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Investor Opportunity: A Message From Paul Elio


Elio Addict
Sep 5, 2014
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SLC, Utah
Hey all just got back yesterday, from my quick trip to Minnesota, to find the letter from Paul asking me to be an investor. While I have said I'd love to put my money where my mouth is, I find We are not qualified to do so. We don't have a million dollars In assets or make $300,000 a year.
Sorry Paul but you should have made it a little easier to invest. When your trying to sell a car to the masses for $6,800 you should have taken that into consideration when trying to finance the company. How many of your reservation holders do you think are qualified to invest $15,000 or more in the company? Not to many I'd guess! So while I do have some investment money waiting for a solid lead to invest in, it won't be EM and Not because we don't believe in Paul or the company but we just don't qualfiy!:(;)
Paul didn't set those minimum standards for an "Accredited Investor." Those standards are required by the federal government. I met with my stock broker this morning and we spoke about it. I sent him the Elio offer for him to look over for a couple of days. Apparently, risky investments like this are only allowed for investors that meet these minimum financial qualifications. I guess they're trying to protect those of us that could end up in to poor house from too much risk. These rules came about after the tanking that we all took during the Bush years... probably a good thing. I just hope it helps us get to our Elios!


Elio Addict
Apr 12, 2014
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KSLA 12 News video

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John Painter

Elio Addict
Sep 16, 2014
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Lewiston, Maine
So, my son just let me know I had a message on the answering machine from Congressman Poliquin's office. His staffers called to let me know Bruce was interested in my letter to him about Elio Motor's application for the ATVM loan program and wanted to hear more about my thoughts on the matter.

So... fellow Elioians (sp?) are there any particular talking points that a majority of you think I should share? I will keep notes of any questions, concerns or positive strokes for EM Bruce's staffers share with me, and post back here. Let me know.

I also sent sent similar letters to both Susan Collins and Angus King's offices as well, only Angus King's office so far has acknowledged receiving my letter. :(
No real "news" just regular constituent schmoozing. The staffer I spoke with "Branden" (very nice) informed me that they are collecting information for a report on the DOE, but did not elaborate on the nature of that report - that's worth keeping an eye out for. It was not clear if them getting in contact with me was a regular response to constituent communication, or what I think more likely, my letter just happened to fit in with something the Congressman was already doing and they wanted constituent sound bites.

I was able to explain my support for Elio Motors receiving an ATVM loan, based on how EM would help my transportation needs. I brought up Sen. Vitter's bill and he did say they expected a parallel bill in the House, so that's worth keeping an eye out for. I let him know I strongly support Elio Motors and am available for any questions or comments they might have. Branden said they may get in touch in the near future with more questions - we'll see.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
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Paul didn't set those minimum standards for an "Accredited Investor." Those standards are required by the federal government. I met with my stock broker this morning and we spoke about it. I sent him the Elio offer for him to look over for a couple of days. Apparently, risky investments like this are only allowed for investors that meet these minimum financial qualifications. I guess they're trying to protect those of us that could end up in to poor house from too much risk. These rules came about after the tanking that we all took during the Bush years... probably a good thing. I just hope it helps us get to our Elios!
I realize it was not Paul but the Feds. However the #1 rule of investing is, never invest money you can't afford to lose. I don't need the govt telling me what I can afford to lose, I already know! There are other options Paul could have taken to include the smaller investor, ( see the thread on financing EM, lots of ideas) He opted not to use them at this time.;)


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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So, my son just let me know I had a message on the answering machine from Congressman Poliquin's office. His staffers called to let me know Bruce was interested in my letter to him about Elio Motor's application for the ATVM loan program and wanted to hear more about my thoughts on the matter.

So... fellow Elioians (sp?) are there any particular talking points that a majority of you think I should share? I will keep notes of any questions, concerns or positive strokes for EM Bruce's staffers share with me, and post back here. Let me know.

I also sent sent similar letters to both Susan Collins and Angus King's offices as well, only Angus King's office so far has acknowledged receiving my letter. :(
That sounds like it was effective. Can you send your original letter to me? I'll plagiarize it like crazy and send it to my own reps.

You know enough to carry the ball I believe. Just cover the basic benefits. Also cover things that answer these;

Benefit to each owner
- people going back to work
- trying to survive in a costly world
- being responsible in a carbon dense world

Benefits to the USA
- hedge as an automatic control of oil prices
( the higher the price of oil, the more who buy Elio, or current owners just drive it more )
(notice how 'oil' is opposite from e-'lio' ? )
- reduction of oil consumption overall
- bringing back manufacturing

Public interest
- unknown popularity until now, 40k reservations
- easy on roadways and parking space
- in some cases paid for by fuel savings alone


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Easthampton, MA
That sounds like it was effective. Can you send your original letter to me? I'll plagiarize it like crazy and send it to my own reps.

You know enough to carry the ball I believe. Just cover the basic benefits. Also cover things that answer these;

Benefit to each owner
- people going back to work
- trying to survive in a costly world
- being responsible in a carbon dense world

Benefits to the USA
- hedge as an automatic control of oil prices
( the higher the price of oil, the more who buy Elio, or current owners just drive it more )
(notice how 'oil' is opposite from e-'lio' ? )
- reduction of oil consumption overall
- bringing back manufacturing

Public interest
- unknown popularity until now, 40k reservations
- easy on roadways and parking space
- in some cases paid for by fuel savings alone
Good points. I'd like to add another that I think was brought up by another poster awhile ago in a different thread. Elio could provide large savings for government fleet vehicles. Maybe not all, but many municipal and state govt. vehicles are meant for only one passenger. In our enviro-conscious corner of the world, many of these vehicles are $20k+ hybrids doing the job, depending on options, 2-3 Elios could be had for the same cost and about the same city mpg.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Paul didn't set those minimum standards for an "Accredited Investor." Those standards are required by the federal government. I met with my stock broker this morning and we spoke about it. I sent him the Elio offer for him to look over for a couple of days. Apparently, risky investments like this are only allowed for investors that meet these minimum financial qualifications. I guess they're trying to protect those of us that could end up in to poor house from too much risk. These rules came about after the tanking that we all took during the Bush years... probably a good thing. I just hope it helps us get to our Elios!
What's sad is the guy that would throw money at this risky Elio Motors venture capital opportunity. Thankfully, the the government regulation is in place to protect their interests.
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