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Air Conditioning / Heating / Air Filtration


Elio Addict
Sep 1, 2014
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Shelton, Connecticut
I have the two cabin air filter elements for my Mazda3 sitting right in front of me. The filtration media is similar to the paper used in many engine air filter elements, but the pores are larger. Basically, they will keep the big chunks out, but won't do a thing for vapors or even small particulates.

This is just one data point from a vehicle costing 3X the Elio target price.


Elio Addict
Jun 24, 2014
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Sunny Brandon Florida
Most modern A/C units automatically shutoff outside air intake when turned on then recirculate the cabin air for cooling. It's when the A/C is turned off that it lets in outside air so that is the point you would want filtering. I will probably be using the A/C year round where I live.

Sunny and hot Brandon, FL


Elio Addict
Jul 24, 2014
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Pacific, MO
On my 24 mile commute to work I have to drive through Commerce City and right by a gasoline refinery plant (the only one in the Rocky Mountain region I believe). Anyway I ALWAYS run my cars ventilation system on "Max" Air Conditioning when driving through that area as it automatically recirculates the air inside the car. I do hope it will be the same with the Elio.

Might be the same plant/refinery I saw blow up like 'Fat Man' back in like '78 ish. BIG fiery mushroom cloud, and about 20 seconds later the windows damn near blew out of the house :eek: .

I just know for the first couple of months, I'll be taking the scenic routes home. Lots of twisty hilly roads, with some great vistas of the bottoms (Easy now...I'm talking about the Missouri and Mississippi River bottoms ;)). Windows down (weather permitting) and hanging both arms out the windows. When the 'newness' wears off a little, I'll be back on the interstates with the rest of the lemings...windows up, A/C or heat on, shooting for max. mpg.


Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
After an evening of shopping last week, my wife and I stopped at a local Sonic for ice cream. I rolled down my window and was struck by an incredibly powerful odor of petroleum solvents. The atmosphere seemed to be nearly explosive, so we left without even ordering - eyes watering and nearly choking. Two or three times in the last few days I've driven by that intersection and I still smell that powerful odor. There is a Exxon station across the street, but that doesn't seem to be the source. There is also a major bayou that runs past the Sonic property, and I expect some private company has been dumping waste solvent into it upstream or possibly into the storm sewers in the area - that dump into the bayou. So far at least, the nicely landscaped waterway hasn't shown any signs of die-off of the vegetation along its banks, but there is something seriously wrong here. Fortunately the contaminated area only extends for about a block in any direction, depending on the wind. Closing the windows, shutting off the AC, nothing helps.

Because the standard air filtration system in our old van does nothing to remove the noxious fumes, I may look into a DIY solution for a charcoal filter replacement. If it helps - even a little bit, I'm going to do the same for my Elio. Even running the HVAC on "recirculate" doesn't help at these concentrations because most cars these days don't simply recirculate cabin air, but take a fair amount of "make up air" from the environment to help exhaust air from the cabin through vents usually located in the door frames or posts. A little "skunk" goes a LONG way.


Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
As to the relative efficiency of AC versus open windows, it probably depends on speed, temperature, and humidity. Recently Mythbusters aired an episode in which two SUVs were driven at a constant 45 MPH on a closed course - and the one with the AC off and windows open won by a fair amount. Sadly, test was unrealistic and deeply flawed with several parameters of the test designed to skew the results as far apart as possible. Were the comparison conducted at highway speeds with cars more representative of the aerodynamics of the average automobile (rather than bricks), there might be some validity in their claim that nature is best.

I know that on a long run on the interstate, my Opel used to get about 5% to 7% better mileage with the AC off (in winter) at a fairly constant 70 mph with light winds and little traffic. Now my Rallye model was pretty aerodynamic for an early 70's car, and had a low-compression 1900cc engine that delivered 90 hp. With a stiffened suspension and a slightly lower-ratio rear end, it was fairly quick off the line for its day, but paid a small mileage penalty on the highway. With that small engine, when you turned on the (aftermarket) AC, you felt like you'd hit a wall. You did - to the tune of about 3 mpg. Sadly, with two tiny round vents in the dash, outside air circulation was minimal. Yeah, that GM Harrison AC accessory worked well, and was a must on just about any of their cars sold in the US. I don't know how we ever survived without air conditioning - but we did. :)


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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Most modern A/C units automatically shutoff outside air intake when turned on then recirculate the cabin air for cooling. It's when the A/C is turned off that it lets in outside air so that is the point you would want filtering. I will probably be using the A/C year round where I live.

I live in AZ with about 7% humidity most of the time. At one point I did some travel work in FL in Nov/Dec at maybe 70% humidity. I was in a sweat all the time, even with the AC on! Felt like living in a fish tank.

You and I, we'll both run AC from mid April until Mid October. Then I get a break. Not so sure you get any!

In my PriusC, I lose about 1-2MPG with AC on. But on AC I lose some of those opportunities to accelerate and compete for my 'spot'.


Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
We run the AC almost year 'round here in the Texas Tropics - in winter we mix chilled air with the heat to hold down the humidity and resulting condensate on the inside of the windows. Many luxury cars do this automatically to keep minimal moisture available to condense on the windows. After several minutes of operation, it's more effective than the defrosters.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
I will probably be using the A/C year round where I live.

Sunny and hot Brandon, FL

as do we .... it has been years since I rode around in a vehicle with the windows down .... I have little interest in road noise, wind blowing dust into the cab, and fumes from local traffic

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