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Anyone Else Think It Wont Happen?


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
I have fords 2014 racing catalog right here, all aluminum blocks are thin walled pressed in iron liners. this has worked for many years.
Plated bores somtimes work and somtimes not.
My hope is elio al least prototypes one iron sleave.
Racing catalog? That sounds like apples and oranges. How can you possibly compare an Elio with a racing performance vehicle? They are not quite two different species but almost. LOL :-) Z


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
Reaction score
I have fords 2014 racing catalog right here, all aluminum blocks are thin walled pressed in iron liners. this has worked for many years.
Plated bores somtimes work and somtimes not.
My hope is elio al least prototypes one iron sleave.
Make it easy on yourself and wait until EM comes up with their pre production Elio w/ the brand new engine and their test results! Then you can ask all you want, doubt all you want and then DON'T buy it IF YOU DON'T WANT! It's really that simple. Everybody knows that! (commercial) Lol. I decided to MAKE A NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT AND ASK LATER! If this project is realized, I got me a cool 3 wheeler and I helped create jobs here in our own soil! ;)


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
Reaction score
For $6800. it worries me !

For $9999.00 I would be willing to put down 50% !

For $15,000. I would make three payments of $5000.00 each ! deposit, when my number came up for manufacture, balance COD before it leaves the factory !!

As I have said many times, I have been involved with three wheelers for over 20 years.

Mike Corbin had the SAME VISION as Paul Elio, if you find an old brochures they speak identical language about commuters in big SUV's , etc. CorbinMotors made 275 Sparrows, and had the battery technology been ready the idea was awesome !

three wheels
one door

at THAT TIME, California was pushing automobile manufactures they had to have a percentage of their product sold in California to be HOV Capable. So the "plan" was someone (GM, Ford, etc) would buy up Corbin and the Sparrow would fill that requirement. The stock would make all of us RICH !

Now I live in the Caribbean, driving on narrow roads on the left side, and the center position of the Elio will be perfect. I have Grinnall Scorpion three wheeler here with a 135 HP BMW engine, it is flawless…

there is NO WAY they can get mass production up fast enough to overcome the individual production costs of the first few thousand units !

the concept is PERFECT !

the TIMING is right on !

the technology plans concern me, I would rather have a choice of a bare-bones KISS for $6800. (simple semi-enclosed motorcycle) with an option to upgrade on "stuff", such as a/c, airbags, ABS, etc ...

motorcycles do NOT have a/c, heat, airbags, etc etc etc

look at the Can Am Spyder, which (to my surprise) has made it, and now are upwards of $25,000. !!

I expect next year there will be announcements that the price has been increased to $15,000 and they have already calculated the percentage of people who will bitch but keep in , those who will walk away and lose their deposits, and then those who will jump in immediately to take over those deposit positions at the new increased price !

Look at TESLA !! The new Model S !! those prices are constantly moving !

just look at the Yamaha TW200 Motorcycle, which has been in production since 1987 ! it is the PERFECT simple motorcycle concept, and the difference between $5000. to $6800. , this is the most popular motorcycle in the Caribbean ...

18 HP ?
two wheels
current list price about $5000. !!

fully enclosed a/c airbags, etc Elio for another $1800. ????

not possible, UNLESS ….90% is manufactured in CHINA, and simple robotics assembly down in Louisiana !!

the average NEW Harley leaves the shop with an additional $3500. in accessories put right on ! Those "accessories" are


would anyone really care if the parts were made in China ??

Paul Elio is NOT STUPID ! He has a PLAN, it has gotten him this far ! I truly believe this three wheeled motorcycle will be manufactured !


The rest of the story lies from your last post " You don't know anything about anything"! So why don't you take it easy on yourself and wait until EM comes up with their pre production Elio w/ the brand new engine and their test results and like I said to the other poster here, then you can ask all you want, doubt all you want and then DON'T BUY IT IF YOU DON'T WANT! It's really that simple! Why waste your breath asking all these questions? We are not EM!!! Lol. ;)


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
:rolleyes: You won't get the 50% bonus anymore anyway so just wait till you see enough proof then jump. Or not. :D

from the charts of monthly reservations, its clear that the 50% bonus played a big part in pulling folks off of the fence .... I'm sure that there are many more folks on the fence for whom that bonus wasn't sufficient motivation .... getting the test results on the motor, crash protection, and such will provide many with the impetus needed to get off of the fence .... I also believe that there is a considerable pool of folks out there who are interested but who (for whatever reason) don't want one until later in 2016



Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Why waste your breath asking all these questions? We are not EM!!! Lol. ;)

really, questions generate discussion and discussion is the lifeblood of a forum like this .... folks come here looking for info and assistance on matters that concern them .... granted for some of the questions, nobody here knows the answers .... I've been impressed with the way so many members keep up with info that has been released and are able to use it to answer questions on many points .... personally, I hope the questions keep coming



Elio Addict
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
One of the most interesting aspects of these forums is the constant reminder that no one is simple. Every one of us has a slightly different 'take' or mix of 'takes' on why he/she did/did not or will/will not put down money on this bet we call the Elio. Until I have title to one it won't be genuinely real to me, for example, whereas there are others who seem to be utterly convinced that it will come to pass. Harlan is right - there is little hard info. Where it gets interesting is in how two people can look at the same info and come to quite different conclusions.

Back in 2001 Wall Street was totally in love with the concept of the internet. Yahoo and AOL were the heavyweights and most rag sheets were pumping them as the coming profit engines. Google had, at that time, fewer than 50 employees. Now, in 2014, Google posted profits of 14.9 $bn, which probably exceeds the market caps of Yahoo and AOL combined. The message? In 2001 everyone had access to the same info but those who were skeptical of Google's model lost their shirts.

So should I pump Elio? Nope. I in fact share some of Harlan's reservations. But I'm not as familiar with the landscape of three wheelers as he is (I'm being serious here - this is not a dig), and so I look at what Elio proposes to do and has done and I see a core of workability, stripped of past history. Solid design with flexibility for adaptation in the face of unanticipated challenges? Check. Zero technological hurdles by using off the shelf components? Check. Good business model? Check. Good supply chain? Check. Savvy, experienced, and legitimate board? Check. The only downchecks I see are this religious adherence to first principles (it'll be 84 mpg, top speed 100 mph, and $6800), which some view as a positive and I view as slightly worrisome, and the lack of an evident and workable capitalization plan, which I have myself criticized.

Based on this viewpoint I see the odds of Elio getting enough momentum to produce 10,000 or so Elio's as in the range of 3:1, which makes betting $1000 bucks to 'win' $500 about right. Harlan is taking that bet (or I think he is). No need to kill the messenger and Harlan makes legitimate points. The bigger questions are (1) will Elio be able to get those 10,000 units made and sold at a profit while adhering to his own vision as an apparent zealot (lots of engineers display a frustrating lack of intellectual flexibility when it comes to the non-engineering aspects of their projects), and (2) will the market eat these up, providing a path to genuine sustainability.

Sorry in advance for the long post.


Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
Reaction score
Sutherlin, OR
[/quote] The only downchecks I see are this religious adherence to first principles (it'll be 84 mpg, top speed 100 mph, and $6800), which some view as a positive and I view as slightly worrisome, and the lack of an evident and workable capitalization plan, which I have myself criticized.[/quote]

I don't see these as religious adherence so much as a dedication to the tenet that low/fixed income people, like myself, need and want an Elio. He wants to see us get them. There is no question we are in the extreme minority in the current reservation pool but Paul Elio is still saying our needs and wants still count to him. I, for one, am very, very grateful to him because moving the base price up even $1,000 will most likely eliminate me from the purchasing pool. I need a little money left over to pay for license and registration and am very grateful Oregon has no state sales tax. All of this helps me see a light at the end of the tunnel. :) Z


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
Reaction score
really, questions generate discussion and discussion is the lifeblood of a forum like this .... folks come here looking for info and assistance on matters that concern them .... granted for some of the questions, nobody here knows the answers .... I've been impressed with the way so many members keep up with info that has been released and are able to use it to answer questions on many points .... personally, I hope the questions keep coming

Nothing's wrong with discussing and or even arguing about all the info. that has been released by EM. It's another discussing what HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED! Moreover, nothing's wrong with speculating what will or won't happen...what actual price it would be, etc. etc. except that I would rather get it straight from the source! But that's just me. :D


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
I would rather get it straight from the source! But that's just me. :D

I think most folks feel that way but with the rate EM is releasing info, there wouldn't be many post and little motivation to check into the forum as often as most of us seem to enjoy

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