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Where Do You Stand Now?


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Losing something infers you had it at one time. Sniping things has a single effect, you kill it.
An original Elio fan having one of the earliest $1000 all in reservations.............actually HAS confidence and it's understandable to LOSE a little of that confidence based on Elio quotes and progress............not Speculation. There is no engine and or E Series Prototypes to date. I too will be watching Technosports Creative closely for that scheduled Aug/Sept build to start on time. I have every reason to believe it will happen.


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
An original Elio fan having one of the earliest $1000 all in reservations. I too will be watching Technosports Creative closely for that scheduled Aug/Sept build to start on time. I have every reason to believe it will happen.
I will be watching too. If we could patent and sell the idea of "simply doing what we say we're going to do" we'd make a million. As a general rule I'll give you three chances to achieve the above claims after that I'm not responsible. LOL Ok maybe in this case, I'll give him 5 chances because America needs this as proof the cronies aren't the only ones running the country. If politics somehow squeezes him out then America if finished as the country so few of us still recognize. As an example how many folks know who really designed the The Volkswagen. His name was Josef Gantz and Hitler ran him off and gave the plans to Porsche. I hope the same thing doesn't happen with Obama. LOL



Elio Addict
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you Jeff. But You're missing my point completely. I'm going to say this one more time. Compared to Autos, Motor cycles and light aircraft are guaranteed to place hair teeth and eyes all over the landscape not matter how safe or well trained. Both have a reputation that far exceeds the dangers of automobiles or trikes. My comments are more of a spoof and kidding Karl as he so describes becoming one with his bike. I can't help seeing Wily e Coyote becoming one with his bike then no longer feeling his bike underneath him any longer and sure enough. He looks down and his bike is no longer with him he's going to now negotiate 1000 foot drop into the canyon. LOL I always thought prosthetic was the descriptor for what Wile e coyote needed after not during his flights. LOL

Uh, this is ridiculous. By your argument, every motorcycle rider eventually dies riding a motorcycle. Do you realize how utterly silly your claim is and so detached from reality?

Jim and John covered this really well already--but, my mere 22 years of riding (never had a lesson except for what friends have shown me and I learned) has resulted in zero limbs broken. You can not be complacent on a motorcycle and 'zone out' as most of us do driving our cages. A little healthy fear and respect for the imminent death that is always around ALL OF US as we drive along--both car drivers and motorcycle riders--goes a long way toward sharpening the senses and yielding space when needed ;) And, good riders learn to *see the hole* and not get tunnel vision *on the obstacle*...that's the other key to survival and fun on a bike.

Just because you never learned to ride safely and with focus does not mean others haven't.

Anywho, I agree with other posters that the Elio is far more cage than bike. I am sure I will love it madly, but it'll be no corner carving, self-extension of your body, for sure.

Edits: rrhghhh..keep missing words when editing.


Elio Addict
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
An original Elio fan having one of the earliest $1000 all in reservations.............actually HAS confidence and it's understandable to LOSE a little of that confidence based on Elio quotes and progress............not Speculation. There is no engine and or E Series Prototypes to date. I too will be watching Technosports Creative closely for that scheduled Aug/Sept build to start on time. I have every reason to believe it will happen.
The EM rep in Columbus said the block and the head are finished, if this helps.


Elio Addict
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
I am 'loosing confidence' in Elio Motors' ability to project and keep to a timeline/schedule. When a major international 'Engine Design Company' like IAV takes 1-2 years to 're-design' an existing 3-cylinder engine, and 'modernize' it with EXISTING TECHNOLOGY.... and STILL has not demonstrated a RUNNING ENGINE. When EM shifts their Production Date from, Jun/Jul 2014... to Dec 2014... early 2015.... 1st Qtr 2015.... then 3rd Qtr 2015... and 'blames' it on the "Lawyers" and "Plant Problems".

What 'really' matters is the "Pre-Production" prototype..... that has ALL the major components (ENGINE, drivetrain, frame, electronics, safety features, etc.) of the 'finished' vehicle. P5 or "E" Series..... Elio Motors is NOT THERE YET! Just this past week Paul Elio said;

“The next phase of the project is to create 25 prototypes for physical testing to validate the extensive simulations completed so far.” (– http://gas2.org/2014/07/04/elio-moto...aul-elio-part/ --)

And according to Technosports Creative; the next prototype will not BEGIN construction until Aug/Sep. About "firmly grounded in reality"; not a lot of time to accomplish all this, and 'finalize' their "Pre-Production" design. Especially when Elio Motors has 'claimed' in the past:

“Founder Paul Elio told Red River Radio that 25 prototypes are under construction in Detroit as the company enters into the product testing phase. “

I will start to 'regain confidence'..... when I actually SEE the "E" Series vehicles being BUILT and TESTED!
The EM rep in Columbus said the block and the head are finished, if this helps.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
The EM rep in Columbus said the block and the head are finished, if this helps.
That's good news. I'm ok with Elio's progress and find the delays to date understandable. I also understand why some lose confidence based on Paul Elio quotes on prototypes that didn't materialize as promised. I'm in no hurry on a production vehicle and want an Elio that isn't going to be plagued with recalls and or warranty work. Take the time to do it right out of the gate..........good business.


Elio Addict
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Memphis TN
Uh, this is ridiculous. By your argument, every motorcycle rider eventually dies riding a motorcycle. Do you realize how utterly silly your claim is and so detached from reality?

Just because you never learned to ride safely and with focus does not mean others haven't.

Anywho, I agree with other posters that the Elio is far more cage than bike. I am sure I will love it madly, but it'll be no corner carving, self-extension of your body, for sure.

Edits: rrhghhh..keep missing words when editing.
I would impart this wisdom to you if you would so incline your ears. I never implied in the slightest that we're all going to die who riding motorcycles. Calm down and you'll see I said nothing like that. I simply said that there are many of cyclist out there far superior to both yours and my skills who have been reduced to that irritating clicking noise on some simi trucker's tire. Sing the following song with me. "many brave men are asleep in the deep" lol
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