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Elio Crowdfunding


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
EM was acknowledged as being the fastest growing Startup Company without a product to sell and it keeps getting better and better. Keep in mind that the P5 Prototype we got so excited about this past week is a computer generated graphic. I think this second round of crowd funding investment news should have followed the successful P5 build unveil. Be careful out there.


Elio Fan
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
Bellingham, WA
Well here we go. Those of us who have talked about it, now have a chance to act. Minimum of $250 max $500,000. I signed up, just need to look at the bank accounts first:rolleyes:. Obviously since I'm a reservation holder I think it's a great investment opportunity but just not sure how much more to risk at this time :confused:. What's your thoughts?
I signed up too. Here is a chance for us to help Elio to start production and finely we can drive our Elios.

Art Vandalay

Elio Fan
Mar 4, 2015
Reaction score
Phoenix AZ
I'm in! This is not just about money. This is about changing the game. If you want to change the world, you have to start somewhere. This is about more than making a few bucks on an investment. This is about launching a company that can change the way the entire world looks at personal transportation. It's about saving energy; saving the environment; bringing mobility to those that could not otherwise afford it; creating jobs that matter; making our country safer and more prosperous. This is not without risk, but nothing worth doing is without risk. There is a time for discussion and a time for action. We've been discussing long enough. Lets do this: https://www.startengine.com/startup/elio-motors
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