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2017 Production A Long Shot...


Elio Addict
May 29, 2015
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The story of Preston Tucker sounds a lot like Paul Elio for sure, but I hope the ending is different. It is sad to listen to Glenn discuss how the inventors and innovators are held back by the entrenched ideas and regulation. It may be that money and time are the major requirements to implement any new technology. We definitely need a lot more people like Preston and Paul. We could also have more innovative ways to dispose of waste, generate electricity, clean use of oil and gas, better homes to live in and many other technology that will make our lives better. I am not one who believes that technology will save the planet, but we are way ahead of the dirty air that existed in London and hundreds of other cities 100 years ago due to the open burning of coal in every home, and the outside open sewers. I am 100% convinced though that we could do a lot better with the technology than without. Clean burning ICE cars are still viable and economical. Electricity generation is still expensive and not entirely without its pollution. I hope it gets better. 80+ MPG in a full enclosure is nothing to scoff at. Paul would probably put 4 wheels on it if regulations were not quite as stifling. 3 wheels should be the faster way to production. I dislike the heavy weight of regulation by officials who are not experts in the field, but only experts in regulation. Henry Ford, Orville and Wilber Wright, and a bunch of others would never have made it in todays system. Hard to say what will happen in the next few years, will they drain the swamp, will there be less regulation, more jobs, cleaner air and environment, more tolerance, safer world, a Rocket Silver Elio in my driveway. I can only hope, but I really want my Elio.

Go Paul.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. That was well said!


Elio Addict
Feb 6, 2015
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Annapolis, MD
...to say what will happen in the next few years, will they drain the swamp, will there be less regulation, more jobs, cleaner air and environment, more tolerance, safer world, a Rocket Silver Elio in my driveway. I can only hope, but I really want my Elio.

Go Paul.
I don't think we'll see a world where less regulation leads to cleaner air/environment. The two are mutually exclusive.

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Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
I suggest everyone here go to Shanghai China. If you like your eyes to have a slight burning sense all of the time, one clear day a month, when it rains it doesn't have a slight burning feel to it, rivers that run orange and smell like sewage, then we need to get rid of all of those regulations.

There are times you have to be careful for what you ask for. Its a balance. Remember, Elio developed his business due to the rules and regulations that were presented to him many years ago. Flushing that down the toilet today just to get a car in your hands is a double standard.


Elio Addict
Feb 6, 2015
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD

I disagree for a few reasons.

A 'person' may do what's right. A board of directors generally won't.

Also, your statement that we have to follow rules set by people no smarter than us is flawed. We should be electing people smarter than us, and they should be listening to experts who are smarter than them.

However, it seems that as of late, anyone who seems to be more intelligent is labeled an "elitist" and we are told not to listen to them because they have some kind of agenda. And people are stupid enough to believe this.

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Elio Addict
Feb 6, 2015
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Annapolis, MD
Don't get me wrong... there are regulations that I don't like. For instance: I am currently opening a brewery. I cannot open one in the county where I live because you have to be 1,000 feet away from a church or school. There is nowhere to open a brewery around here that meets such criteria.

Most churches wouldn't care if a brewery was close by. Also, I don't really care what any church thinks. However, it affects my life and livelihood.

Schools I can almost understand... however, they don't seem to have a problem building new schools within 1,000 feet of breweries and bars, and there is nothing stopping them from doing so. So, clearly they aren't worried about the students.

Here's a funny incident: a buddy of mine at another local brewery makes a beer with a label that features a monkey holding a banana. The Feds told them that they wouldn't approve the label because there was no banana in the beer. I would argue that there was also no monkey in the beer... however, their solution was to add bananas to the recipe. So, maybe you could argue that the regulations actually sparked creativity!

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Elio Addict
Jul 13, 2016
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Provo, Utah
I apologise for my post and have deleted it. Not because I don't believe that people can do the right thing and that regulation is not useful. I just don't think this discussion needs to be pursued here. Paul is trying to do the right thing "inside" of the regulations and provide more than what the regulations mandate. Safer than a motorcycle, more efficient than a car, more environmentally friendly than either.

Go Elio
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