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How Long Do I Have To Wait After Production Begins?

Rob Liszi

New Member
Sep 13, 2014
Reaction score
Monroe County MI
I am new to this blog and must say that what I am most fearful of is that the "startup" production date may be backed up again... If I recall I have read that this has happened twice already (correct me if I am wrong). So I feel that I may not see my Elio until 2016 or later (if at all for you nay-sayers).
Don't get me wrong I do wish them the best... I am really excited about the Elio and look forward to replacing my drives to and from work on the Harley to a bug free no dew on the seat drive home at 2 am. For me it is the excitement of the drive and not so much the fuel economy (but it does help) since my other ride is a four wheel drive pickup.
My belief is if they can keep the projected cost near $6800 their going to have a winner...


Elio Addict
Sep 12, 2014
Reaction score
I really hope you get your Elio in 2015. For people like me, stuck on the fence of indecision, we will have to wait far longer. My enthusiasm has waned with the current styling of the car. I just hope they make some concerted effort to tweak some past design work into the final production vehicle.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
One of our members, Macadamean, was kind enough to devote some of his time to creating an online "Elio Production Date Guesstimator" for our enjoyment:
A repeated question on the forum is "When will I have my Elio?!" A common chart is passed around, but it isn't easy for everyone to understand and doesn't have dates on it. Because of this and for your pleasure, I have created a web app to give you what you want!

If you are $1000 all-in (or merely curious) feel free to follow the link below and punch in your number. This will provide a 2 week date range for production of your Elio based on Silas Sunday's chart. Goofyone has discussed with me that this may not be an entirely accurate chart There are more details about that given on the page.

For those of you new to the Elio world (or those with ever-hopeful hearts), please remember that the Elio is in development, and the calculator is based on collected scraps of Elio statements. It is not a guaranteed date range that your Elio will be finished by. I will update the calculator as we find out more.



Elio Aficionado
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Has anyone at Elio given any estimates as to the estimated number of cars that they'll be able to build per day, once their facility is up and running next year?

I'm just trying to figure out when I might get my car (I'm in the 8200 range for my spot in line)....


New Member
Oct 2, 2014
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North Augusta, SC
I had read somewhere on G+ and I actually asked it, so far, they have over 10,000 -- $1000 All-ins. I know that they will not start working on the lesser amount reservations until all the $1000 reservations are complete. Is there anyway to find out how much production time will be for the $1000 reservations are done and then move on to the next set of reservations? The reason why I ask is that I did the $100 reservation and I did not and will not get a reservation number until my group has their turn.


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
I had read somewhere on G+ and I actually asked it, so far, they have over 10,000 -- $1000 All-ins. I know that they will not start working on the lesser amount reservations until all the $1000 reservations are complete. Is there anyway to find out how much production time will be for the $1000 reservations are done and then move on to the next set of reservations? The reason why I ask is that I did the $100 reservation and I did not and will not get a reservation number until my group has their turn.

They (Elio motors) says that ALL of the reservations will be filled within the 1st production year. So that means everyone should get their cars within 12 months of the start of production which is slated to be 9.2015. Since you're all in, that will get you your car before the want-in reservations. So a wild guess would be summer of 2016 for you.

Welcome to the forum! Part of me hopes that you don't get sucked in like some of us on here. It can be time consuming! But most of me hopes you'll jump all in.
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Welcome Para, And thank you for being you and reading the legal documents. TOO many people don't or don't understand it once if they really read it, lol. 7-7-14 I put a hundred dollar deposit down for my daughter to get an elio. So you and she will will in the same bunch. This being my third reservation I read it all three times, lol. Welcome to the best elio forum. We have lots of fun here.
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