political.

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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The car certainly is interesting. Would I purchase one, sure. Will there ever be cars to purchase? No. The interesting thing is how long will the hope-flame burn for those who plunked down money, and how long before the company principals flee the U.S. to avoid criminal charges.
Think about it for a minute. Constant changes of production dates. It's the carrot just always slightly out of reach. Shifting deadlines for last chance to lock in your car, each one brings in new money. The most basic logic here is it is a swindle that illustrates how easily individuals can be taken.
Welcome Everi!
A unique perspective you have there. Out of 162K posts, I don't think we've ever heard anything remotely like this before.
Totally original and brilliant. I don't know about the rest of you, but I, for one, have certainly have had my eyes opened today.
You're a life saver! ;)
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