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Positive Messages Only!


Elio Addict
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
These points have already been beat to death on this board, But since you don't seem to "grasp" English, I'll say it again in "TROLL"...........................WA WWAA WA WWAA WA AW AW AAAAWWWAAAAAAA
Habits of Paid Trolls:
1) Post one diary every quarter
2) Never tip
3) Never completely disagree - just throw the comment thread off track
4) Post at the top of the diary
5) Never recommend (only gives issue more visibility)
6) Work in shifts so are ready 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
7) When comments get troll rated - dump ID and move to new ID
8) Use multiple IDs' and computers so can post under as many as 8 names in a single diary
9) Have an alert system to have other post on diaries that are "dangerous" to their employers
10) Mostly make hard to read cutting edge stories in their infancy - mainstream popular diaries get too many views for paid trolls to have much of an impact
11) Discourage new diary posters
12) Turn off readers with a hostile tone, vicious, or condescending attack
13)Call your statistics arbitrary, ask you to check your figures, doubt your analysis or facts,
14) Tell readers your story lacks facts, that your story lacks depth, that your story lacks research, that your links prove nothing, that your conclusions are wrong etc (of course a troll will never offer a shred of "evidence" to back up a single of their assertions)
15) Write using a dismissive, surly tone
16) Dismiss diary writer or comment posters as not quite right
17) Have a tag line about anything but what the forum is about - but not actually opposing what the forum is about
18) No personal identities on their page
19) Never offer any constructive ideas

pj rogers

Elio Addict
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
The truth about elio motors....you can't handle the truth...!
Religion is based on fear!
When EM admits it is underfunded, you believe that is a positive thing.
You pay or upgrade even though you know it will not do any good..
Plenty of ideas have been suggested, and put into the prototypes...hatchback, larger rear windows, to name a few.
You want it when? We accept master card and visa and American express, wait 14 months for deliver, maybe.
You see a hand built concept car, with hours and hours of polishing and care and you believe that same car will come out of the factory assembly line exactly like that show car...at $6800...
You hate negotiating but will accept what the elio sales person says and pay full price. LMAO
The truth is out there, you are just afraid to see it...and are hiding from it.


Elio Addict
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Habits of Paid Trolls:
1) Post one diary every quarter
2) Never tip
3) Never completely disagree - just throw the comment thread off track
4) Post at the top of the diary
5) Never recommend (only gives issue more visibility)
6) Work in shifts so are ready 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
7) When comments get troll rated - dump ID and move to new ID
8) Use multiple IDs' and computers so can post under as many as 8 names in a single diary
9) Have an alert system to have other post on diaries that are "dangerous" to their employers
10) Mostly make hard to read cutting edge stories in their infancy - mainstream popular diaries get too many views for paid trolls to have much of an impact
11) Discourage new diary posters
12) Turn off readers with a hostile tone, vicious, or condescending attack
13)Call your statistics arbitrary, ask you to check your figures, doubt your analysis or facts,
14) Tell readers your story lacks facts, that your story lacks depth, that your story lacks research, that your links prove nothing, that your conclusions are wrong etc (of course a troll will never offer a shred of "evidence" to back up a single of their assertions)
15) Write using a dismissive, surly tone
16) Dismiss diary writer or comment posters as not quite right
17) Have a tag line about anything but what the forum is about - but not actually opposing what the forum is about
18) No personal identities on their page
19) Never offer any constructive ideas
They are probably college grads--poli-sci majors or business marketing majors--who can't find any work so they become an internet troll.

Keith Stone

Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
The truth about elio motors....you can't handle the truth...!
Religion is based on fear!
When EM admits it is underfunded, you believe that is a positive thing.
You pay or upgrade even though you know it will not do any good..
Plenty of ideas have been suggested, and put into the prototypes...hatchback, larger rear windows, to name a few.
You want it when? We accept master card and visa and American express, wait 14 months for deliver, maybe.
You see a hand built concept car, with hours and hours of polishing and care and you believe that same car will come out of the factory assembly line exactly like that show car...at $6800...
You hate negotiating but will accept what the elio sales person says and pay full price. LMAO
The truth is out there, you are just afraid to see it...and are hiding from it.
Hey this is thread is supposed to be positive if you don't have anything positive go to another thread!
Have a nice day!:)

pj rogers

Elio Addict
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Why are you so afraid keith? false confidence.? I will not try to build up your self esteem and convince you that we all so positive this will even be built..I have followed it for almost a year, I am not sure it will be built.
In my opinion, The only way it will be built is from fear, paul elios fear...the money stops, paul elio makes a vehicle..or he doesn't..simple as that.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Why are you so afraid keith? false confidence.? I will not try to build up your self esteem and convince you that we all so positive this will even be built..I have followed it for almost a year, I am not sure it will be built.
In my opinion, The only way it will be built is from fear, paul elios fear...the money stops, paul elio makes a vehicle..or he doesn't..simple as that.
You scare me a little........thinking I may unknowingly cross your path at a future Elio Rally. I'll only know it's you if I see three people get into or out of an Elio. Sitting around a bonfire singing Kumbaya Elio lyrics and discussing old Elio forum posts. How fun was that! I don't think a little positivity is asking for much. Try it you'll like it. Feels good to be part of the Elio Team. The worst case scenario........your predictions come true and I sense you may actually get some pleasure out of that. I think Elio is good to go for now.........it's like a runaway train barreling down the track with a transport carload of Elios being delivered to my hometown ETA Q4 2015.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Okay, then that just leaves 89% sweat equity to go!


Just in time inventory has come a long way in the last 20 years that's for sure, but it's also true that just like the brewing industry there is
a great deal of "excess capacity" out there not to mention idle manufacturing capability. Elio can go a long way toward curing both of those ills......................


Keith Stone

Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Why are you so afraid keith? false confidence.? I will not try to build up your self esteem and convince you that we all so positive this will even be built..I have followed it for almost a year, I am not sure it will be built.
In my opinion, The only way it will be built is from fear, paul elios fear...the money stops, paul elio makes a vehicle..or he doesn't..simple as that.
I am not sure of what to be afraid about??.. I totally understand their is a small possibility I may never get an elio, but I like the idea and believe I will, I am totally ok putting money down on something like elio even if it fails, I will support them until they fail or succeed. If you don't have a positive attitude towards elio, talk about something else.
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